"""Test the package's version identifier. The packaged version identifier (i.e., `lalib.__version__`) adheres to PEP440 and its base part follows semantic versioning: - In general, version identifiers follow the "x.y.z" format where x, y, and z are non-negative integers (e.g., "0.1.0" or "1.2.3") matching the "major", "minor", and "patch" parts of semantic versioning - Without suffixes, these "x.y.z" versions represent the ordinary releases to PyPI - Developmental or non-release versions are indicated with a ".dev0" suffix; we use solely a "0" to keep things simple - Pre-releases come as "alpha", "beta", and "release candidate" versions, indicated with "aN", "bN", and "rcN" suffixes (no "." separator before the suffixes) where N is either 1 or 2 - Post-releases are possible and indicated with a ".postN" suffix where N is between 0 and 9; they must not change the code as compared to their corresponding ordinary release version Examples: - "0.4.2" => ordinary release; public API may be unstable as explained by the rules of semantic versioning - "1.2.3" => ordinary release (long-term stable versions) - "4.5.6.dev0" => early development stage before release "4.5.6" - "4.5.6a1" => pre-release shortly before publication of "4.5.6" Sources: - https://peps.python.org/pep-0440/ - https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html Implementation notes: - The `packaging` library and the `importlib.metadata` module are very forgiving when parsing version identifiers => The test cases in this file enforce a strict style - The `DECLARED_VERSION` (in pyproject.toml) and the `PACKAGED_VERSION` (read from the metadata after installation in a virtual environment) are tested besides a lot of example `VALID_VERSIONS` to obtain a high confidence in the test cases - There are two generic kind of test cases: + `TestVersionIdentifier` uses the `packaging` and `semver libraries to parse the various `*_VERSION`s and validate their infos + `TestVersionIdentifierWithPattern` defines a `regex` pattern comprising all rules at once """ import contextlib import importlib import itertools import pathlib import re import string import sys import pytest import semver from packaging import version as pkg_version import lalib # Support Python 3.9 and 3.10 try: import tomllib except ModuleNotFoundError: import tomli as tomllib # type: ignore[no-redef] def load_version_from_pyproject_toml(): """The version declared in pyproject.toml.""" with pathlib.Path("pyproject.toml").open("rb") as fp: pyproject_toml = tomllib.load(fp) return pyproject_toml["tool"]["poetry"]["version"] def expand_digits_to_versions( digits=string.digits[1:], *, pre_process=(lambda x, y, z: (x, y, z)), filter_=(lambda _x, _y, _z: True), post_process=(lambda x, y, z: (x, y, z)), unique=False, ): """Yield examplatory semantic versions. For example, "12345" is expanded into "1.2.345", "1.23.45", ..., "123.4.5". In general, the `digits` are sliced into three parts `x`, `y`, and `z` that could be thought of the "major", "minor", and "patch" parts of a version identifier. The `digits` themselves are not re-arranged. `pre_process(x, y, z)` transform the parts individually. As an example, `part % 100` makes each part only use the least significant digits. So, in the example, "1.2.345" becomes "1.2.45". `post_process(x, y, z)` does the same but only after applying the `filter_(x, y, z)` which signals if the current `x`, `y`, and `z` should be skipped. `unique=True` ensures a produced version identifier is yielded only once. """ seen_before = set() if unique else None for i in range(1, len(digits) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(digits)): x, y, z = int(digits[:i]), int(digits[i:j]), int(digits[j:]) x, y, z = pre_process(x, y, z) if not filter_(x, y, z): continue x, y, z = post_process(x, y, z) if unique: if (x, y, z) in seen_before: continue else: seen_before.add((x, y, z)) yield f"{x}.{y}.{z}" DECLARED_VERSION = load_version_from_pyproject_toml() PACKAGED_VERSION = lalib.