Alexander Hess 348cd53767
Make lalib.elements.galois.to_gf2() a detail
- `to_gf2()` is only to be used within `GF2Element.__new__()`
  => rename it into `_to_gf2()`
- the test cases in `TestGF2ConstructorWithCastedValue`
  cover everything in `TestGF2Casting`
  => retire the redundant test cases
     and make the test suite run faster
2024-09-19 14:22:10 +02:00

761 lines
23 KiB

"""Test the `gf2` singeltons `one` and `zero`."""
import decimal
import fractions
import importlib
import math
import numbers
import operator
import os
import sys
import pytest
from lalib.elements import galois
one, zero = (,,
gf2, GF2One, GF2Zero = (
del galois
default_threshold = _THRESHOLD
within_threshold = _THRESHOLD / 10
not_within_threshold = _THRESHOLD * 10
strict_one_like_values = (
1.0 + within_threshold,
(1 + 0j),
(1 + 0j) + complex(0, within_threshold),
(1 + 0j) + complex(within_threshold, 0),
fractions.Fraction(1, 1),
non_strict_one_like_values = (
0.0 + not_within_threshold,
1.0 + not_within_threshold,
(1 + 0j) + complex(not_within_threshold, 0),
fractions.Fraction(42, 1),
one_like_values = strict_one_like_values + non_strict_one_like_values
zero_like_values = (
0.0 + within_threshold,
(0 + 0j),
(0 + 0j) + complex(0, within_threshold),
(0 + 0j) + complex(within_threshold, 0),
fractions.Fraction(0, 1),
def test_thresholds():
"""Sanity check for the thresholds used in the tests below."""
assert within_threshold < default_threshold < not_within_threshold
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", [gf2, GF2One, GF2Zero])
class TestGF2Casting:
"""Test the `gf2` class's constructor.
`gf2(value, ...)` returns either `one` or `zero`.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", strict_one_like_values)
def test_cast_ones_strictly(self, cls, value):
"""`gf2(value, strict=True)` returns `one`."""
result1 = cls(value) # `strict=True` by default
assert result1 is one
result2 = cls(value, strict=True)
assert result2 is one
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", one_like_values)
def test_cast_ones_not_strictly(self, cls, value):
"""`gf2(value, strict=False)` returns `one`."""
result = cls(value, strict=False)
assert result is one
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", non_strict_one_like_values)
def test_cannot_cast_ones_strictly(self, cls, value):
"""`gf2(value, strict=False)` returns `1`."""
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`1`-like or `0`-like"):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`1`-like or `0`-like"):
cls(value, strict=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", zero_like_values)
def test_cast_zeros(self, cls, value):
"""`gf2(value, strict=...)` returns `zero`."""
result1 = cls(value) # `strict=True` by default
assert result1 is zero
result2 = cls(value, strict=True)
assert result2 is zero
result3 = cls(value, strict=False)
assert result3 is zero
complex(1, not_within_threshold),
complex(0, not_within_threshold),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strict", [True, False])
def test_cannot_cast_with_non_zero_imag_part(self, cls, value, strict):
"""Cannot create `one` or `zero` if `.imag != 0`."""
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`1`-like or `0`-like"):
cls(value, strict=strict)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", ["abc", (1,), [1]])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strict", [True, False])
def test_cannot_cast_from_wrong_type(self, cls, value, strict):
"""Cannot create `one` or `zero` from a non-numeric value."""
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cls(value, strict=strict)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strict", [True, False])
def test_cannot_cast_from_nan_value(self, cls, strict):
"""Cannot create `one` or `zero` from undefined value."""
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`1`-like or `0`-like"):
cls(float("NaN"), strict=strict)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("scaler", [1, 10, 100, 1000])
def test_get_one_if_within_threshold(self, cls, scaler):
"""`gf2()` returns `one` if `value` is larger than `threshold`."""
# `not_within_threshold` is larger than the `default_threshold`
# but still different from `1` => `strict=False`
value = scaler * not_within_threshold
threshold = scaler * default_threshold
result = cls(value, strict=False, threshold=threshold)
assert result is one
@pytest.mark.parametrize("scaler", [1, 10, 100, 1000])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strict", [True, False])
def test_get_zero_if_within_threshold(self, cls, scaler, strict):
"""`gf2()` returns `zero` if `value` is smaller than `threshold`."""
# `within_threshold` is smaller than the `default_threshold`
value = scaler * within_threshold
threshold = scaler * default_threshold
result = cls(value, strict=strict, threshold=threshold)
assert result is zero
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strict", [True, False])
class TestGF2ConstructorWithoutCastedValue:
"""Test the `gf2` class's constructor.
