From 6e681752520a69d47ce85eb29d79abe6dbc64ac9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexander Hess Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 08:32:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Add video and streamline content --- 04_iteration_00_lecture.ipynb | 1220 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 04_iteration_01_review.ipynb | 37 +- 04_iteration_02_exercises.ipynb | 327 ++++----- 04_iteration_03_exercises.ipynb | 6 +- 4 files changed, 1032 insertions(+), 558 deletions(-) diff --git a/04_iteration_00_lecture.ipynb b/04_iteration_00_lecture.ipynb index 61858c5..cba0152 100644 --- a/04_iteration_00_lecture.ipynb +++ b/04_iteration_00_lecture.ipynb @@ -1,5 +1,53 @@ { "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "A **video presentation** of the contents in this chapter is shown below. A playlist with *all* chapters as videos is linked [here](" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 1, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "image/jpeg": 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+ "text/html": [ + "\n", + " \n", + " " + ], + "text/plain": [ + "" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 1, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo\n", + "YouTubeVideo(\"jT6hr4vOJks\", width=\"60%\")" + ] + }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { @@ -98,7 +146,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 1, + "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "code_folding": [], "slideshow": { @@ -113,7 +161,7 @@ " Args:\n", " n (int): seconds until the party begins\n", " \"\"\"\n", - " if n == 0: # = base case\n", + " if n == 0:\n", " print(\"Happy New Year!\")\n", " else:\n", " print(n)\n", @@ -122,7 +170,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 2, + "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -226,7 +274,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 3, + "execution_count": 4, "metadata": { "code_folding": [], "slideshow": { @@ -244,7 +292,7 @@ " Returns:\n", " factorial (int)\n", " \"\"\"\n", - " if n == 0: # = base case\n", + " if n == 0:\n", " return 1\n", " else:\n", " recurse = factorial(n - 1)\n", @@ -267,7 +315,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 4, + "execution_count": 5, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -280,7 +328,7 @@ "6" ] }, - "execution_count": 4, + "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -291,7 +339,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 5, + "execution_count": 6, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -304,7 +352,7 @@ "3628800" ] }, - "execution_count": 5, + "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -328,7 +376,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 6, + "execution_count": 7, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -345,14 +393,14 @@ " Returns:\n", " factorial (int)\n", " \"\"\"\n", - " if n == 0: # = base case\n", + " if n == 0:\n", " return 1\n", " return n * factorial(n - 1)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 7, + "execution_count": 8, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -365,7 +413,7 @@ "6" ] }, - "execution_count": 7, + "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -376,7 +424,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 8, + "execution_count": 9, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -389,7 +437,7 @@ "3628800" ] }, - "execution_count": 8, + "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -411,7 +459,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 9, + "execution_count": 10, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -424,7 +472,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 10, + "execution_count": 11, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -451,7 +499,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 11, + "execution_count": 12, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -464,7 +512,7 @@ "6" ] }, - "execution_count": 11, + "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -475,7 +523,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 12, + "execution_count": 13, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -488,7 +536,7 @@ "3628800" ] }, - "execution_count": 12, + "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -521,7 +569,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 13, + "execution_count": 14, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -539,14 +587,14 @@ " Returns:\n", " gcd (int)\n", " \"\"\"\n", - " if b == 0: # = base case\n", + " if b == 0:\n", " return a \n", " return gcd(b, a % b)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 14, + "execution_count": 15, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -559,7 +607,7 @@ "4" ] }, - "execution_count": 14, + "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -581,7 +629,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 15, + "execution_count": 16, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -594,7 +642,7 @@ "9" ] }, - "execution_count": 15, + "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -616,7 +664,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 16, + "execution_count": 17, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -629,7 +677,7 @@ "1" ] }, - "execution_count": 16, + "execution_count": 17, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -651,7 +699,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 17, + "execution_count": 18, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -676,7 +724,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 18, + "execution_count": 19, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -689,37 +737,13 @@ "4" ] }, - "execution_count": 18, - "metadata": {}, - "output_type": "execute_result" - } - ], - "source": [ - "math.gcd(12, 4)" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 19, - "metadata": { - "slideshow": { - "slide_type": "skip" - } - }, - "outputs": [ - { - "data": { - "text/plain": [ - "9" - ] - }, "execution_count": 19, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ - "math.gcd(112233445566778899, 987654321)" + "math.gcd(12, 4)" ] }, { @@ -734,7 +758,7 @@ { "data": { "text/plain": [ - "1" + "9" ] }, "execution_count": 20, @@ -742,6 +766,30 @@ "output_type": "execute_result" } ], + "source": [ + "math.gcd(112233445566778899, 987654321)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 21, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "1" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 21, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], "source": [ "math.gcd(7, 7919)" ] @@ -792,7 +840,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 21, + "execution_count": 22, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -809,16 +857,16 @@ " Returns:\n", " ith_fibonacci (int)\n", " \"\"\"\n", - " if i == 0: # = first base case\n", + " if i == 0:\n", " return 0\n", - " elif i == 1: # = second base case\n", + " elif i == 1:\n", " return 1\n", " return fibonacci(i - 1) + fibonacci(i - 2)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 22, + "execution_count": 23, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -831,7 +879,7 @@ "144" ] }, - "execution_count": 22, + "execution_count": 23, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -863,14 +911,14 @@ "\n", "To understand this in detail, we have to study algorithms and data structures (e.g., with [this book](, a discipline within computer science, and dive into the analysis of **[time complexity of algorithms](**.\n", "\n", - "Luckily, in the Fibonacci case, the inefficiency can be resolved with a **caching** (i.e., \"reuse\") strategy from the field of **[dynamic programming](**, namely **[memoization](**. We do so in [Chapter 8](, after introducing the `dict` data type.\n", + "Luckily, in the Fibonacci case, the inefficiency can be resolved with a **caching** (i.e., \"reuse\") strategy from the field of **[dynamic programming](**, namely **[memoization](**. We do so in [Chapter 9](, after introducing the `dict` data type.\n", "\n", "Let's measure the average run times for `fibonacci()` and varying `i` arguments with the `%%timeit` [cell magic]( that comes with Jupyter." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 23, + "execution_count": 24, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -881,7 +929,7 @@ "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ - "35.2 µs ± 971 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)\n" + "70.9 µs ± 22.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)\n" ] } ], @@ -890,28 +938,6 @@ "fibonacci(12)" ] }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 24, - "metadata": { - "slideshow": { - "slide_type": "fragment" - } - }, - "outputs": [ - { - "name": "stdout", - "output_type": "stream", - "text": [ - "11.2 ms ± 81.1 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)\n" - ] - } - ], - "source": [ - "%%timeit -n 100\n", - "fibonacci(24)" - ] - }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 25, @@ -925,7 +951,29 @@ "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ - "3.67 s ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)\n" + "11.3 ms ± 31.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "%%timeit -n 100\n", + "fibonacci(24)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 26, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "fragment" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "3.65 s ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)\n" ] } ], @@ -936,7 +984,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 26, + "execution_count": 27, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -947,7 +995,7 @@ "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ - "5.94 s ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)\n" + "5.9 s ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)\n" ] } ], @@ -982,7 +1030,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 27, + "execution_count": 28, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -997,7 +1045,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 28, + "execution_count": 29, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -1011,10 +1059,10 @@ "traceback": [ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mRecursionError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mrun_forever\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mrun_forever\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0mrun_forever\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 2\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\"\"\"Also a pointless function should have a docstring.