"Read [Chapter 3](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/webartifex/intro-to-python/blob/master/03_conditionals_00_content.ipynb) of the book. Then, work through the exercises below."
"**Q1.1**: Write a function `discounted_price()` that takes the positional arguments `unit_price` (of type `float`) and `quantity` (of type `int`) and implements a discount scheme for a line item in a customer order as follows:\n",
"The kids game [Fizz Buzz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fizz_buzz) is said to be often used in job interviews for entry-level positions. However, opinions vary as to how good of a test it is (cf., [source](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16446774)).\n",
"In its simplest form, a group of people starts counting upwards in an alternating fashion. Whenever a number is divisible by $3$, the person must say \"Fizz\" instead of the number. The same holds for numbers divisible by $5$ when the person must say \"Buzz.\" If a number is divisible by both numbers, one must say \"FizzBuzz.\" Probably, this game would also make a good drinking game with the \"right\" beverages."
"**Q2.1**: First, create a list `numbers` with the numbers from 1 through 100. You could type all numbers manually, but there is, of course, a smarter way. The built-in [range()](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#func-range) may be useful here. Read how it works in the documentation. To make the output of [range()](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#func-range) a `list` object, you have to wrap it with the [list()](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#func-list) built-in (i.e., `list(range(...))`)."
"**Q2.2**: Loop over the `numbers` list and replace numbers for which one of the two (or both) conditions apply with text strings `\"Fizz\"`, `\"Buzz\"`, or `\"FizzBuzz\"` using the indexing operator `[]` and the assignment statement `=`.\n",
"In [Chapter 1](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/webartifex/intro-to-python/blob/master/01_elements_00_content.ipynb), we saw that Python starts indexing with `0` as the first element. Keep that in mind.\n",
"**Q2.3**: Create a loop that prints out either the number or any of the Fizz Buzz substitutes. Do it in such a way that we do not end up with 100 lines of output here."