`gf2()` returns either `one` or `zero`.
def test_get_one_from_sub_class_with_no_input_value(self, strict):
"""`GF2One()` returns `one`."""
result = GF2One(strict=strict)
assert result is one
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", [gf2, GF2Zero])
def test_get_zero_with_no_input_value(self, cls, strict):
"""`gf2()` and `GF2Zero()` return `zero`."""
result = cls(strict=strict)
assert result is zero
class TestGenericBehavior:
"""Test the classes behind `one` and `zero`."""
def test_cannot_instantiate_base_class_alone(self, monkeypatch):
"""`GF2One` and `GF2Zero` must be instantiated before `gf2`."""
monkeypatch.setattr(gf2, "_instances", {})
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="internal error"):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", [gf2, GF2One, GF2Zero])
def test_create_singletons(self, cls):
"""Singleton pattern: The classes always return the same instance."""
first = cls()
second = cls()
assert first is second
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
def test_sub_classes_return_objs(self, obj):
"""`type(one)` and `type(zero)` return ...
the sub-classes that create `one` and `zero`.
sub_cls = type(obj)
assert sub_cls is not gf2
new_obj = sub_cls()
assert new_obj is obj
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
def test_objs_are_numbers(self, obj, type_):
"""`one` and `zero` are officially `Numbers`s."""
assert isinstance(obj, type_)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", [gf2, GF2One, GF2Zero])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", [1, 0])
def test_classes_fulfill_rational_numbers_abc(
"""Ensure all of `numbers.Rational`'s abstact methods are implemented."""
monkeypatch.setattr(gf2, "_instances", {})
monkeypatch.delattr(gf2, method)
sub_cls = type("GF2Baby", (cls, numbers.Rational), {})
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="instantiate abstract class"):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", [repr, str])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
def test_text_repr_for_objs(self, func, obj):
"""`repr(one)` and `repr(zero)` return "one" and "zero" ...
... which is valid code evaluating into the objects themselves.
`str()` does the same as `repr()`.
new_obj = eval(func(obj)) # noqa: S307
assert new_obj is obj
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", [repr, str])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
def test_text_repr_for_classes(self, func, obj):
"""'gf2' is the text representation for all sub-classes ...
... which is valid code referring to the base class `gf2`.
`gf2()` returns `zero` if called without arguments.
base_cls = eval(func(type(obj))) # noqa: S307
assert base_cls is gf2
new_obj = base_cls()
assert new_obj is zero
class TestNumericBehavior:
"""Test how `one` and `zero` behave like numbers."""
def test_make_complex(self):
"""`one` and `zero` behave like `1 + 0j` and `0 + 0j`."""
assert (complex(one), complex(zero)) == (1 + 0j, 0 + 0j)
def test_make_float(self):
"""`one` and `zero` behave like `1.0` and `0.0`."""
assert (float(one), float(zero)) == (1.0, 0.0)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", [int, hash])
def test_make_int(self, func):
"""`one` and `zero` behave like `1` and `0`.
That also holds true for their hash values.
assert (func(one), func(zero)) == (1, 0)
def test_make_bool(self):
"""`one` and `zero` behave like `True` and `False`."""
assert (bool(one), bool(zero)) == (True, False)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
def test_get_abs_value(self, obj):
"""`abs(one)` and `abs(zero)` are `one` and `zero`."""
assert abs(obj) is obj
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", [math.trunc, math.floor, math.ceil, round])
def test_round_obj(self, obj, func):
"""`func(one)` and `func(zero)` equal `1` and `0`."""
assert func(obj) in (1, 0)
assert func(obj) == obj
def test_real_part(self):
"""`one.real` and `zero.real` are `1` and `0`."""
assert (one.real, zero.real) == (1, 0)
def test_imag_part(self):
"""`one.imag` and `zero.imag` are `0`."""
assert (one.imag, zero.imag) == (0, 0)
def test_conjugate(self):
"""`one.conjugate()` and `zero.conjugate()` are `1 + 0j` and `0 + 0j`."""
assert (one.conjugate(), zero.conjugate()) == (1 + 0j, 0 + 0j)
def test_one_as_fraction(self):
"""`one.numerator / one.denominator` equals `1`."""
assert (one.numerator, one.denominator) == (1, 1)
def test_zero_as_fraction(self):
"""`one.numerator / one.denominator` equals `0`."""
assert (zero.numerator, zero.denominator) == (0, 1)
class TestComparison:
"""Test `one` and `zero` interact with relational operators."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
def test_equal_to_itself(self, obj):
"""`one` and `zero` are equal to themselves."""
