- move all of mackup's config files into $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mackup:
+ ~/.mackup.cfg => configs for mackup itself
+ ~/.mackup/*.cfg => custom sync rules applied by mackup
- add automatic installation of `pipx` and `mackup` during the
setup of the dotfiles
+ `pipx`'s config is moved into $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
+ `mackup`s config locations are adapted via a "little hack"
- add config file ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
(not synced by mackup)
- make Gnome's <Super>t shortcut start a new alacritty instance
- fix minor mouse issue interacting with vim
- ignore apps whose config files are in the dotfiles repo already
(see: https://gitlab.webartifex.biz/alexander/dotfiles)
- ignore ~/.password-store as it contains symlinks
- sync various (config) files that are not be public:
+ Cisco's AnyConnect
+ history files for bash, less, python, psql, tig, and zsh
+ Gnome Nautilus' bookmarks
+ SSH config