"""Maintenance tasks run in isolated environments.""" import collections import pathlib import re import tempfile from collections.abc import Mapping from typing import Any import nox from packaging import version as pkg_version try: from nox_poetry import session as nox_session except ImportError: nox_session = nox.session nox_poetry_available = False else: nox_poetry_available = True def nested_defaultdict() -> collections.defaultdict[str, Any]: """Create a multi-level `defaultdict` with variable depth. The returned `dict`ionary never raises a `KeyError` but always returns an empty `dict`ionary instead. This behavior is occurs recursively. Adjusted from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8702435 """ return collections.defaultdict(nested_defaultdict) def defaultify(obj: Any) -> Any: """Turn nested `dict`s into nested `defaultdict`s.""" if isinstance(obj, Mapping): return collections.defaultdict( nested_defaultdict, {key: defaultify(val) for key, val in obj.items()}, ) return obj def load_pyproject_toml() -> collections.defaultdict[str, Any]: """Load the contents of the pyproject.toml file. The contents are represented as a `nested_defaultdict`; so, missing keys and tables (i.e., "sections" in the .ini format) do not result in `KeyError`s but return empty `nested_defaultdict`s. """ return defaultify(nox.project.load_toml("pyproject.toml")) def load_supported_python_versions(*, reverse: bool = False) -> list[str]: """Parse the Python versions from the pyproject.toml file.""" pyproject = load_pyproject_toml() version_names = { classifier.rsplit(" ")[-1] for classifier in pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["classifiers"] if classifier.startswith("Programming Language :: Python :: ") } return sorted(version_names, key=pkg_version.Version, reverse=reverse) SUPPORTED_PYTHONS = load_supported_python_versions(reverse=True) MAIN_PYTHON = "3.12" SRC_LOCATIONS = ("./noxfile.py", "src/") nox.options.envdir = ".cache/nox" nox.options.error_on_external_run = True # only `git` and `poetry` are external nox.options.reuse_venv = "no" nox.options.sessions = ( # run by default when invoking `nox` on the CLI "format", ) nox.options.stop_on_first_error = True @nox_session(name="format", python=MAIN_PYTHON) def format_(session: nox.Session) -> None: """Format source files with `autoflake`, `black`, and `isort`.""" start(session) install_pinned(session, "autoflake", "black", "isort") locations = session.posargs or SRC_LOCATIONS session.run("autoflake", "--version") session.run("autoflake", *locations) session.run("black", "--version") session.run("black", *locations) session.run("isort", "--version-number") session.run("isort", *locations) def start(session: nox.Session) -> None: """Show generic info about a session.""" if session.posargs: session.debug(f"Received extra arguments: {session.posargs}") session.debug("Some generic information about the environment") session.run("python", "--version") session.run("python", "-c", "import sys; print(sys.executable)") session.run("python", "-c", "import sys; print(sys.path)") session.run("python", "-c", "import os; print(os.getcwd())") session.run("python", "-c", 'import os; print(os.environ["PATH"])') session.env["BLACK_CACHE_DIR"] = ".cache/black" session.env["PIP_CACHE_DIR"] = ".cache/pip" session.env["PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK"] = "true" def install_pinned( session: nox.Session, *packages_or_pip_args: str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Install packages respecting the "poetry.lock" file. Wraps `nox.sessions.Session.install()` such that it installs packages respecting the pinned versions specified in poetry's lock file. This makes nox sessions more deterministic. """ session.debug("Install packages respecting the poetry.lock file") session.run( # temporary fix to avoid poetry's future warning "poetry", "config", "--local", "warnings.export", "false", external=True, log=False, # because it's just a fix ) if nox_poetry_available: session.install(*packages_or_pip_args, **kwargs) return with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as requirements_txt: session.run( "poetry", "export", "--format=requirements.txt", f"--output={requirements_txt.name}", "--with=dev", "--without-hashes", external=True, ) # `pip install --constraint ...` raises an error if the # dependencies in requirements.txt contain "extras" # => Strip "package[extras]==1.2.3" into "package==1.2.3" dependencies = pathlib.Path(requirements_txt.name).read_text().split("\n") dependencies = [re.sub(r"\[.*\]==", "==", dep) for dep in dependencies] pathlib.Path(requirements_txt.name).write_text("\n".join(dependencies)) session.install( f"--constraint={requirements_txt.name}", *packages_or_pip_args, **kwargs, ) if MAIN_PYTHON not in SUPPORTED_PYTHONS: msg = f"MAIN_PYTHON version, v{MAIN_PYTHON}, is not in SUPPORTED_PYTHONS" raise RuntimeError(msg)