assert obj == obj # noqa: PLR0124
["first", "second"],
(one, one),
(one, 1),
(one, 1.0),
(one, 1 + 0j),
(zero, zero),
(zero, 0),
(zero, 0.0),
(zero, 0 + 0j),
def test_equal_to_another(self, first, second):
"""`one` and `zero` are equal to `1`-like and `0`-like numbers."""
assert first == second
assert second == first
["first", "second"],
(one, zero),
(one, 0),
(one, 0.0),
(one, 0 + 0j),
(zero, 1),
(zero, 1.0),
(zero, 1 + 0j),
def test_not_equal_to_another_one_or_zero_like(self, first, second):
"""`one` and `zero` are not equal to `0`-like and `1`-like numbers."""
assert first != second
assert second != first
["first", "second"],
(one, 42),
(one, 42.0),
(one, 42 + 0j),
(one, 0 + 42j),
(zero, 42),
(zero, 42.0),
(zero, 42 + 0j),
(zero, 0 + 42j),
def test_not_equal_to_another_non_one_like(self, first, second):
"""`one` and `zero` are not equal to non-`1`-or-`0`-like numbers."""
assert first != second
assert second != first
@pytest.mark.parametrize("operator", [,])
def test_one_greater_than_or_equal_to_zero(self, operator):
"""`one > zero` and `one >= zero`."""
assert operator(one, zero)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("operator", [, operator.le])
def test_one_not_smaller_than_or_equal_to_zero(self, operator):
"""`not one < zero` and `not one <= zero`."""
assert not operator(one, zero)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("operator", [, operator.le])
def test_zero_smaller_than_or_equal_to_one(self, operator):
"""`zero < one` and `zero <= one`."""
assert operator(zero, one)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("operator", [,])
def test_zero_not_greater_than_or_equalt_to_one(self, operator):
"""`not zero > one` and `not zero >= one`."""
assert not operator(zero, one)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
def test_obj_not_strictly_greater_than_itself(self, obj):
"""`obj >= obj` but not `obj > obj`."""
assert obj >= obj # noqa: PLR0124
assert not obj > obj # noqa: PLR0124
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
def test_obj_not_strictly_smaller_than_itself(self, obj):
"""`obj <= obj` but not `obj < obj`."""
assert obj <= obj # noqa: PLR0124
assert not obj < obj # noqa: PLR0124
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
[,,, operator.le],
def test_compare_to_other_operand_of_wrong_type(self, obj, operator):
"""`one` and `zero` may only interact with numbers."""
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
operator(obj, "abc")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
operator("abc", obj)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
[,,, operator.le],
def test_compare_to_other_operand_of_wrong_value(self, obj, operator):
"""`one` and `zero` may only interact with `1`-like or `0`-like numbers."""
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`1`-like or `0`-like"):
operator(obj, 42)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`1`-like or `0`-like"):
operator(42, obj)
class TestArithmetic:
"""Test `one` and `zero` interact with arithmetic operators."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("operator", [operator.pos, operator.neg])
def test_make_obj_positive_or_negative(self, obj, operator):
"""`+one` and `+zero` equal `-one` and `-zero`."""
assert obj is operator(obj)
(one, one, zero),
(one, zero, one),
(zero, zero, zero),
(one, 1, zero),
(one, 1.0, zero),
(one, 1 + 0j, zero),
(one, 0, one),
(one, 0.0, one),
(one, 0 + 0j, one),
(zero, 1, one),
(zero, 1.0, one),
(zero, 1 + 0j, one),
(zero, 0, zero),
(zero, 0.0, zero),
(zero, 0 + 0j, zero),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("operator", [operator.add, operator.sub])
def test_addition_and_subtraction(self, objs, operator):
"""Adding and subtracting `one` and `zero` is identical and commutative."""
first, second, expected = objs
result1 = operator(first, second)
assert result1 is expected
result2 = operator(second, first)
assert result2 is expected
if CROSS_REFERENCE: # cast `one` and `zero` as `integer`s before doing the math
result3 = gf2((operator(int(abs(first)), int(abs(second))) + 2) % 2)
assert result3 is expected
result4 = gf2((operator(int(abs(second)), int(abs(first))) + 2) % 2)
assert result4 is expected
["first", "second", "expected"],
(one, one, one),
(one, zero, zero),
(zero, zero, zero),
(one, 1, one),
(one, 1.0, one),
(one, 1 + 0j, one),
(one, 0, zero),
(one, 0.0, zero),
(one, 0 + 0j, zero),
(zero, 1, zero),
(zero, 1.0, zero),
(zero, 1 + 0j, zero),
(zero, 0, zero),
(zero, 0.0, zero),
(zero, 0 + 0j, zero),
def test_multiplication(self, first, second, expected):
"""Multiplying `one` and `zero` is commutative."""