\"\"\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 3\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mrun_forever\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mrun_forever\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mrun_forever\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0mrun_forever\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 2\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\"\"\"Also a pointless function should have a docstring.\"\"\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 3\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mrun_forever\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", "... last 1 frames repeated, from the frame below ...\n", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mrun_forever\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0mrun_forever\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 2\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\"\"\"Also a pointless function should have a docstring.\"\"\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 3\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mrun_forever\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mrun_forever\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0mrun_forever\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 2\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\"\"\"Also a pointless function should have a docstring.\"\"\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 3\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mrun_forever\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mRecursionError\u001b[0m: maximum recursion depth exceeded" ] } @@ -1036,7 +1084,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 29, + "execution_count": 30, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -4010,10 +4058,10 @@ "traceback": [ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mRecursionError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mcountdown\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m3.1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mcountdown\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 9\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 10\u001b[0m \u001b[0mprint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 11\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mcountdown\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mcountdown\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m3.1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mcountdown\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 9\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 10\u001b[0m \u001b[0mprint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 11\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mcountdown\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", "... last 1 frames repeated, from the frame below ...\n", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mcountdown\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 9\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 10\u001b[0m \u001b[0mprint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 11\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mcountdown\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mcountdown\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 9\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 10\u001b[0m \u001b[0mprint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 11\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mcountdown\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mRecursionError\u001b[0m: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object" ] } @@ -4035,7 +4083,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 30, + "execution_count": 31, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -4049,10 +4097,10 @@ "traceback": [ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mRecursionError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m3.1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 10\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m==\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m# = base case\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 11\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 12\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m*\u001b[0m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m3.1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 10\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m==\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 11\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 12\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m*\u001b[0m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", "... last 1 frames repeated, from the frame below ...\n", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 10\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m==\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m# = base case\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 11\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 12\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m*\u001b[0m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 10\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m==\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 11\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 12\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m*\u001b[0m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mRecursionError\u001b[0m: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison" ] } @@ -4069,94 +4117,35 @@ } }, "source": [ - "The infinite recursions could easily be avoided by replacing `n == 0` with `n <= 0` in both functions and thereby **generalizing** them. But even then, calling either `countdown()` or `factorial()` with a non-integer number is *semantically* wrong, and, therefore, we better leave the base cases unchanged.\n", - "\n", - "Errors as above are a symptom of missing **type checking**: By design, Python allows us to pass in not only integers but objects of any type as arguments to the `countdown()` and `factorial()` functions. As long as the arguments \"behave\" like integers, we do not encounter any *runtime* errors. This is the case here as the two example functions only use the `-` and `*` operators internally, and, in the context of arithmetic, a `float` object behaves like an `int` object. So, the functions keep calling themselves until Python decides with a built-in heuristic that the recursion is likely not going to end and aborts the computations with a `RecursionError`. Strictly speaking, a `RecursionError` is, of course, a *runtime* error as well.\n", + "The infinite recursions could easily be avoided by replacing `n == 0` with `n <= 0` in both functions and thereby **generalizing** them. However, even then, calling either `countdown()` or `factorial()` with a non-integer number is still *semantically* wrong.\n", "\n", + "Errors as above are a symptom of missing **type checking**: By design, Python allows us to pass in not only integers but objects of any type as arguments to the `countdown()` and `factorial()` functions. As long as the arguments \"behave\" like integers, we do not encounter any *runtime* errors. This is the case here as the two example functions only use the `-` and `*` operators internally, and, in the context of arithmetic, a `float` object behaves like an `int` object. So, the functions keep calling themselves until Python decides with a built-in heuristic that the recursion is likely not going to end and aborts the computations with a `RecursionError`. Strictly speaking, a `RecursionError` is, of course, a *runtime* error as well." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "slide" + } + }, + "source": [ + "### Duck Typing" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ "The missing type checking is *100% intentional* and considered a **[feature of rather than a bug](** in Python!\n", "\n", - "Pythonistas often use the colloquial term **[duck typing](** when referring to the same idea, and the saying goes, \"If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.\" For example, we could call `factorial()` with the `float` object `3.0`, and the recursion works out fine. So, as long as the `3.0` \"walks\" like a `3` and \"quacks\" like a `3`, it \"must be\" a `3`.\n", + "Pythonistas use the \"technical\" term **[duck typing](** to express the idea of two objects of *different* types behaving in the *same* way in a given context. The colloquial saying goes, \"If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.\"\n", "\n", - "We see similar behavior when we mix objects of types `int` and `float` with arithmetic operators. For example, `1 + 2.0` works because Python implicitly views the `1` as a `1.0` at runtime and then knows how to do floating-point arithmetic: Here, the `int` \"walks\" and \"quacks\" like a `float`. Strictly speaking, this is yet another example of operator overloading, whereas duck typing refers to the same behavior when passing arguments to function calls.\n", - "\n", - "The important lesson is that we must expect our functions to be called with objects of *any* type at runtime, as opposed to the one type we had in mind when we defined the function.\n", - "\n", - "Duck typing is possible because Python is a dynamically typed language. On the contrary, in statically typed languages like C, we *must* declare (i.e., \"specify\") the data type of every parameter in a function definition. Then, a `RecursionError` as for `countdown(3.1)` or `factorial(3.1)` above could not occur. For example, if we declared the `countdown()` and `factorial()` functions to only accept `int` objects, calling the functions with a `float` argument would immediately fail *syntactically*. As a downside, we would then lose the ability to call `factorial()` with `3.0`, which is *semantically* correct nevertheless.\n", - "\n", - "So, there is no black or white answer as to which of the two language designs is better. Yet, most professional programmers have strong opinions concerning duck typing, reaching from \"love\" to \"hate.\" This is another example of how programming is a subjective art rather than \"objective\" science. Python's design is probably more appealing to beginners who intuitively regard `3` and `3.0` as interchangeable." - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "slideshow": { - "slide_type": "slide" - } - }, - "source": [ - "### Type Checking & Input Validation" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "slideshow": { - "slide_type": "skip" - } - }, - "source": [ - "We use the built-in [isinstance()]( function to make sure `factorial()` is called with an `int` object as the argument. We further **validate the input** by verifying that the integer is non-negative.\n", - "\n", - "Meanwhile, we also see how we manually raise exceptions with the `raise` statement (cf., [reference](, another way of controlling the flow of execution.