- add `lalib.fields.base.Field`, a blueprint for all concrete fields,
providing a unified interface to be used outside of the
`lalib.fields` sub-package
- implement `lalib.fields.complex_.ComplexField`, or `C` for short,
the field over the complex numbers (modeled as `complex` numbers)
- implement `lalib.fields.galois.GaloisField2`, or `GF2` for short,
the (finite) field over the two elements `one` and `zero`
+ adapt `lalib.elements.galois.GF2Element.__eq__()` to return
`NotImplemented` instead of `False` for non-castable `other`s
=> this fixes a minor issue with `pytest.approx()`
- implement `lalib.fields.rational.RationalField`, or `Q` for short,
the field over the rational numbers (modeled as `fractions.Fraction`s)
- implement `lalib.fields.real.RealField`, or `R` for short,
the field over the real numbers (modeled as `float`s)
- organize top-level imports for `lalib.fields`,
making `Q`, `R`, `C`, and `GF2` importable with
`from lalib.fields import *`
- provide extensive unit and integration tests for the new objects:
+ test generic and common behavior in `tests.fields.test_base`
+ test specific behavior is other modules
+ test the well-known math axioms for all fields (integration tests)
+ test the new objects' docstrings
+ add "pytest-repeat" to run randomized tests many times
- the future (concrete) Galois `Field` implementation
shall receive the name `GF2` (as per common math notation)
=> name conflict with the current `GF2` class
implementing the elements of the future Galois `Field`
=> rename the current `GF2` class into `GF2Element`
- because `GF2Element` is a bit tedius to type for the end user,
we introduce a `gf2` alias in line with the naming convention
for the built-in data types (e.g., `int` or `float`)
that are also used as elements of (other) `Field`s
=> name conflict with the current `lalib.elements.gf2` module
=> rename the module into `lalib.elements.galois`
- adjust the docstrings to refer to "the `gf2` type"
- adjust the top-level imports and tests
- make `GF2`, `one`, and `zero`, defined in the `lalib.elements.gf2`
module, available as top-level imports in the `lalib.elements`
sub-package via `from lalib.elements import *`
- provide some code snippets in the sub-package's docstring
- test the star import
- add `GF2` class in the `lalib.elements` sub-package
implementing a typical Galois field with two elements
- the singleton objects `one` and `zero` are the concrete
instances of the `GF2` type for the end users
- besides the typical Galois arithmetic, `one` and `zero`
behave like the built-in numbers `1` and `0`
and implement the `numbers.Rational` interface
- add exhaustive docstrings with usage examples
- add (unit) test cases with 100% coverage
- use xdoctest to validate code snippets in docstrings
- make xdoctest part of the nox session "test" via
the new `test_docstrings()` test case
- add nox session "test-docstrings" for convenience;
also, `xdoctest.doctest_module()` does not discover
docstrings that are imported at the root of the package
=> each new module with docstrings must be added to
`test_docstrings()` by hand, which is likely forgotten
=> the nox session "test-docstrings" should run on CI