result1 = first * second
assert result1 is expected
result2 = second * first
assert result2 is expected
if CROSS_REFERENCE: # cast `one` and `zero` as `integer`s before doing the math
result3 = gf2(int(abs(first)) * int(abs(second)))
assert result3 is expected
result4 = gf2(int(abs(second)) * int(abs(first)))
assert result4 is expected
# In Python 3.9 we cannot floor-divide a `complex` number
(one, one, one),
(one, 1, one),
(one, 1.0, one),
(one, 1 + 0j, one),
(1, one, one),
(1.0, one, one),
(zero, one, zero),
(zero, 1, zero),
(zero, 1.0, zero),
(zero, 1 + 0j, zero),
(0, one, zero),
(0.0, one, zero),
[operator.truediv, operator.floordiv],
def test_division_by_one(self, objs, operator):
"""Division by `one`."""
first, second, expected = objs
result1 = operator(first, second)
assert result1 is expected
if CROSS_REFERENCE: # cast `one` and `zero` as `integer`s before doing the math
result2 = gf2(operator(int(abs(first)), int(abs(second))))
assert result2 is expected
# In Python 3.9 we cannot modulo-divide a `complex` number
(one, one, zero),
(one, 1, zero),
(one, 1.0, zero),
(one, 1 + 0j, zero),
(1, one, zero),
(1.0, one, zero),
(zero, one, zero),
(zero, 1, zero),
(zero, 1.0, zero),
(zero, 1 + 0j, zero),
(0, one, zero),
(0.0, one, zero),
def test_modulo_division_by_one(self, objs):
"""Division by `one`."""
first, second, expected = objs
result1 = first % second
assert result1 is expected
if CROSS_REFERENCE: # cast `one` and `zero` as `integer`s before doing the math
result2 = gf2(int(abs(first)) % int(abs(second)))
assert result2 is expected
# In Python 3.9 we cannot floor-divide a `complex` number
(one, zero),
(one, 0),
(one, 0.0),
(1, zero),
(1.0, zero),
(zero, zero),
(zero, 0),
(zero, 0.0),
(0, zero),
(0.0, zero),
[operator.truediv, operator.floordiv, operator.mod],
def test_division_by_zero(self, objs, operator):
"""Division by `zero` raises `ZeroDivisionError`."""
first, second = objs
with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
operator(first, second)
if CROSS_REFERENCE: # cast `one` and `zero` as `integer`s before doing the math
with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
operator(int(abs(first)), int(abs(second)))
(one, one, one),
(one, 1, one),
(one, 1.0, one),
(one, 1 + 0j, one),
(1, one, one),
(1.0, one, one),
(1 + 0j, one, one),
(zero, one, zero),
(zero, 1, zero),
(zero, 1.0, zero),
(zero, 1 + 0j, zero),
(0, one, zero),
(0.0, one, zero),
(0 + 0j, one, zero),
(one, zero, one),
(one, 0, one),
(one, 0.0, one),
(one, 0 + 0j, one),
(1, zero, one),
(1.0, zero, one),
(1 + 0j, zero, one),
(zero, zero, one),
(zero, 0, one),
(zero, 0.0, one),
(zero, 0 + 0j, one),
(0, zero, one),
(0.0, zero, one),
(0 + 0j, zero, one),
def test_to_the_power_of(self, objs):
"""Exponentiation with `one` and `zero`."""
first, second, expected = objs
result1 = first**second
assert result1 is expected
if CROSS_REFERENCE: # cast `one` and `zero` as `integer`s before doing the math
result2 = gf2(int(abs(first)) ** int(abs(second)))
assert result2 is expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
def test_other_operand_of_wrong_type(self, obj, operator):
"""`one` and `zero` may only interact with numbers."""
# Cannot use a `str` like `"abc"` as then `%` means string formatting
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
operator(obj, ("a", "b", "c"))
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
operator(("a", "b", "c"), obj)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [one, zero])
def test_other_operand_of_wrong_value(self, obj, operator):
"""`one` and `zero` may only interact with `1`-like or `0`-like numbers."""
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`1`-like or `0`-like"):
operator(obj, 42)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`1`-like or `0`-like"):
operator(42, obj)
not sys.version_info < (3, 11),
reason='"typing-extensions" are installed to support Python 3.9 & 3.10',
def test_can_import_typing_extensions():
"""For Python versions 3.11+ we do not need the "typing-extensions"."""
package = importlib.import_module("lalib.elements.galois")
assert package.Self is not None