__version__ VALID_AND_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS = ( "0.1.0", "0.1.1", "0.1.99", "0.2.0", "0.99.0", "1.0.0", "1.2.3.dev0", "1.2.3a1", "1.2.3a2", "1.2.3b1", "1.2.3b2", "1.2.3rc1", "1.2.3rc2", "1.2.3", *(f"1.2.3.post{n}" for n in range(10)), # e.g., "1.2.89", "1.23.89", "1.78.9", "12.3.89", "12.34.89", and "67.8.9" *expand_digits_to_versions( "12345689", pre_process=(lambda x, y, z: (x % 100, y % 100, z % 100)), ), ) # The `packaging` library can parse the following versions # that are then normalized according to PEP440 # Source: https://peps.python.org/pep-0440/#normalization VALID_AND_NOT_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS = ( "1.2.3dev0", "1.2.3-dev0", "1.2.3_dev0", "1.2.3alpha1", "1.2.3.alpha1", "1.2.3-alpha1", "1.2.3_alpha1", "1.2.3.a1", "1.2.3.a2", "1.2.3beta1", "1.2.3.beta1", "1.2.3-beta1", "1.2.3_beta1", "1.2.3.b1", "1.2.3.b2", "1.2.3c1", "1.2.3.c1", "1.2.3.rc1", "1.2.3c2", "1.2.3.c2", "1.2.3.rc2", "1.2.3post0", "1.2.3-post0", "1.2.3_post0", "1.2.3-r0", "1.2.3-rev0", "1.2.3-0", "1.2.3_post9", ) VALID_VERSIONS = ( DECLARED_VERSION, PACKAGED_VERSION, *VALID_AND_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS, *VALID_AND_NOT_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS, ) # The following persions cannot be parsed by the `packaging` library INVALID_NOT_READABLE = ( "-1.2.3", "+1.2.3", "!1.2.3", "x.2.3", "1.y.3", "1.2.z", "x.y.z", "1.2.3.abc", "1.2.3.d0", "1.2.3.develop0", "1.2.3..dev0", "1..2.3", "1.2..3", "1-2-3", "1,2,3", ) # The `packaging` library is able to parse the following versions # that however are not considered valid for this project INVALID_NOT_SEMANTIC = ( "1", "1.2", "01.2.3", "1.02.3", "1.2.03", "", "1.2.3.dev-1", "1.2.3.dev01", "v1.2.3", ) INVALID_VERSIONS = INVALID_NOT_READABLE + INVALID_NOT_SEMANTIC @pytest.mark.overlapping_test class VersionClassification: """Classifying version identifiers. There are four distinct kinds of version identifiers: - "X.Y.Z.devN" => developmental non-releases - "X.Y.Z[aN|bN|rcN]" => pre-releases (e.g., alpha, beta, or release candidates) - "X.Y.Z" => ordinary (or "official) releases to PypI - "X.Y.Z.postN" => post-releases (e.g., to add missing non-code artifacts) The `packaging` library models these four cases slightly different, and, most notably in an overlapping fashion (i.e., developmental releases are also pre-releases). The four methods in this class introduce our own logic treating the four cases in a non-overlapping fashion. """ def is_dev_release(self, parsed_version): """A "X.Y.Z.devN" release.""" is_so_by_parts = ( parsed_version.dev is not None and parsed_version.pre is None and parsed_version.post is None ) if is_so_by_parts: assert parsed_version.is_devrelease assert parsed_version.is_prerelease assert not parsed_version.is_postrelease return is_so_by_parts def is_pre_release(self, parsed_version): """A "X.Y.Z[aN|bN|rcN]" release.""" is_so_by_parts = ( parsed_version.dev is None and parsed_version.pre is not None and parsed_version.post is None ) if is_so_by_parts: assert not parsed_version.is_devrelease assert parsed_version.is_prerelease assert not parsed_version.is_postrelease return is_so_by_parts def is_ordinary_release(self, parsed_version): """A "X.Y.Z" release.""" is_so_by_parts = ( parsed_version.dev is None and parsed_version.pre is None and parsed_version.post is None ) if is_so_by_parts: assert not parsed_version.is_devrelease assert not parsed_version.is_prerelease assert not parsed_version.is_postrelease return is_so_by_parts def is_post_release(self, parsed_version): """A "X.Y.Z.postN" release.""" is_so_by_parts = ( parsed_version.dev is None and parsed_version.pre is None and parsed_version.post is not None ) if is_so_by_parts: assert not parsed_version.is_devrelease assert not parsed_version.is_prerelease assert parsed_version.is_postrelease return is_so_by_parts @pytest.mark.overlapping_test class TestVersionIdentifier(VersionClassification): """The versions must comply with PEP440 ... and follow some additional constraints, most notably that a version's base complies with semantic versioning. """ def test_packaged_version_is_declared_version(self): """`lalib.