\n", - "\n", - "The first two branches in the revised `factorial()` function act as **guardians** ensuring that the code does not produce *unexpected* runtime errors: Errors may be expected when mentioned in the docstring.\n", - "\n", - "Forcing `n` to be an `int` is a very puritan way of handling the issues discussed above. A more relaxed approach could be to also accept a `float` and use its [is_integer()]( method to check if `n` could be cast as an `int`. After all, being too puritan, we cannot take advantage of duck typing.\n", - "\n", - "So, in essence, we are doing *two* things here: Besides checking the type, we also enforce **domain-specific** (i.e., mathematical here) rules concerning the non-negativity of `n`." - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 31, - "metadata": { - "slideshow": { - "slide_type": "slide" - } - }, - "outputs": [], - "source": [ - "def factorial(n):\n", - " \"\"\"Calculate the factorial of a number.\n", - "\n", - " Args:\n", - " n (int): number to calculate the factorial for; must be positive\n", - "\n", - " Returns:\n", - " factorial (int)\n", - "\n", - " Raises:\n", - " TypeError: if n is not an integer\n", - " ValueError: if n is negative\n", - " \"\"\"\n", - " if not isinstance(n, int):\n", - " raise TypeError(\"Factorial is only defined for integers\")\n", - " elif n < 0:\n", - " raise ValueError(\"Factorial is not defined for negative integers\")\n", - " elif n == 0: # = base case\n", - " return 1\n", - " return n * factorial(n - 1)" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "slideshow": { - "slide_type": "skip" - } - }, - "source": [ - "The revised `factorial()` function works like the old one." + "For example, we could call `factorial()` with the `float` object `3.0`, and the recursion works out fine. So, because the `3.0` \"walks\" and \"quacks\" like a `3`, it \"must be\" a `3`." ] }, { @@ -4171,7 +4160,7 @@ { "data": { "text/plain": [ - "1" + "6.0" ] }, "execution_count": 32, @@ -4180,7 +4169,7 @@ } ], "source": [ - "factorial(0)" + "factorial(3.0)" ] }, { @@ -4215,12 +4204,205 @@ } }, "source": [ - "Instead of running into a situation of infinite recursion, we now receive specific error messages." + "We see similar behavior when we mix objects of types `int` and `float` with arithmetic operators. For example, `1 + 2.0` works because Python implicitly views the `1` as a `1.0` at runtime and then knows how to do floating-point arithmetic: Here, the `int` \"walks\" and \"quacks\" like a `float`." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 34, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "fragment" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "3.0" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 34, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "1 + 2.0" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 35, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "fragment" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "3.0" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 35, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "1.0 + 2.0" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "The important lesson is that we must expect our functions to be called with objects of *any* type at runtime, as opposed to the one type we had in mind when defining the function.\n", + "\n", + "Duck typing is possible because Python is a dynamically typed language. On the contrary, in statically typed languages like C, we *must* declare (i.e., \"specify\") the data type of every parameter in a function definition. Then, a `RecursionError` as for `countdown(3.1)` or `factorial(3.1)` above could not occur. For example, if we declared the `countdown()` and `factorial()` functions to only accept `int` objects, calling the functions with a `float` argument would immediately fail *syntactically*. As a downside, we would then lose the ability to call `factorial()` with `3.0`, which is *semantically* correct nevertheless.\n", + "\n", + "So, there is no black or white answer as to which of the two language designs is better. Yet, most professional programmers have strong opinions concerning duck typing, reaching from \"love\" to \"hate.\" This is another example of how programming is a subjective art rather than \"objective\" science. Python's design is probably more appealing to beginners who intuitively regard `3` and `3.0` as interchangeable." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "slide" + } + }, + "source": [ + "### Type Checking & Input Validation" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "We use the built-in [isinstance()]( function to make sure `factorial()` is called with an `int` object as the argument. We further **validate** the **input** by verifying that the integer is non-negative.\n", + "\n", + "Meanwhile, we also see how we manually raise exceptions with the `raise` statement (cf., [reference](, another way of controlling the flow of execution.\n", + "\n", + "The first two branches in the revised `factorial()` function act as **guardians** ensuring that the code does not produce *unexpected* runtime errors: Errors may be expected when mentioned in the docstring.\n", + "\n", + "So, in essence, we are doing *two* things here: Besides checking the type, we also enforce **domain-specific** (i.e., mathematical here) rules concerning the non-negativity of `n`." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 36, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "slide" + } + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "def factorial(n):\n", + " \"\"\"Calculate the factorial of a number.\n", + "\n", + " Args:\n", + " n (int): number to calculate the factorial for; must be positive\n", + "\n", + " Returns:\n", + " factorial (int)\n", + "\n", + " Raises:\n", + " TypeError: if n is not an integer\n", + " ValueError: if n is negative\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " if not isinstance(n, int):\n", + " raise TypeError(\"Factorial is only defined for integers\")\n", + " elif n < 0:\n", + " raise ValueError(\"Factorial is not defined for negative integers\")\n", + " elif n == 0:\n", + " return 1\n", + " return n * factorial(n - 1)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "The revised `factorial()` function works like the old one." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 37, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "slide" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "1" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 37, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "factorial(0)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 38, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "fragment" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "6" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 38, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "factorial(3)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "Instead of running into a situation of infinite recursion, we now receive specific error messages." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 39, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -4234,8 +4416,8 @@ "traceback": [ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m3.1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 13\u001b[0m \"\"\"\n\u001b[1;32m 14\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mnot\u001b[0m \u001b[0misinstance\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 15\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mTypeError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"Factorial is only defined for integers\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 16\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m<\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 17\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mValueError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"Factorial is not defined for negative integers\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m3.1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 13\u001b[0m \"\"\"\n\u001b[1;32m 14\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mnot\u001b[0m \u001b[0misinstance\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 15\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mTypeError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"Factorial is only defined for integers\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 16\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m<\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 17\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mValueError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"Factorial is not defined for negative integers\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m: Factorial is only defined for integers" ] } @@ -4246,7 +4428,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 35, + "execution_count": 40, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -4260,8 +4442,8 @@ "traceback": [ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mValueError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m42\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", - "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 15\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mTypeError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"Factorial is only defined for integers\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 16\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m<\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 17\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mValueError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"Factorial is not defined for negative integers\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 18\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m==\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m# = base case\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 19\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m42\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 15\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mTypeError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"Factorial is only defined for integers\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 16\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m<\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 17\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mValueError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"Factorial is not defined for negative integers\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 18\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m==\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 19\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;31mValueError\u001b[0m: Factorial is not defined for negative integers" ] } @@ -4270,6 +4452,436 @@ "factorial(-42)" ] }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "Forcing `n` to be an `int` is a very puritan way of handling the issues discussed above. So, we can *not* call `factorial()` with, for example, `3.0`." