
211 lines
9.2 KiB
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2022-08-09 00:17:15 +02:00
# Important: ~/.config/shell/ loads all git aliases with
# less than 7 characters into the shell's "namespace" with a "g" prefix
# Example: git add <=> git a <=> ga
a = add
ap = add --patch
bi = bisect
br = branch
bra = branch --all
brd = branch --delete
brdd = branch --delete --force
brm = branch --move
cf = cat-file
ci = commit
cim = commit --message
cl = clone
checkout-all = "!f() { for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v '\\->'); do git branch --track ${branch#origin/} $branch; done; git fetch --all; }; f"
2022-08-09 00:17:15 +02:00
co = checkout
coa = checkout-all
2022-08-09 00:17:15 +02:00
cob = checkout -b
cod = checkout develop
com = checkout master
cp = cherry-pick
de = describe --tags
df = diff
fe = fetch
lg = log
lga = log --all
mb = merge-base
me = merge
mea = merge --abort
mec = merge --continue
mefeat = "!f() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Must specify a branch to merge in"; exit 1; fi; git check-pull; if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "$1 must be rebased first"; exit 1; fi; cb=$(git current-branch) && printf '# SUBJECT\n# =======\n# - what does the commit do\n# - capitalize the first word and use the\n# imperative mood (e.g. "Add" vs "Adds")\n# - do not end the line with a period\n# - start with "Fix" for any hotfixes\n# ========= 50 characters / 1 line ============= |\nMerge in \"%s\"\n# ============================================== |\n\n\n# BODY (optional)\n# ===============\n# - explain what the commit does, why it does it, and how\n# - do not format the text (e.g., Markdown or reStructuredText)\n# - use multiple lines starting with "-" as bullet points\n# - link to external resources for even more context where appropriate\n# ========= 72 characters / multiple lines (and paragraphs) ========== |\nMerge branch \"%s\" into \"%s\"\n\nSummary of the merged in commits:\n' $1 $1 $cb > .merge_msg.txt.tmp && git log --format=format:' * %h: %s' $cb..$1 >> .merge_msg.txt.tmp && printf '\n\n\n# ==================================================================== |\n\n\n# GITHUB ISSUE (optional)\n# =======================\n# - uncomment and adapt one of the lines below\n# - use the "closes" keyword if applicable\n# (see\n#\n# Related GitHub issue: #21\n# This commit closes #42 on the GitHub issue tracker\n\n\n#\n# END\n#\n' >> .merge_msg.txt.tmp && git merge --no-ff --no-commit $1 && SKIP=no-commit-to-branch git commit --edit --file=.merge_msg.txt.tmp; rm -f .merge_msg.txt.tmp; }; f"
meff = merge --ff-only
menoff = merge --no-ff
pl = pull
plrb = pull --rebase
ps = push
psf = push --force
rb = rebase --committer-date-is-author-date
rba = rebase --abort
rbc = rebase --continue
rbi = rebase --interactive
rbq = rebase --quit
rbs = rebase --skip
rl = reflog
rm = rm # To make it available as the grm alias
rp = rev-parse
rs = reset
rv = revert
s = status
ss = status --short
sh = show
st = stash
sta = stash push --include-untracked # push does not go into the shortcut!
stam = stash push --include-untracked --message
stapp = stash apply
stl = stash list
stp = stash pop
stsh = stash show
# Provide an overview of all aliases. Second one is for use in ~/.bashrc
aliases = config --get-regexp 'alias.*'
internal-aliases = !git config --list | grep 'alias\\.' | sed 's/alias\\.\\([^=]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1/' | sort
# Provide synonyms as "specified" in the git status header
discard = checkout --
unstage = reset HEAD --
# Common tasks with tedious or non-intuitive flags
amend-commit = !git log -n 1 --pretty=tformat:%B | git commit -F - --amend # Keep the commit message
check-pull = "!f() { git fetch; upstream=${1:-'@{u}'}; local=$(git rev-parse @); remote=$(git rev-parse "$upstream"); base=$(git merge-base @ "$upstream"); if [ $local = $remote ]; then echo "Up-to-date"; exit 0; elif [ $local = $base ]; then echo "Local branch is behind upstream"; elif [ $remote = $base ]; then echo "Local branch is ahead of upstream"; else echo "Local and remote branches diverged"; fi; exit 1; }; f"
current-branch = !git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
project-root = rev-parse --show-toplevel
uncommit = reset --soft HEAD~1
# Sync the working directory into the index
rm-deleted = !git ls-files -z --deleted | xargs -r -0 git rm
sync-pwd-to-index = !git rm-deleted && git add . --all
sy = !git sync-pwd-to-index
# Make minimal diff the default
diff-minimal = diff --color-words=. --ws-error-highlight=all
d = diff --color-words=. --ws-error-highlight=all
dlc = diff --color-words=. --ws-error-highlight=all HEAD
ds = diff --color-words=. --ws-error-highlight=all --staged
# Clean the project folder with intuitive commands
# Always keep the .python-version file, which is also often in ~.gitignore
clean-all = !git reset --hard && git clean-ignored && git clean-untracked
