# Generic shell aliases for bash and zsh _command_exists() { command -v "$1" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 } _in_zsh() { [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ] } # Re-run last command with sudo privileges if _in_zsh; then alias ,,='sudo $(fc -ln -1)' else alias ,,='sudo $(history -p !!)' fi # Convenient piping with zsh if _in_zsh; then alias -g B='| bat' alias -g F='| fzf' alias -g G='| grep' alias -g H='| head' alias -g L='| less' alias -g T='| tail' alias -g NE='2 > /dev/null' alias -g NUL='> /dev/null 2>&1' fi # (Non-)obvious synonyms alias cls='clear' alias help='man' # Edit the $HISTFILE alias HISTFILE="vi $HISTFILE" # Various one-line utilities alias datetime='date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z (%Z)"' alias datetime-iso='date --iso-8601=seconds' alias dotfiles='git --git-dir=$XDG_DATA_HOME/dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME' alias external-ip="curl https://icanhazip.com" alias external-ip-alt="curl https://ipinfo.io/ip\?token=cfd78a97e15ebf && echo" alias external-ip-extended-infos="curl https://ipinfo.io/json\?token=cfd78a97e15ebf && echo" alias speedtest="curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/22210ca35228f0bbcef75a7c14587c4ecb875ab4/speedtest.py | python -" # Fix common typos _command_exists ifconfig && alias ipconfig='ifconfig' _command_exists R && alias r='R' # Use sane defaults _command_exists exa && alias exa='exa --group-directories-first --git --time-style=long-iso' _command_exists netstat && alias ports='netstat -tulanp' _command_exists screenfetch && alias screenfetch='screenfetch -n' alias uptime='uptime --pretty' alias wget="wget --continue --hsts-file=$XDG_STATE_HOME/wget/history" # Create shorter aliases for various utilities _command_exists batcat && alias bat='batcat' _command_exists fdfind && alias fd='fdfind' _command_exists neofetch && alias nf='neofetch' _command_exists ranger && alias rn='ranger' _command_exists screenfetch && alias sf='screenfetch' # Alias to align commands in ~/.config/i3/config # Debian/Arch => dex # Fedora => dex-autostart _command_exists dex-autostart && alias dex='dex-autostart'