"""Test the package's version identifier.

The packaged version identifier (i.e., `lalib.__version__`)
adheres to PEP440 and its base part follows semantic versioning:

    - In general, version identifiers follow the "x.y.z" format
      where x, y, and z are non-negative integers (e.g., "0.1.0"
      or "1.2.3") matching the "major", "minor", and "patch" parts
      of semantic versioning

    - Without suffixes, these "x.y.z" versions represent
      the ordinary releases to PyPI

    - Developmental or non-release versions are indicated
      with a ".dev0" suffix; we use solely a "0" to keep things simple

    - Pre-releases come as "alpha", "beta", and "release candidate"
      versions, indicated with "aN", "bN", and "rcN" suffixes
      (no "." separator before the suffixes) where N is either 1 or 2

    - Post-releases are possible and indicated with a ".postN" suffix
      where N is between 0 and 9; they must not change the code
      as compared to their corresponding ordinary release version

    - "0.4.2" => ordinary release; public API may be unstable
                 as explained by the rules of semantic versioning
    - "1.2.3" => ordinary release (long-term stable versions)
    - "4.5.6.dev0" => early development stage before release "4.5.6"
    - "4.5.6a1" => pre-release shortly before publication of "4.5.6"

    - https://peps.python.org/pep-0440/
    - https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html

Implementation notes:

    - The `packaging` library and the `importlib.metadata` module
      are very forgiving when parsing version identifiers
      => The test cases in this file enforce a strict style

    - The `DECLARED_VERSION` (in pyproject.toml) and the
      `PACKAGED_VERSION` (read from the metadata after installation
      in a virtual environment) are tested besides a lot of
      example `VALID_VERSIONS` to obtain a high confidence
      in the test cases

    - There are two generic kind of test cases:

        + `TestVersionIdentifier` uses the `packaging` and `semver
           libraries to parse the various `*_VERSION`s and validate
           their infos

        + `TestVersionIdentifierWithPattern` defines a `regex` pattern
          comprising all rules at once

import contextlib
import importlib
import itertools
import pathlib
import re
import string
import sys

import pytest
import semver
from packaging import version as pkg_version

import lalib

# Support Python 3.9 and 3.10
    import tomllib
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    import tomli as tomllib  # type: ignore[no-redef]

def load_version_from_pyproject_toml():
    """The version declared in pyproject.toml."""
    with pathlib.Path("pyproject.toml").open("rb") as fp:
        pyproject_toml = tomllib.load(fp)

    return pyproject_toml["tool"]["poetry"]["version"]

def expand_digits_to_versions(
    pre_process=(lambda x, y, z: (x, y, z)),
    filter_=(lambda _x, _y, _z: True),
    post_process=(lambda x, y, z: (x, y, z)),
    """Yield examplatory semantic versions.

    For example, "12345" is expanded into "1.2.345", "1.23.45", ..., "123.4.5".

    In general, the `digits` are sliced into three parts `x`, `y`, and `z`
    that could be thought of the "major", "minor", and "patch" parts of
    a version identifier. The `digits` themselves are not re-arranged.

    `pre_process(x, y, z)` transform the parts individually. As an example,
    `part % 100` makes each part only use the least significant digits.
    So, in the example, "1.2.345" becomes "1.2.45".

    `post_process(x, y, z)` does the same but only after applying the
    `filter_(x, y, z)` which signals if the current `x`, `y`, and `z`
    should be skipped.

    `unique=True` ensures a produced version identifier is yielded only once.
    seen_before = set() if unique else None

    for i in range(1, len(digits) - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(digits)):
            x, y, z = int(digits[:i]), int(digits[i:j]), int(digits[j:])

            x, y, z = pre_process(x, y, z)

            if not filter_(x, y, z):

            x, y, z = post_process(x, y, z)

            if unique:
                if (x, y, z) in seen_before:
                    seen_before.add((x, y, z))

            yield f"{x}.{y}.{z}"

DECLARED_VERSION = load_version_from_pyproject_toml()
PACKAGED_VERSION = lalib.__version__

    *(f"1.2.3.post{n}" for n in range(10)),
    # e.g., "1.2.89", "1.23.89", "1.78.9", "12.3.89", "12.34.89", and "67.8.9"
        pre_process=(lambda x, y, z: (x % 100, y % 100, z % 100)),

# The `packaging` library can parse the following versions
# that are then normalized according to PEP440
# Source: https://peps.python.org/pep-0440/#normalization


# The following persions cannot be parsed by the `packaging` library

# The `packaging` library is able to parse the following versions
# that however are not considered valid for this project


class VersionClassification:
    """Classifying version identifiers.

    There are four distinct kinds of version identifiers:
     - "X.Y.Z.devN" => developmental non-releases
     - "X.Y.Z[aN|bN|rcN]" => pre-releases (e.g., alpha, beta, or release candidates)
     - "X.Y.Z" => ordinary (or "official) releases to PypI
     - "X.Y.Z.postN" => post-releases (e.g., to add missing non-code artifacts)

    The `packaging` library models these four cases slightly different, and,
    most notably in an overlapping fashion (i.e., developmental releases are
    also pre-releases).