clean-ignored = "!f() { if [ -f .python-version ]; then mv .python-version .python-version.XYZ; fi; if [ -f .env ]; then mv .env .env.XYZ; fi; git clean -X -d -f "$@"; if [ -f .python-version.XYZ ]; then mv .python-version.XYZ .python-version; fi; if [ -f .env.XYZ ]; then mv .env.XYZ .env; fi }; f"
clean-untracked = !git clean -x -d -e ".python-version" -e ".env" -f # The -e flag does not work with -X
# Delete everything not reachable from a branch from the repository
gc-everything = "!f() { git -c gc.reflogExpire=0 -c gc.reflogExpireUnreachable=0 -c gc.rerereresolved=0 -c gc.rerereunresolved=0 -c gc.pruneExpire=now gc "$@"; }; f"
# Make the logs look nice by default
last-commit = log --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%d%Creset%n%C(dim)%aN @ %ad => %ar%n%+b' --date=format:'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' -1 -p --stat
lc = log --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%d%Creset%n%C(dim)%aN @ %ad => %ar%n%+b' --date=format:'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' -1 -p --stat
history = log --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%d%Creset%n%C(dim)%aN @ %ad => %ar%n%+b' --date=format:'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' --graph
hi = log --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%d%Creset%n%C(dim)%aN @ %ad => %ar%n%+b' --date=format:'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' --graph
hia = log --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%d%Creset%n%C(dim)%aN @ %ad => %ar%n%+b' --date=format:'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' --graph --all
summary = log --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%d%Creset%n%C(dim)%an @ %ad => %ar%n' --date=format:'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' --graph
su = log --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%d%Creset%n%C(dim)%an @ %ad => %ar%n' --date=format:'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' --graph
sua = log --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%d%Creset%n%C(dim)%an @ %ad => %ar%n' --date=format:'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' --graph --all
oneline = log --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%d' --graph
ol = log --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%d' --graph
ola = log --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%d' --graph --all
# Search the repository
grep-code = grep --break --context 1 --full-name --heading --line-number --show-function
grepc = grep --break --context 1 --full-name --heading --line-number --show-function
grep-log = log --all --regexp-ignore-case --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%+D%Creset%n%C(reverse)%C(dim)%aN @ %ad = %ar%Creset%n%+b' --date=format:'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' --grep
grepl = log --all --regexp-ignore-case --pretty='%C(auto)%h: %s%+D%Creset%n%C(reverse)%C(dim)%aN @ %ad = %ar%Creset%n%+b' --date=format:'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' --grep
grep-text = grep --break --context 1 --full-name --heading --ignore-case --line-number
grept = grep --break --context 1 --full-name --heading --ignore-case --line-number
# Push current branch to origin
push-to-origin = "!f(){ git push --set-upstream origin $(git current-branch) "$@"; }; f"
pso = "!f(){ git push --set-upstream origin $(git current-branch) "$@"; }; f"
requireforce = true
[color "branch"]
current = cyan dim bold reverse
local = green bold
remote = red bold
[color "decorate"]
HEAD = cyan dim bold reverse
branch = green bold
remoteBranch = red bold
stash = magenta dim bold reverse
tag = magenta bold
[color "diff"]
context = white
frag = blue dim bold reverse
meta = yellow dim bold reverse
new = green bold
old = red bold
whitespace = red dim bold reverse
[color "grep"]
context = white
filename = yellow dim bold reverse
function = white bold
linenumber = blue dim bold reverse
match = red bold
selected = white
separator = blue dim bold reverse
[color "interactive"]
error = red dim bold reverse
header = white
help = yellow bold
prompt = white dim bold reverse
[color "status"]
added = green bold
branch = cyan dim bold reverse
changed = yellow bold
header = white
localBranch = green bold
nobranch = red dim bold reverse
remoteBranch = red bold
unmerged = yellow dim bold reverse
untracked = red bold
cleanup = strip
gpgSign = true
template = ~/.config/git/commit_msg_template.txt
verbose = true
editor = vim
excludesfile = ~/.config/git/ignore
pager = less --chop-long-lines --ignore-case --LONG-PROMPT --status-column --quit-if-one-screen
whitespace = -space-before-tab,tab-in-indent
renames = true
submodule = log
autocorrect = 50
2024-07-18 00:21:10 +02:00
defaultBranch = main
2022-08-09 00:17:15 +02:00
conflictstyle = diff3
ff = only
ff = only
rebase = true
default = upstream
recursesubmodules = check
enabled = true
[url ""]
insteadOf = bb:
[url ""]
insteadOf = gh:
[url ""]
insteadOf = gl:
name = Alexander Hess
email =
signingKey = AB5C0E319D77350FBA6CF143344EA5AB10D868E0