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 41, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "slide" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "ename": "TypeError", + "evalue": "Factorial is only defined for integers", + "output_type": "error", + "traceback": [ + "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m3.0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 13\u001b[0m \"\"\"\n\u001b[1;32m 14\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mnot\u001b[0m \u001b[0misinstance\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 15\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mTypeError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"Factorial is only defined for integers\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 16\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m<\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 17\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mValueError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"Factorial is not defined for negative integers\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m: Factorial is only defined for integers" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "factorial(3.0)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "slide" + } + }, + "source": [ + "### Type Casting" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "A similar way to prevent an infinite recursion is to **cast** the **type** of the `n` argument with the built-in [int()]( constructor." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 42, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "slide" + } + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "def factorial(n):\n", + " \"\"\"Calculate the factorial of a number.\n", + "\n", + " Args:\n", + " n (int): number to calculate the factorial for; must be positive\n", + "\n", + " Returns:\n", + " factorial (int)\n", + "\n", + " Raises:\n", + " TypeError: if n cannot be cast as an integer\n", + " ValueError: if n is negative\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " n = int(n)\n", + " if n < 0:\n", + " raise ValueError(\"Factorial is not defined for negative integers\")\n", + " elif n == 0:\n", + " return 1\n", + " return n * factorial(n - 1)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "The not so strict type casting implements duck typing for `factorial()` as, for example, `3.0` \"walks\" and \"quacks\" like a `3`." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 43, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "slide" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "6" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 43, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "factorial(3)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 44, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "fragment" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "6" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 44, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "factorial(3.0)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "However, if we now call `factorial()` with a non-integer `float` object like `3.1`, *no* error is raised. This is a potential source for *semantic* errors as the function runs for invalid input." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 45, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "fragment" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "6" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 45, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "factorial(3.1)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "We could adjust the type casting logic such that a `TypeError` is raised for `n` arguments with non-zero decimals. " + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 46, + "metadata": { + "code_folding": [], + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "slide" + } + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "def factorial(n):\n", + " \"\"\"Calculate the factorial of a number.\n", + "\n", + " Args:\n", + " n (int): number to calculate the factorial for; must be positive\n", + "\n", + " Returns:\n", + " factorial (int)\n", + "\n", + " Raises:\n", + " TypeError: if n cannot be cast as an integer\n", + " ValueError: if n is negative\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " if n != int(n):\n", + " raise TypeError(\"n is not integer-like; it has non-zero decimals\")\n", + " n = int(n)\n", + "\n", + " if n < 0:\n", + " raise ValueError(\"Factorial is not defined for negative integers\")\n", + " elif n == 0:\n", + " return 1\n", + " return n * factorial(n - 1)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 47, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "slide" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "6" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 47, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "factorial(3.0)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 48, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "fragment" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "ename": "TypeError", + "evalue": "n is not integer-like; it has non-zero decimals", + "output_type": "error", + "traceback": [ + "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m3.1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 13\u001b[0m \"\"\"\n\u001b[1;32m 14\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m!=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 15\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mTypeError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"n is not integer-like; it has non-zero decimals\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 16\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 17\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m: n is not integer-like; it has non-zero decimals" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "factorial(3.1)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "However, using built-in constructors for type casting leads to another subtle inconsistency. As constructors are designed to take *any* object as their argument, they do not raise a `TypeError` when called with invalid input but a `ValueError` instead. So, if we, for example, called `factorial()` with `\"text\"` as the `n` argument, we see the `ValueError` raised by [int()]( in a situation where a `TypeError` would be more appropriate." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 49, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "ename": "ValueError", + "evalue": "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'text'", + "output_type": "error", + "traceback": [ + "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;31mValueError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"text\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 12\u001b[0m \u001b[0mValueError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mis\u001b[0m \u001b[0mnegative\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 13\u001b[0m \"\"\"\n\u001b[0;32m---> 14\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m!=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 15\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mTypeError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"n is not integer-like; it has non-zero decimals\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 16\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[0;31mValueError\u001b[0m: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'text'" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "factorial(\"text\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "We could, of course, use a `try` statement to suppress the exceptions raised by [int()]( and replace them with a custom `TypeError`. However, now the implementation as a whole is more about type checking than about the actual logic solving the problem. We took this example to the extreme on purpose. In practice, we rarely see such code!" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 50, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "def factorial(n):\n", + " \"\"\"Calculate the factorial of a number.\n", + "\n", + " Args:\n", + " n (int): number to calculate the factorial for; must be positive\n", + "\n", + " Returns:\n", + " factorial (int)\n", + "\n", + " Raises:\n", + " TypeError: if n cannot be cast as an integer\n", + " ValueError: if n is negative\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " try:\n", + " casted_n = int(n)\n", + " except ValueError:\n", + " raise TypeError(\"n cannot be casted as an integer\") from None\n", + " else:\n", + " if n != casted_n:\n", + " raise TypeError(\"n is not integer-like; it has non-zero decimals\")\n", + " n = casted_n\n", + "\n", + " if n < 0:\n", + " raise ValueError(\"Factorial is not defined for negative integers\")\n", + " elif n == 0:\n", + " return 1\n", + " return n * factorial(n - 1)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 51, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "ename": "TypeError", + "evalue": "n cannot be casted as an integer", + "output_type": "error", + "traceback": [ + "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"text\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 15\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcasted_n\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 16\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mexcept\u001b[0m \u001b[0mValueError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 17\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mTypeError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"n cannot be casted as an integer\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mfrom\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mNone\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 18\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 19\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m!=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcasted_n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m: n cannot be casted as an integer" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "factorial(\"text\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 52, + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "ename": "TypeError", + "evalue": "n is not integer-like; it has non-zero decimals", + "output_type": "error", + "traceback": [ + "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mfactorial\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m3.1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfactorial\u001b[0;34m(n)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 18\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 19\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m!