    The four methods in this class introduce our own logic
    treating the four cases in a non-overlapping fashion.

    def is_dev_release(self, parsed_version):
        """A "X.Y.Z.devN" release."""
        is_so_by_parts = (
            parsed_version.dev is not None
            and parsed_version.pre is None
            and parsed_version.post is None

        if is_so_by_parts:
            assert parsed_version.is_devrelease
            assert parsed_version.is_prerelease
            assert not parsed_version.is_postrelease

        return is_so_by_parts

    def is_pre_release(self, parsed_version):
        """A "X.Y.Z[aN|bN|rcN]" release."""
        is_so_by_parts = (
            parsed_version.dev is None
            and parsed_version.pre is not None
            and parsed_version.post is None

        if is_so_by_parts:
            assert not parsed_version.is_devrelease
            assert parsed_version.is_prerelease
            assert not parsed_version.is_postrelease

        return is_so_by_parts

    def is_ordinary_release(self, parsed_version):
        """A "X.Y.Z" release."""
        is_so_by_parts = (
            parsed_version.dev is None
            and parsed_version.pre is None
            and parsed_version.post is None

        if is_so_by_parts:
            assert not parsed_version.is_devrelease
            assert not parsed_version.is_prerelease
            assert not parsed_version.is_postrelease

        return is_so_by_parts

    def is_post_release(self, parsed_version):
        """A "X.Y.Z.postN" release."""
        is_so_by_parts = (
            parsed_version.dev is None
            and parsed_version.pre is None
            and parsed_version.post is not None

        if is_so_by_parts:
            assert not parsed_version.is_devrelease
            assert not parsed_version.is_prerelease
            assert parsed_version.is_postrelease

        return is_so_by_parts

class TestVersionIdentifier(VersionClassification):
    """The versions must comply with PEP440 ...

    and follow some additional constraints, most notably that a version's
    base complies with semantic versioning.

    def test_packaged_version_is_declared_version(self):
        """`lalib.__version__` matches "version" in pyproject.toml exactly."""

    def parsed_version(self, request):
        """A version identifier parsed with `packaging.version.Version()`."""
        return pkg_version.Version(request.param)

    def unparsed_version(self, request):
        """A version identifier represented as an ordinary `str`."""
        return request.param

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("unparsed_version", INVALID_NOT_READABLE)
    def test_does_not_follow_pep440(self, unparsed_version):
        """A version's base does not follow PEP440."""
        with pytest.raises(pkg_version.InvalidVersion):

        ["parsed_version", "unparsed_version"],
        [(v, v) for v in VALID_VERSIONS],
    def test_base_follows_semantic_versioning(self, parsed_version, unparsed_version):
        """A version's base follows semantic versioning."""
        result = semver.Version.parse(parsed_version.base_version)
        result = str(result)

        assert unparsed_version.startswith(result)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("version", INVALID_NOT_READABLE + INVALID_NOT_SEMANTIC)
    def test_base_does_not_follow_semantic_versioning(self, version):
        """A version's base does not follow semantic versioning."""
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="not valid SemVer"):

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True)
    def test_has_major_minor_patch_parts(self, parsed_version):
        """A version's base consists of three parts."""
        three_parts = 3

        assert len(parsed_version.release) == three_parts

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True)
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("part", ["major", "minor", "micro"])
    def test_major_minor_patch_parts_are_within_range(self, parsed_version, part):
        """A version's "major", "minor", and "patch" parts are non-negative and `< 100`."""
        # "micro" in PEP440 is "patch" in semantic versioning
        part = getattr(parsed_version, part, -1)
        two_digits_only = 100

        assert 0 <= part < two_digits_only

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True)
    def test_is_either_dev_pre_post_or_ordinary_release(self, parsed_version):
        """A version is exactly one of four kinds."""
        result = (  # `bool`s behaving like `int`s
            + self.is_pre_release(parsed_version)
            + self.is_ordinary_release(parsed_version)
            + self.is_post_release(parsed_version)

        assert result == 1

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True)
    def test_dev_releases_come_with_dev0(self, parsed_version):
        """A ".devN" version always comes with ".dev0"."""
        if self.is_dev_release(parsed_version):
            assert parsed_version.dev == 0
            assert parsed_version.pre is None
            assert parsed_version.post is None
            assert parsed_version.dev is None

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True)
    def test_pre_releases_come_with_suffix1_or_suffix2(self, parsed_version):
        """A "aN", "bN", or "rcN" version always comes with N as 1 or 2."""
        if self.is_pre_release(parsed_version):
            assert parsed_version.dev is None
            assert parsed_version.pre[1] in (1, 2)
            assert parsed_version.post is None
            assert parsed_version.pre is None