__version__` matches "version" in pyproject.toml exactly.""" assert PACKAGED_VERSION == DECLARED_VERSION @pytest.fixture def parsed_version(self, request): """A version identifier parsed with `packaging.version.Version()`.""" return pkg_version.Version(request.param) @pytest.fixture def unparsed_version(self, request): """A version identifier represented as an ordinary `str`.""" return request.param @pytest.mark.parametrize("unparsed_version", INVALID_NOT_READABLE) def test_does_not_follow_pep440(self, unparsed_version): """A version's base does not follow PEP440.""" with pytest.raises(pkg_version.InvalidVersion): pkg_version.Version(unparsed_version) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["parsed_version", "unparsed_version"], [(v, v) for v in VALID_VERSIONS], indirect=True, ) def test_base_follows_semantic_versioning(self, parsed_version, unparsed_version): """A version's base follows semantic versioning.""" result = semver.Version.parse(parsed_version.base_version) result = str(result) assert unparsed_version.startswith(result) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version", INVALID_NOT_READABLE + INVALID_NOT_SEMANTIC) def test_base_does_not_follow_semantic_versioning(self, version): """A version's base does not follow semantic versioning.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="not valid SemVer"): semver.Version.parse(version) @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True) def test_has_major_minor_patch_parts(self, parsed_version): """A version's base consists of three parts.""" three_parts = 3 assert len(parsed_version.release) == three_parts @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize("part", ["major", "minor", "micro"]) def test_major_minor_patch_parts_are_within_range(self, parsed_version, part): """A version's "major", "minor", and "patch" parts are non-negative and `< 100`.""" # "micro" in PEP440 is "patch" in semantic versioning part = getattr(parsed_version, part, -1) two_digits_only = 100 assert 0 <= part < two_digits_only @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True) def test_is_either_dev_pre_post_or_ordinary_release(self, parsed_version): """A version is exactly one of four kinds.""" result = ( # `bool`s behaving like `int`s self.is_dev_release(parsed_version) + self.is_pre_release(parsed_version) + self.is_ordinary_release(parsed_version) + self.is_post_release(parsed_version) ) assert result == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True) def test_dev_releases_come_with_dev0(self, parsed_version): """A ".devN" version always comes with ".dev0".""" if self.is_dev_release(parsed_version): assert parsed_version.dev == 0 assert parsed_version.pre is None assert parsed_version.post is None else: assert parsed_version.dev is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True) def test_pre_releases_come_with_suffix1_or_suffix2(self, parsed_version): """A "aN", "bN", or "rcN" version always comes with N as 1 or 2.""" if self.is_pre_release(parsed_version): assert parsed_version.dev is None assert parsed_version.pre[1] in (1, 2) assert parsed_version.post is None else: assert parsed_version.pre is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True) def test_ordinary_releases_have_no_suffixes(self, parsed_version): """A ordinary release versions has no suffixes.""" if self.is_ordinary_release(parsed_version): assert parsed_version.dev is None assert parsed_version.pre is None assert parsed_version.post is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True) def test_post_releases_come_with_post0_to_post9(self, parsed_version): """A ".postN" version always comes with N as 0 through 9.""" if self.is_post_release(parsed_version): assert parsed_version.dev is None assert parsed_version.pre is None assert parsed_version.post in range(10) else: assert parsed_version.post is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True) def test_has_no_epoch_segment(self, parsed_version): """A version has no epoch segment.""" assert parsed_version.epoch == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True) def test_has_no_local_segment(self, parsed_version): """A parsed_version has no local segment. In semantic versioning, the "local" segment is referred to as the "build metadata". """ assert parsed_version.local is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["parsed_version", "unparsed_version"], [ (v, v) for v in ( DECLARED_VERSION, PACKAGED_VERSION, *VALID_AND_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS, ) ], indirect=True, ) def test_is_normalized(self, parsed_version, unparsed_version): """A version is already normalized. For example, a version cannot be "1.2.3.a1" because this gets normalized into "1.2.3a1". """ assert parsed_version.public == unparsed_version @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["parsed_version", "unparsed_version"], [(v, v) for v in VALID_AND_NOT_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS], indirect=True, ) def test_is_not_normalized(self, parsed_version, unparsed_version): """A version is not yet normalized. For example, the version "1.2.3.a1" gets normalized into "1.2.3a1". """ assert parsed_version.public != unparsed_version @pytest.mark.overlapping_test class TestVersionIdentifierWithPattern: """Test the versioning with a custom `regex` pattern.""" x_y_z_version = r"^(0|([1-9]\d*))\.