- the current video lectures regard the old one-notebook-per-chapter
structure of the project
- as the new structure involves several smaller notebooks per chapter,
there is no one-on-one correspondence to the YouTube lectures any more
=> only reference the YouTube playlist once in the README.md
- add section "Installation"
+ explain how Anaconda is set up
+ include many screenshots
+ explain how the repo is downloaded as a zip archive
- add a section "Alternative Installation"
+ explain how git, poetry, and pyenv can be used
to set up the project as well
+ explain what a CLI is (with screenshots)
- add nox session "fix-branch-references"
+ the session is a task executed in the normal develop environment
+ it rewrites all branch labels in links in *.ipynb and *.md files
- add the following files:
+ LICENSE.txt => use MIT license as the project should be
accessible to anybody who wants to learn Python
+ README.md => provide a rough description of the project
+ pyproject.toml => initialize poetry and the add project metadata
+ poetry.lock => initialize poetry
+ .gitignore => hide pyenv and poetry artifacts
+ static/link/ => folder holding images for links
- for the pre-2020 version of the files, check out the "v0.0.0" tag