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True)
    def test_ordinary_releases_have_no_suffixes(self, parsed_version):
        """A ordinary release versions has no suffixes."""
        if self.is_ordinary_release(parsed_version):
            assert parsed_version.dev is None
            assert parsed_version.pre is None
            assert parsed_version.post is None

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True)
    def test_post_releases_come_with_post0_to_post9(self, parsed_version):
        """A ".postN" version always comes with N as 0 through 9."""
        if self.is_post_release(parsed_version):
            assert parsed_version.dev is None
            assert parsed_version.pre is None
            assert parsed_version.post in range(10)
            assert parsed_version.post is None

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True)
    def test_has_no_epoch_segment(self, parsed_version):
        """A version has no epoch segment."""
        assert parsed_version.epoch == 0

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("parsed_version", VALID_VERSIONS, indirect=True)
    def test_has_no_local_segment(self, parsed_version):
        """A parsed_version has no local segment.

        In semantic versioning, the "local" segment is referred
        to as the "build metadata".
        assert parsed_version.local is None

        ["parsed_version", "unparsed_version"],
            (v, v)
            for v in (
    def test_is_normalized(self, parsed_version, unparsed_version):
        """A version is already normalized.

        For example, a version cannot be "1.2.3.a1"
        because this gets normalized into "1.2.3a1".
        assert parsed_version.public == unparsed_version

        ["parsed_version", "unparsed_version"],
        [(v, v) for v in VALID_AND_NOT_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS],
    def test_is_not_normalized(self, parsed_version, unparsed_version):
        """A version is not yet normalized.

        For example, the version "1.2.3.a1"
        gets normalized into "1.2.3a1".
        assert parsed_version.public != unparsed_version

class TestVersionIdentifierWithPattern:
    """Test the versioning with a custom `regex` pattern."""

    x_y_z_version = r"^(0|([1-9]\d*))\.(0|([1-9]\d*))\.(0|([1-9]\d*))"
    suffixes = r"((\.dev0)|(((a)|(b)|(rc))(1|2))|(\.post\d{1}))"
    version_pattern = re.compile(f"^{x_y_z_version}{suffixes}?$")

    def test_packaged_and_declared_version(self, version):
        """Packaged version follows PEP440 and semantic versioning."""
        result = self.version_pattern.fullmatch(version)

        assert result is not None

    # The next two test cases are sanity checks to validate the `version_pattern`.

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("version", VALID_AND_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS)
    def test_valid_versioning(self, version):
        """A version follows the "x.y.z[.devN|aN|bN|rcN|.postN]" format."""
        result = self.version_pattern.fullmatch(version)

        assert result is not None

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("version", INVALID_VERSIONS)
    def test_invalid_versioning(self, version):
        """A version does not follow the "x.y.z[.devN|aN|bN|rcN|.postN]" format."""
        result = self.version_pattern.fullmatch(version)

        assert result is None

class TestUnavailablePackageMetadata:
    """Pretend only source files are available, without metadata."""

    def find_path_to_package_metadata_folder(self, name):
        """Find the path to a locally installed package within a `venv`."""
        paths = tuple(
                *(pathlib.Path(path).glob(f"{name}-*.dist-info/") for path in sys.path),

        # Sanity Check: There must be exactly one folder
        # for an installed package within a virtual environment
        assert len(paths) == 1

        return pathlib.Path(paths[0]).relative_to(pathlib.Path.cwd())

    def hide_metadata_from_package(self, name):
        """Hide the metadata of a locally installed package."""
        # Rename the metadata folder
        path = self.find_path_to_package_metadata_folder(name)
        path.rename(str(path).replace(name, f"{name}.tmp"))

        # (Re-)Load the package with missing metadata
        package = importlib.import_module(name)

            yield package

            # Restore the original metadata folder
            path = self.find_path_to_package_metadata_folder(f"{name}.tmp")
            path = path.rename(str(path).replace(f"{name}.tmp", name))

            # Reload the package with the original metadata for other tests

    def test_package_without_version_info(self):
        """Import `lalib` with no available version info."""
        with self.hide_metadata_from_package("lalib") as lalib_pkg:
            assert lalib_pkg.__pkg_name__ == "unknown"
            assert lalib_pkg.__version__ == "unknown"

class TestSampleVersionData:
    """Ensure the `VALID_*_VERSIONS` are in order."""

        ["version1", "version2"],
        zip(  # loop over pairs of neighboring elements
    def test_versions_are_strictly_ordered(self, version1, version2):
        """`VALID_AND_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS` are ordered."""
        version1_parsed = pkg_version.Version(version1)
        version2_parsed = pkg_version.Version(version2)

        assert version1_parsed < version2_parsed

        ["version1", "version2"],
        zip(  # loop over pairs of neighboring elements
    def test_versions_are_weakly_ordered(self, version1, version2):
        """`VALID_AND_NOT_NORMALIZED_VERSIONS` are ordered."""
        version1_parsed = pkg_version.Version(version1)
        version2_parsed = pkg_version.Version(version2)

        assert version1_parsed <= version2_parsed