=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcasted_n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 20\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mTypeError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"n is not integer-like; it has non-zero decimals\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 21\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcasted_n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 22\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m: n is not integer-like; it has non-zero decimals" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "factorial(3.1)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "slideshow": { + "slide_type": "skip" + } + }, + "source": [ + "Which way we choose for **hardening** the `factorial()` function depends on the concrete circumstances. If we are the main caller of the function ourselves, we may choose to *not* do any of the approaches at all. After all, we should be able to call our own function in the correct way. The lesson is that just because Python has no static typing, this does *not* mean that we cannot do this \"manually.\" Yet, the idea behind a dynamically typed language is to *not* deal with the types too much at all." + ] + }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { @@ -4353,7 +4965,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 36, + "execution_count": 53, "metadata": { "code_folding": [], "slideshow": { @@ -4367,16 +4979,7 @@ "\n", " Args:\n", " n (int): seconds until the party begins; must be positive\n", - "\n", - " Raises:\n", - " TypeError: if n is not an integer\n", - " ValueError: if n is not positive\n", " \"\"\"\n", - " if not isinstance(n, int):\n", - " raise TypeError(\"Can only count down with whole numbers\")\n", - " elif n <= 0:\n", - " raise ValueError(\"n must be stricly positive\")\n", - "\n", " while n != 0:\n", " print(n)\n", " n -= 1\n", @@ -4386,7 +4989,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 37, + "execution_count": 54, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -4416,7 +5019,7 @@ } }, "source": [ - "As [PythonTutor](,%20int%29%3A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20raise%20TypeError%28%22...%22%29%0A%20%20%20%20elif%20n%20%3C%3D%200%3A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20raise%20ValueError%28%22...%22%29%0A%0A%20%20%20%20while%20n%20!%3D%200%3A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20print%28n%29%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20n%20-%3D%201%0A%0A%20%20%20%20print%28%22Happy%20new%20Year!%22%29%0A%0Acountdown%283%29&cumulative=false&curInstr=0&heapPrimitives=nevernest&mode=display&origin=opt-frontend.js&py=3&rawInputLstJSON=%5B%5D&textReferences=false) shows, there is a subtle but essential difference in the way a `while` statement is treated in memory: In short, `while` statements can *not* run into a `RecursionError` as only *one* frame is needed to manage the names. After all, there is only *one* function call to be made. For typical day-to-day applications, this difference is, however, not so important *unless* a problem instance becomes so big that a large (i.e., $> 3.000$) number of recursive calls must be made." + "As [PythonTutor](!%3D%200%3A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20print%28n%29%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20n%20-%3D%201%0A%0A%20%20%20%20print%28%22Happy%20new%20Year!%22%29%0A%0Acountdown%283%29&cumulative=false&curInstr=0&heapPrimitives=nevernest&mode=display&origin=opt-frontend.js&py=3&rawInputLstJSON=%5B%5D&textReferences=false) shows, there is a subtle but essential difference in the way a `while` statement is treated in memory: In short, `while` statements can *not* run into a `RecursionError` as only *one* frame is needed to manage the names. After all, there is only *one* function call to be made. For typical day-to-day applications, this difference is, however, not so important *unless* a problem instance becomes so big that a large (i.e., $> 3.000$) number of recursive calls must be made." ] }, { @@ -4445,7 +5048,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 38, + "execution_count": 55, "metadata": { "code_folding": [], "slideshow": { @@ -4463,16 +5066,7 @@ "\n", " Returns:\n", " gcd (int)\n", - "\n", - " Raises:\n", - " TypeError: if a or b are not integers\n", - " ValueError: if a or b are not positive\n", " \"\"\"\n", - " if not isinstance(a, int) or not isinstance(b, int):\n", - " raise TypeError(\"Greatest common divisor is only defined for two integers\")\n", - " elif a <= 0 or b <= 0:\n", - " raise ValueError(\"a and b must be strictly positive\")\n", - "\n", " while a != b:\n", " if a > b:\n", " a -= b\n", @@ -4484,7 +5078,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 39, + "execution_count": 56, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -4497,7 +5091,7 @@ "4" ] }, - "execution_count": 39, + "execution_count": 56, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -4508,7 +5102,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 40, + "execution_count": 57, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -4521,7 +5115,7 @@ "1" ] }, - "execution_count": 40, + "execution_count": 57, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -4554,7 +5148,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 41, + "execution_count": 58, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -4565,7 +5159,7 @@ "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ - "5.22 s ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)\n" + "5.18 s ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)\n" ] } ], @@ -4637,7 +5231,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 42, + "execution_count": 59, "metadata": { "code_folding": [], "slideshow": { @@ -4656,16 +5250,7 @@ "\n", " Args:\n", " n (int): a positive number to start the Collatz sequence at\n", - "\n", - " Raises:\n", - " TypeError: if n is not an integer\n", - " ValueError: if n is not positive\n", " \"\"\"\n", - " if not isinstance(n, int):\n", - " raise TypeError(\"non-integers require some advanced math\")\n", - " elif n <= 0:\n", - " raise ValueError(\"n must be stricly positive\")\n", - "\n", " while n != 1:\n", " print(n, end=\" \")\n", " if n % 2 == 0:\n", @@ -4689,7 +5274,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 43, + "execution_count": 60, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -4710,7 +5295,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 44, + "execution_count": 61, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -4731,7 +5316,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 45, + "execution_count": 62, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -4752,7 +5337,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 46, + "execution_count": 63, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -4799,7 +5384,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 47, + "execution_count": 64, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -4812,7 +5397,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 48, + "execution_count": 65, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -4851,7 +5436,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 49, + "execution_count": 66, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -4879,12 +5464,12 @@ } }, "source": [ - "For sequences of integers, the [range()]( built-in makes the `for` statement even more convenient: It creates a `list`-like object of type `range` that generates integers \"on the fly,\" and we look closely at the underlying effects in memory in [Chapter 7](" + "For sequences of integers, the [range()]( built-in makes the `for` statement even more convenient: It creates a `list`-like object of type `range` that generates integers \"on the fly,\" and we look closely at the underlying effects in memory in [Chapter 8](" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 50, + "execution_count": 67, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -4906,7 +5491,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 51, + "execution_count": 68, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -4919,7 +5504,7 @@ "range" ] }, - "execution_count": 51, + "execution_count": 68, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -4941,7 +5526,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 52, + "execution_count": 69, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -4963,7 +5548,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 53, + "execution_count": 70, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -5021,7 +5606,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 54, + "execution_count": 71, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -5045,7 +5630,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 55, + "execution_count": 72, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -5058,7 +5643,7 @@ "True" ] }, - "execution_count": 55, + "execution_count": 72, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -5069,7 +5654,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 56, + "execution_count": 73, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -5082,7 +5667,7 @@ "False" ] }, - "execution_count": 56, + "execution_count": 73, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -5104,7 +5689,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 57, + "execution_count": 74, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -5117,7 +5702,7 @@ "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]" ] }, - "execution_count": 57, + "execution_count": 74, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -5128,7 +5713,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 58, + "execution_count": 75, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -5141,7 +5726,7 @@ "True" ] }, - "execution_count": 58, + "execution_count": 75, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -5163,7 +5748,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 59, + "execution_count": 76, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -5196,7 +5781,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 60, + "execution_count": 77, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -5229,7 +5814,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 61, + "execution_count": 78, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -5262,7 +5847,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 62, + "execution_count": 79, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -5275,7 +5860,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 63, + "execution_count": 80, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -5323,7 +5908,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 64, + "execution_count": 81, "metadata": { "code_folding": [], "slideshow": { @@ -5340,16 +5925,7 @@ "\n", " Returns:\n", " ith_fibonacci (int)\n", - "\n", - " Raises:\n", - " TypeError: if i is not an integer\n", - " ValueError: if i is not positive\n", " \"\"\"\n", - " if not isinstance(i, int):\n", - " raise TypeError(\"i must be an integer\")\n", - " elif i < 0:\n", - " raise ValueError(\"i must be non-negative\")\n", - "\n", " a = 0\n", " b = 1\n", " print(a, b, sep=\" \", end=\" \") # added for didactical purposes\n", @@ -5364,7 +5940,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 65, + "execution_count": 82, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -5384,7 +5960,7 @@ "144" ] }, - "execution_count": 65, + "execution_count": 82, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -5417,7 +5993,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 66, + "execution_count": 83, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -5437,7 +6013,7 @@ "218922995834555169026" ] }, - "execution_count": 66, + "execution_count": 83, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -5470,7 +6046,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 67, + "execution_count": 84, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -5486,16 +6062,7 @@ "\n", " Returns:\n", " factorial (int)\n", - "\n", - " Raises:\n", - " TypeError: if n is not an integer\n", - " ValueError: if n is negative\n", " \"\"\"\n", - " if not isinstance(n, int):\n", - " raise TypeError(\"Factorial is only defined for integers\")\n", - " elif n < 0:\n", - " raise ValueError(\"Factorial is not defined for negative integers\")\n", - "\n", " product = 1 # because 0! = 1\n", " for i in range(1, n + 1):\n", " product *= i\n", @@ -5506,7 +6073,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 68, + "execution_count": 85, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -5526,7 +6093,7 @@ "6" ] }, - "execution_count": 68, + "execution_count": 85, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -5537,7 +6104,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 69, + "execution_count": 86, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -5557,7 +6124,7 @@ "3628800" ] }, - "execution_count": 69, + "execution_count": 86, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -5612,7 +6179,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 70, + "execution_count": 87, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -5640,7 +6207,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 71, + "execution_count": 88, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -5693,7 +6260,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 72, + "execution_count": 89, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -5760,7 +6327,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 73, + "execution_count": 90, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -5803,7 +6370,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 74, + "execution_count": 91, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -5841,7 +6408,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 75, + "execution_count": 92, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -5870,7 +6437,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { - "slide_type": "skip" + "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ @@ -5893,7 +6460,7 @@ "- **filtering**: throw away individual numbers (e.g., statistical outliers in a sample)\n", "- **reducing**: collect individual numbers into summary statistics\n", "\n", - "We study this **map-filter-reduce** paradigm extensively in [Chapter 7]( after introducing more advanced data types that are needed to work with \"big\" data.\n", + "We study this **map-filter-reduce** paradigm extensively in [Chapter 8]( after introducing more advanced data types that are needed to work with \"big\" data.\n", "\n", "Here, we focus on *filtering out* some numbers in a `for`-loop." ] @@ -5919,15 +6486,15 @@ "source": [ "Calculate the sum of all even numbers in `[7, 11, 8, 5, 3, 12, 2, 6, 9, 10, 1, 4]` after squaring them and adding `1` to the squares:\n", "\n", - "- **\"all\"** => loop over an iterable\n", - "- **\"even\"** => *filter* out the odd numbers\n", - "- **\"square and add $1$\"** => apply the *map* $y = f(x) = x^2 + 1$\n", - "- **\"sum\"** => *reduce* the remaining and mapped numbers to their sum" + "- \"*all*\" => **loop** over an iterable\n", + "- \"*even*\" => **filter** out the odd numbers\n", + "- \"*square and add $1$*\" => apply the **map** $y = f(x) = x^2 + 1$\n", + "- \"*sum*\" => **reduce** the remaining and mapped numbers to their sum" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 76, + "execution_count": 93, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -5940,7 +6507,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 77, + "execution_count": 94, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" @@ -5960,7 +6527,7 @@ "370" ] }, - "execution_count": 77, + "execution_count": 94, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -6013,34 +6580,21 @@ "source": [ "Calculate the sum of every third and even number in `[7, 11, 8, 5, 3, 12, 2, 6, 9, 10, 1, 4]` after squaring them and adding `1` to the squares:\n", "\n", - "- **\"every\"** => loop over an iterable\n", - "- **\"third\"** => *filter* out all numbers except every third\n", - "- **\"even\"** => *filter* out the odd numbers\n", - "- **\"square and add $1$\"** => apply the *map* $y = f(x) = x^2 + 1$\n", - "- **\"sum\"** => *reduce* the remaining and mapped numbers to their sum" + "- \"*every*\" => **loop** over an iterable\n", + "- \"*third*\" => **filter** out all numbers except every third\n", + "- \"*even*\" => **filter** out the odd numbers\n", + "- \"*square and add $1$*\" => apply the **map** $y = f(x) = x^2 + 1$\n", + "- \"*sum*\" => **reduce** the remaining and mapped numbers to their sum" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 78, + "execution_count": 95, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, - "outputs": [], - "source": [ - "numbers = [7, 11, 8, 5, 3, 12, 2, 6, 9, 10, 1, 4]" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 79, - "metadata": { - "slideshow": { - "slide_type": "-" - } - }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", @@ -6055,7 +6609,7 @@ "227" ] }, - "execution_count": 79, + "execution_count": 95, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -6112,7 +6666,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 80, + "execution_count": 96, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -6132,7 +6686,7 @@ "227" ] }, - "execution_count": 80, + "execution_count": 96, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } @@ -6216,7 +6770,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 81, + "execution_count": 97, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -6229,10 +6783,10 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 82, + "execution_count": 98, "metadata": { "slideshow": { - "slide_type": "fragment" + "slide_type": "skip" } }, "outputs": [], @@ -6242,7 +6796,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 83, + "execution_count": 99, "metadata": { "code_folding": [], "slideshow": { @@ -6353,7 +6907,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 84, + "execution_count": 100, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -6390,7 +6944,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 85, + "execution_count": 101, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" @@ -6428,7 +6982,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 86, + "execution_count": 102, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "skip" @@ -6441,7 +6995,7 @@ }, { "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 87, + "execution_count": 103, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" diff --git a/04_iteration_01_review.ipynb b/04_iteration_01_review.ipynb index 29c1f2f..de4a566 100644 --- a/04_iteration_01_review.ipynb +++ b/04_iteration_01_review.ipynb @@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "Read [Chapter 4]( of the book. Then, work through the questions below." + "The questions below assume that you have read [Chapter 4]( in the book.\n", + "\n", + "Be concise in your answers! Most questions can be answered in *one* sentence." ] }, { @@ -29,13 +31,6 @@ "### Essay Questions " ] }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": {}, - "source": [ - "Answer the following questions *briefly*!" - ] - }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, @@ -47,7 +42,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -61,7 +56,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -75,7 +70,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -89,7 +84,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -103,7 +98,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -117,7 +112,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -145,7 +140,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -159,7 +154,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -173,7 +168,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -187,7 +182,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -201,7 +196,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -215,7 +210,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -240,7 +235,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] } ], diff --git a/04_iteration_02_exercises.ipynb b/04_iteration_02_exercises.ipynb index ab80178..4f819ca 100644 --- a/04_iteration_02_exercises.ipynb +++ b/04_iteration_02_exercises.ipynb @@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "Read [Chapter 4]( of the book. Then, work through the exercises below. The `...` indicate where you need to fill in your answers. You should not need to create any additional code cells. Occasionally, the `...` mean that you have to write more than one line of code." + "The exercises below assume that you have read the \"*Recursion*\" part in [Chapter 4]( of the book.\n", + "\n", + "The `...`'s in the code cells indicate where you need to fill in code snippets. The number of `...`'s within a code cell give you a rough idea of how many lines of code are needed to solve the task. You should not need to create any additional code cells for your final solution. However, you may want to use temporary code cells to try out some ideas." ] }, { @@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] }, { @@ -151,53 +153,52 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "As most likely the first couple of tries will result in *semantic* errors, it is advisable to have some sort of **visualization tool** for the program's output: For example, an online version of the game can be found **[here](**." + "As most likely the first couple of tries will result in *semantic* errors, it is advisable to have some sort of **visualization tool** for the program's output: For example, an online version of the game can be found [here](" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "Let's first **generalize** the mathematical relationship from above.