(0|([1-9]\d*))\.(0|([1-9]\d*))" suffixes = r"((\.dev0)|(((a)|(b)|(rc))(1|2))|(\.post\d{1}))" version_pattern = re.compile(f"^{x_y_z_version}{suffixes}?$") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "version", [ DECLARED_VERSION, PACKAGED_VERSION, ], ) def test_packaged_and_declared_version(self, version): """Packaged version follows PEP440 and semantic versioning.""" result = self.version_pattern.fullmatch(version) assert result is not None # The next two test cases are sanity checks to validate the `version_pattern`. @pytest.mark.parametrize("version", VALID_AND_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS) def test_valid_versioning(self, version): """A version follows the "x.y.z[.devN|aN|bN|rcN|.postN]" format.""" result = self.version_pattern.fullmatch(version) assert result is not None @pytest.mark.parametrize("version", INVALID_VERSIONS) def test_invalid_versioning(self, version): """A version does not follow the "x.y.z[.devN|aN|bN|rcN|.postN]" format.""" result = self.version_pattern.fullmatch(version) assert result is None class TestUnavailablePackageMetadata: """Pretend only source files are available, without metadata.""" def find_path_to_package_metadata_folder(self, name): """Find the path to a locally installed package within a `venv`.""" paths = tuple( itertools.chain( *(pathlib.Path(path).glob(f"{name}-*.dist-info/") for path in sys.path), ), ) # Sanity Check: There must be exactly one folder # for an installed package within a virtual environment assert len(paths) == 1 return pathlib.Path(paths[0]).relative_to(pathlib.Path.cwd()) @contextlib.contextmanager def hide_metadata_from_package(self, name): """Hide the metadata of a locally installed package.""" # Rename the metadata folder path = self.find_path_to_package_metadata_folder(name) path.rename(str(path).replace(name, f"{name}.tmp")) # (Re-)Load the package with missing metadata package = importlib.import_module(name) importlib.reload(package) try: yield package finally: # Restore the original metadata folder path = self.find_path_to_package_metadata_folder(f"{name}.tmp") path = path.rename(str(path).replace(f"{name}.tmp", name)) # Reload the package with the original metadata for other tests importlib.reload(package) def test_package_without_version_info(self): """Import `lalib` with no available version info.""" with self.hide_metadata_from_package("lalib") as lalib_pkg: assert lalib_pkg.__pkg_name__ == "unknown" assert lalib_pkg.__version__ == "unknown" @pytest.mark.sanity_test class TestSampleVersionData: """Ensure the `VALID_*_VERSIONS` are in order.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["version1", "version2"], zip( # loop over pairs of neighboring elements VALID_AND_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS, VALID_AND_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS[1:], ), ) def test_versions_are_strictly_ordered(self, version1, version2): """`VALID_AND_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS` are ordered.""" version1_parsed = pkg_version.Version(version1) version2_parsed = pkg_version.Version(version2) assert version1_parsed < version2_parsed @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["version1", "version2"], zip( # loop over pairs of neighboring elements VALID_AND_NOT_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS, VALID_AND_NOT_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS[1:], ), ) def test_versions_are_weakly_ordered(self, version1, version2): """`VALID_AND_NOT_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS` are ordered.""" version1_parsed = pkg_version.Version(version1) version2_parsed = pkg_version.Version(version2) assert version1_parsed <= version2_parsed