- move all of mackup's config files into $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mackup:
+ ~/.mackup.cfg => configs for mackup itself
+ ~/.mackup/*.cfg => custom sync rules applied by mackup
- add automatic installation of `pipx` and `mackup` during the
setup of the dotfiles
+ `pipx`'s config is moved into $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
+ `mackup`s config locations are adapted via a "little hack"
- use pyenv to manage the develop environments
+ install several Python versions (3.7 - 3.10 and 2.7)
+ each version receives its own copies of black, pipenv, and poetry
- add two more virtual environments based off the latest version:
+ "interactive" => default environment optimized for interactive
usage with with black, bpython, and ipython
(also receives accidental `pip install`s)
+ "utils" => hosts various globally available tools/apps
(e.g., mackup and youtube-dl)
- add installation and update scripts for the entire tool chain
- set up completions for bash and zsh
- set up convenient aliases
- configure bpython
- configure poetry