\n", + "Let's first **generalize** the mathematical relationship from above and then introduce the variable names used in our `sol()` implementation below.\n", "\n", - "While the first number of $Sol(\\cdot)$ is the number of `disks` $n$, the second and third \"numbers\" are the **labels** for the three spots. Instead of spots `1`, `2`, and `3`, we could also call them `\"left\"`, `\"center\"`, and `\"right\"` in our Python implementation. When \"passed\" to the $Sol(\\cdot)$ \"function\" they take on the role of an `origin` (= $o$) and `destination` (= $d$) pair.\n", + "Unsurprisingly, the recursive relationship in the video may be generalized into:\n", "\n", - "So, the expression $Sol(4, 1, 3)$ is the same as $Sol(4, \\text{\"left\"}, \\text{\"right\"})$ and describes the problem of moving a tower consisting of $n = 4$ disks from `origin` `1` / `\"left\"` to `destination` `3` / `right`. As we have seen in the video, we need some `intermediate` (= $i$) spot." + "$Sol(n, o, d) = Sol(n-1, o, i) ~ \\bigoplus ~ Sol(1, o, d) ~ \\bigoplus ~ Sol(n-1, i, d)$\n", + "\n", + "$Sol(\\cdot)$ takes three \"arguments\" $n$, $o$, and $d$ and is defined with *three* references to itself that take modified versions of $n$, $o$, and $d$ in different orders. The middle reference, Sol(1, o, d), constitutes the \"end\" of the recursive definition: It is the problem of solving Towers of Hanoi for a \"tower\" of only one disk.\n", + "\n", + "While the first \"argument\" of $Sol(\\cdot)$ is a number that we refer to as `n_disks` below, the second and third \"arguments\" are merely **labels** for the spots, and we refer to the **roles** they take in a given problem as `origin` and `destination` below. Instead of labeling individual spots with the numbers `1`, `2`, and `3` as in the video, we may also call them `\"left\"`, `\"center\"`, and `\"right\"`. Both ways are equally correct! So, only the first \"argument\" of $Sol(\\cdot)$ is really a number!\n", + "\n", + "As an example, the notation $Sol(4, 1, 3)$ from above can then be \"translated\" into Python as either the function call `sol(4, 1, 3)` or `sol(4, \"left\", \"right\")`. This describes the problem of moving a tower consisting of `n_disks=4` disks from either the `origin=1` spot to the `destination=3` spot or from the `origin=\"left\"` spot to the `destination=\"right\"` spot.\n", + "\n", + "To adhere to the rules, an `intermediate` spot $i$ is needed. In `sol()` below, this is a temporary variable within a function call and *not* a parameter of the function itself." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "In summary, the generalized functional relationship can be expressed as:\n", + "In summary, to move a tower consisting of `n_disks` (= $n$) disks from an `origin` (= $o$) to a `destination` (= $d$), three steps must be executed:\n", "\n", - "$Sol(n, o, d) = Sol(n-1, o, i) ~ \\bigoplus ~ Sol(1, o, d) ~ \\bigoplus ~ Sol(n-1, i, d)$" + "1. Move the tower's topmost `n_disks - 1` (= $n - 1$) disks from the `origin` (= $o$) to an `intermediate` (= $i$) spot (= **Sub-Problem 1**),\n", + "2. move the remaining and largest disk from the `origin` (= $o$) to the `destination` (= $d$), and\n", + "3. move the `n_disks - 1` (= $n - 1$) disks from the `intermediate` (= $i$) spot to the `destination` (= $d$) spot (= **Sub-Problem 2**).\n", + "\n", + "The two sub-problems themselves are solved via the same *recursive* logic." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "In words, this means that to move a tower consisting of $n$ disks from an `origin` $o$ to a `destination` $d$, three steps must be executed:\n", + "Write your answers to **Q5** to **Q7** into the skeleton of `sol()` below.\n", "\n", - "1. Move the topmost $n - 1$ disks of the tower temporarily from $o$ to $i$ (= sub-problem 1)\n", - "2. Move the remaining and largest disk from $o$ to $d$\n", - "3. Move the the $n - 1$ disks from the temporary spot $i$ to $d$ (= sub-problem 2)\n", + "`sol()` takes three arguments `n_disks`, `origin`, and `destination` that mirror $n$, $o$, and $d$ above.\n", "\n", - "The two sub-problems can be solved via the same recursive logic." - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": {}, - "source": [ - "$Sol(\\cdot)$ can be written in Python as a function `sol()` that takes three arguments `disks`, `origin`, and `destination` that mirror $n$, $o$, and $d$.\n", + "For now, assume that all arguments to `sol()` are `int` objects! We generalize this into real labels further below in the `hanoi()` function.\n", "\n", - "Assume that all arguments to `sol()` are `int` objects!\n", - "\n", - "Once completed, `sol()` should print out all the moves in the correct order. With **printing a move**, we mean a line like \"1 -> 3\", short for \"Move the top-most disk from spot 1 to spot 3\".\n", - "\n", - "Write your answers to **Q5** to **Q7** into the subsequent code cell and finalize `sol()`! No need to write a docstring or validate the input here." + "Once completed, `sol()` should *print* out all the moves in the correct order. For example, *print* `\"1 -> 3\"` to mean \"Move the top-most `n_disks - 1` disks from spot `1` to spot `3`.\"" ] }, { @@ -206,48 +207,74 @@ "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ - "def sol(disks, origin, destination):\n", + "def sol(n_disks, origin, destination):\n", + " \"\"\"A naive implementation of Towers of Hanoi.\n", "\n", + " This function prints out the moves to solve a Towers of Hanoi problem.\n", + "\n", + " Args:\n", + " n_disks (int): number of disks in the tower\n", + " origin (int): spot of the tower at the start; 1, 2, or 3\n", + " destination (int): spot of the tower at the end; 1, 2, or 3\n", + " \"\"\"\n", " # answer to Q5\n", - " # ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", "\n", " # answer to Q6\n", - " # ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", "\n", " # answer to Q7\n", - " # ..." + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ..." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "**Q5**: What is the `disks` argument when the function reaches its **base case**? Check for the base case with a simple `if` statement and return from the function using the **early exit** pattern!" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": {}, - "source": [ - "**Q6**: If not in the base case, `sol()` needs to determine the `intermediate` spot given concrete `origin` and `destination` arguments. For example, if called with `origin=1` and `destination=2`, `intermediate` must be `3`.\n", + "**Q5**: What is the `n_disks` argument when the function reaches its **base case**? Check for the base case with a simple `if` statement and return from the function using the **early exit** pattern!\n", "\n", - "Add **one** compound `if` statement to `sol()` that has a branch for **every** possible `origin`-`destination` pair that sets a variable `intermediate` to the correct temporary spot. **How many** branches will there be?" + "Hint: The base case in the Python implementation may be slightly different than the one shown in the generalized mathematical relationship above!" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "**Q7**: `sol()` needs to call itself **two more times** with the correct 2-pairs chosen from the three available spots `origin`, `intermediate`, and `destination`.\n", + "**Q6**: If not in the base case, `sol()` determines the `intermediate` spot given concrete `origin` and `destination` arguments. For example, if called with `origin=1` and `destination=2`, `intermediate` must be `3`.\n", "\n", - "In between the two recursive function calls, write a `print()` statement that prints out from where to where the \"remaining and largest\" disk has to be moved!" + "Add *one* compound `if` statement to `sol()` that has a branch for *every* possible `origin`-`destination`-pair that assigns the correct temporary spot to a variable `intermediate`.\n", + "\n", + "Hint: How many 2-tuples of 3 elements can there be if the order matters?" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "**Q8**: Execute the code cells below and confirm that the printed moves are correct!" + "**Q7**: `sol()` calls itself *two* more times with the correct 2-tuples chosen from the three available spots `origin`, `intermediate`, and `destination`.\n", + "\n", + "*In between* the two recursive function calls, use [print()]( to print out from where to where the \"remaining and largest\" disk has to be moved!" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "**Q8**: Execute the code cells below and confirm that the moves are correct!" ] }, { @@ -297,11 +324,11 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "The previous `sol()` implementation does the job, but the conditional statement needed in unnecessarily tedious. \n", + "The previous `sol()` implementation does the job, but the conditional statement is unnecessarily tedious. \n", "\n", - "Let's create a more concise `hanoi()` function that, in addition to a positional `disks` argument, takes three keyword-only arguments `origin`, `intermediate`, and `destination` with default values `\"left\"`, `\"center\"`, and `\"right\"`.\n", + "Let's create a concise `hanoi()` function that, in addition to a positional `n_disks` argument, takes three keyword-only arguments `origin`, `intermediate`, and `destination` with default values `\"left\"`, `\"center\"`, and `\"right\"`.\n", "\n", - "Write your answers to **Q9** and **Q10** into the subsequent code cell and finalize `hanoi()`! No need to write a docstring or validate the input here." + "Write your answers to **Q9** and **Q10** into the subsequent code cell and finalize `hanoi()`!" ] }, { @@ -310,13 +337,25 @@ "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ - "def hanoi(disks, *, origin=\"left\", intermediate=\"center\", destination=\"right\"):\n", + "def hanoi(n_disks, *, origin=\"left\", intermediate=\"center\", destination=\"right\"):\n", + " \"\"\"A Pythonic implementation of Towers of Hanoi.\n", "\n", + " This function prints out the moves to solve a Towers of Hanoi problem.