-- `psql` executes the commands in this `~/.psqlrc` creating output -- (this flag hides that and is unset again at the bottom) \set QUIET 1 -- Show verbose error messages \set VERBOSITY verbose -- Use normal "table" format by default and "expanded table" with lots of columns \x auto -- By default, NULLs show up as empty spaces, which looks like empty strings \pset null 'NULL' -- Ignore errors in interactive sessions but not when executing scripts \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK interactive -- Upper case SQL keywords \set COMP_KEYWORD_CASE upper -- Use the best text editor in the world \set EDITOR vi -- Don't store the same SQL statement repeatedly \set HISTCONTROL ignoredups -- Make all queries display query times \timing -- Unset the flag set at the top of this file \unset QUIET