\n", + "\n", + " Args:\n", + " n_disks (int): number of disks in the tower\n", + " origin (str, optional): label for the spot of the tower at the start\n", + " intermediate (str, optional): label for the intermediate spot\n", + " destination (str, optional): label for the spot of the tower at the end\n", + " \"\"\"\n", " # answer to Q9\n", - " # ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", "\n", " # answer to Q10\n", - " # ..." + " ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ..." ] }, { @@ -330,18 +369,18 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "**Q10**: Instead of conditional logic, `hanoi()` calls itself **two times** with the **three** arguments `origin`, `intermediate`, and `destination` passed on in a **different** order.\n", + "**Q10**: Instead of conditional logic, `hanoi()` calls itself *two* times with the *three* arguments `origin`, `intermediate`, and `destination` passed on in a *different* order.\n", "\n", - "Figure out how the arguments are passed on in the two recursive `hanoi()` calls!\n", + "Figure out how the arguments are passed on in the two recursive `hanoi()` calls and finish `hanoi()`.\n", "\n", - "Also, write a `print()` statement analogous to the one in `sol()` in between the two recursive function calls. Is it ok to copy and paste it?" + "Hint: Do not forget to use [print()]( to print out the moves!" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "**Q11**: Execute the code cells below and confirm that the printed moves are correct!" + "**Q11**: Execute the code cells below and confirm that the moves are correct!" ] }, { @@ -384,7 +423,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "We could, of course, also use **numeric labels** for the three steps like so." + "We could, of course, also use *numeric* labels for the three steps like so." ] }, { @@ -400,22 +439,16 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "#### Passing a Value \"up\" the Recursion Tree" + "#### Passing a Value \"down\" the Recursion Tree" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "Let's say we did not know about the **analytical formula** for the number of **minimal moves** given $n$.\n", + "The above `hanoi()` prints the optimal solution's moves in the correct order but fails to label each move with an order number. This is built in the `hanoi_ordered()` function below by passing on a \"private\" `_offset` argument \"down\" the recursion tree. The leading underscore `_` in the parameter name indicates that it is *not* to be used by the caller of the function. That is also why the parameter is *not* mentioned in the docstring.\n", "\n", - "In such cases, we could modify a recursive function to return a count value to be passed up the recursion tree.\n", - "\n", - "This is similar to what we do in the recursive versions of `factorial()` and `fibonacci()` in [Chapter 4](, where we pass up an intermediate result.\n", - "\n", - "Let's create a `hanoi_moves()` function that follows the same internal logic as `hanoi()`, but, instead of printing out the moves, returns the number of steps done so far in the recursion.\n", - "\n", - "Write your answers to **Q12** to **Q14** into the subsequent code cell and finalize `hanoi_moves()`! No need to write a docstring or validate the input here." + "Write your answers to **Q12** and **Q13** into the subsequent code cell and finalize `hanoi_ordered()`! As the logic gets a bit \"involved,\" `hanoi_ordered()` below is almost finished." ] }, { @@ -424,166 +457,56 @@ "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ - "def hanoi_moves(disks, *, origin=\"left\", intermediate=\"center\", destination=\"right\"):\n", + "def hanoi_ordered(n_disks, *, origin=\"left\", intermediate=\"center\", destination=\"right\", _offset=None):\n", + " \"\"\"A Pythonic implementation of Towers of Hanoi.\n", "\n", + " This function prints out the moves to solve a Towers of Hanoi problem.\n", + " Each move is labeled with an order number.\n", + "\n", + " Args:\n", + " n_disks (int): number of disks in the tower\n", + " origin (str, optional): label for the spot of the tower at the start\n", + " intermediate (str, optional): label for the intermediate spot\n", + " destination (str, optional): label for the spot of the tower at the end\n", + " \"\"\"\n", " # answer to Q12\n", - " # ...\n", + " ...\n", + " ...\n", "\n", - " moves = ... # <- answer to Q13\n", - " moves += hanoi_moves(...) # <- answer to Q14 between the ()\n", - " moves += hanoi_moves(...) # <- answer to Q14 between the ()\n", - "\n", - " return moves" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": {}, - "source": [ - "**Q12**: Copy the base case from `hanoi()`! What count should be returned when it is reached?" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": {}, - "source": [ - "**Q13**: Initialize the variable `moves` with an appropriate count! This is the number of moves that corresponds to **one** recursive function call." - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": {}, - "source": [ - "**Q14**: `moves` is updated with the counts passed up from the two recursive calls.\n", - "\n", - "Complete the two recursive function calls with the same arguments as in `hanoi()`!" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": {}, - "source": [ - "**Q15**: Write a `for`-loop that prints out the **minimum number** of moves needed to solve Towers of Hanoi for any number of `disks` from `1` through `20` to confirm your answer to **Q2**." - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": null, - "metadata": {}, - "outputs": [], - "source": [ - "for ... in ...:\n", - " ..." - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": {}, - "source": [ - "##### Time Complexity" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": {}, - "source": [ - "Observe how quickly the `hanoi_moves()` function slows down for increasing `disks` arguments.\n", - "\n", - "With `disks` in the range from `24` through `26`, the computation time roughly doubles for each increase of `disks` by 1.\n", - "\n", - "**Q16**: Execute the code cells below and see for yourself!" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": null, - "metadata": {}, - "outputs": [], - "source": [ - "%%timeit -n 1 -r 1\n", - "print(\"Number of moves:\", hanoi_moves(24))" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": null, - "metadata": {}, - "outputs": [], - "source": [ - "%%timeit -n 1 -r 1\n", - "print(\"Number of moves:\", hanoi_moves(25))" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": null, - "metadata": {}, - "outputs": [], - "source": [ - "%%timeit -n 1 -r 1\n", - "print(\"Number of moves:\", hanoi_moves(26))" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": {}, - "source": [ - "#### Passing a Value \"down\" the Recursion Tree (Advanced)" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": {}, - "source": [ - "The above `hanoi()` prints the optimal solution's moves in the correct order but fails to label each move with an order number. This can be built in by passing on one more argument `offset` down the recursion tree. As the logic gets a bit \"involved,\" `hanoi_ordered()` below is almost finished.\n", - "\n", - "Write your answers to **Q17** and **Q18** into the subsequent code cell and finalize `hanoi_ordered()`! No need to write a docstring or validate the input here." - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": null, - "metadata": {}, - "outputs": [], - "source": [ - "def hanoi_ordered(disks, *, origin=\"left\", intermediate=\"center\", destination=\"right\", offset=None):\n", - "\n", - " # answer to Q17\n", - " # ...\n", - "\n", - " total = (2 ** disks - 1)\n", - " half = (2 ** (disks - 1) - 1)\n", + " total = (2 ** n_disks - 1)\n", + " half = (2 ** (n_disks - 1) - 1)\n", " count = total - half\n", "\n", - " if offset is not None:\n", - " count += offset\n", + " if _offset is not None:\n", + " count += _offset\n", "\n", - " hanoi_ordered(..., offset=offset) # <- answer to Q18\n", - " # ... <- answer to Q18\n", - " hanoi_ordered(..., offset=count) # <- answer to Q18" + " # answer to Q18\n", + " hanoi_ordered(..., _offset=_offset)\n", + " ...\n", + " hanoi_ordered(..., _offset=count)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "**Q17**: Copy the base case from the original `hanoi()`!" + "**Q12**: Copy the base case from the original `hanoi()`!" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "**Q18**: Complete the two recursive function calls with the same arguments as in `hanoi()` or `hanoi_moves()`! Do not change the already filled in `offset` arguments!\n", + "**Q13**: Complete the two recursive function calls with the same arguments as in `hanoi()`! Do *not* change the already filled in `offset` arguments!\n", "\n", - "Then, copy the `print()` statement from `hanoi()` and adjust it to print out `count` as well!" + "Then, adjust the use of [print()]( from above to print out the moves with their order number!" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "**Q19**: Execute the code cells below and confirm that the order numbers are correct!" + "**Q14**: Execute the code cells below and confirm that the order numbers are correct!" ] }, { @@ -626,7 +549,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "Lastly, it is to be mentioned that for problem instances with a small `disks` argument, it is easier to collect all the moves first in a list and then add the order number with the [enumerate()]( built-in." + "Lastly, it is to be mentioned that for problem instances with a small `n_disks` argument, it is easier to collect all the moves first in a `list` object and then add the order number with the [enumerate()]( built-in." ] }, { @@ -640,14 +563,14 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "**Q20**: Conducting your own research on the internet (max. 15 minutes), what can you say about generalizing the **[Towers of Hanoi](** problem to a setting with **more than three** landing spots?" + "**Q15**: Conducting your own research on the internet, what can you say about generalizing the **[Towers of Hanoi](** problem to a setting with *more than three* landing spots?" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " " + " < your answer >" ] } ], diff --git a/04_iteration_03_exercises.ipynb b/04_iteration_03_exercises.ipynb index da32407..b44c488 100644 --- a/04_iteration_03_exercises.ipynb +++ b/04_iteration_03_exercises.ipynb @@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - "Read [Chapter 4]( of the book. Then, work through the exercises below. The `...` indicate where you need to fill in your answers. You should not need to create any additional code cells." + "The exercises below assume that you have read the \"*Looping*\" part in [Chapter 4]( of the book.\n", + "\n", + "The `...`'s in the code cells indicate where you need to fill in code snippets. The number of `...`'s within a code cell give you a rough idea of how many lines of code are needed to solve the task. You should not need to create any additional code cells for your final solution. However, you may want to use temporary code cells to try out some ideas." ] }, { @@ -264,7 +266,7 @@ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ - " ..." + " < your answer >" ] }, {