436 lines
11 KiB
436 lines
11 KiB
name = "lalib"
version = "0.5.0.dev0"
authors = [
"Alexander Hess <alexander@webartifex.biz>",
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"Intended Audience :: Education",
"Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
description = "A Python library to study linear algebra"
license = "MIT"
readme = "README.md"
documentation = "https://lalib.readthedocs.io"
homepage = "https://github.com/webartifex/lalib"
repository = "https://github.com/webartifex/lalib"
python = "^3.9"
typing-extensions = [ { python = "<3.11", version = "^4.12" } ] # to support Python 3.9 & 3.10
pre-commit = "^3.8"
# Code formatters
autoflake = "^2.3"
black = "^24.8"
isort = "^5.13"
# Code linters
flake8 = "^7.1"
flake8-annotations = "^3.1"
flake8-bandit = "^4.1"
flake8-black = "^0.3"
flake8-broken-line = "^1.0"
flake8-bugbear = "^24.8"
flake8-commas = "^4.0"
flake8-comprehensions = "^3.15"
flake8-debugger = "^4.1"
flake8-docstrings = "^1.7"
flake8-eradicate = "^1.5"
flake8-isort = "^6.1"
flake8-quotes = "^3.4"
flake8-string-format = "^0.3"
flake8-todos = "^0.3"
flake8-pyproject = "^1.2"
flake8-pytest-style = "^2.0"
mypy = "^1.11"
pep8-naming = "^0.14" # flake8 plug-in
pydoclint = { extras = ["flake8"], version = "^0.5" }
ruff = "^0.6"
# Documentation
sphinx = [
{ python = "=3.9", version = "^7.4" },
{ python = ">=3.10", version = "^8.0" },
sphinx-autodoc-typehints = "^2.3"
# Test suite
coverage = "^7.6"
packaging = "^24.1" # to test the version identifier
pytest = "^8.3"
pytest-cov = "^5.0"
semver = "^3.0" # to test the version identifier
tomli = [ { python = "<3.11", version = "^2.0" } ]
xdoctest = { extras = ["colors"], version = "^1.2" }
"Issues Tracker" = "https://github.com/webartifex/lalib/issues"
# Source: https://github.com/PyCQA/autoflake#configuration
in-place = true
recursive = true
expand-star-imports = true
remove-all-unused-imports = true
ignore-init-module-imports = true # modifies "remove-all-unused-imports"
remove-duplicate-keys = true
remove-unused-variables = true
# Source: https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage_and_configuration/the_basics.html
line-length = 88
target-version = ["py312", "py311", "py310", "py39"]
# Source: https://coverage.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html
source = ["src/", "*/site-packages/"]
show_missing = true
skip_covered = true
skip_empty = true
exclude_lines = [
# "pragma: no cover"
# => Intentionally commented out as we thrive for 100% test coverage
# PyPI's "typing-extensions" are needed to make `mypy` work
"pragma: no cover ${PRAGMA_SUPPORT_39_N_310}",
data_file = ".cache/coverage/data"
branch = true
parallel = true
source = ["lalib"]
output = ".cache/coverage/report.xml"
select = [
# violations also covered by `ruff` below
"ANN", # flake8-annotations => enforce type checking for functions
"B", # flake8-bugbear => bugs and design flaws
"C4", # flake8-comprehensions => better comprehensions
"C8", # flake8-commas => better comma placements ("COM" for `ruff`)
"C90", # mccabe => cyclomatic complexity (Source: https://github.com/pycqa/mccabe#plugin-for-flake8)
"D", # flake8-docstrings / pydocstyle => PEP257 compliance
"E", "W", # pycodestyle => PEP8 compliance (Source: https://pycodestyle.pycqa.org/en/latest/intro.html#error-codes)
"E800", # flake8-eradicate / eradicate => no commented out code ("ERA" for `ruff`)
"F", # pyflakes => basic errors (Source: https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/error-codes.html)
"I", # flake8-isort => isort would make changes
"N", # pep8-naming
"PT", # flake8-pytest-style => enforce a consistent style with pytest
"Q", # flake8-quotes => use double quotes everywhere (complying with black)
"S", # flake8-bandit => common security issues
"T00", # flake8-todos => unify TODOs
"T10", # flake8-debugger => no debugger usage
# violations not covered by `ruff` below
"BLK", # flake8-black => complain if black wants to make changes
"DOC", # pydoclint (replaces "darglint") => docstring matches implementation
"N400", # flake8-broken-line => no "\" to end a line
"P", # flake8-string-format => unify usage of `str.format()` ("FMT" in the future)
ignore = []
extend-ignore = [ # never check the following codes
"ANN101", "ANN102", # `self` and `cls` in methods need no annotation
"ANN401", # allow dynamically typed expressions with `typing.Any`
"DOC301", # PEP257 => class constructor's docstring go in `.__init__()`
# Comply with black's style
# Sources: https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guides/using_black_with_other_tools.html#pycodestyle
"E203", "E701", "E704", "W503",
per-file-ignores = [
# Linting rules for the test suite:
# - type hints are not required
# - `assert`s are normal
# Explicitly set mccabe's maximum complexity to 10 as recommended by
# Thomas McCabe, the inventor of the McCabe complexity, and the NIST
# Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclomatic_complexity#Limiting_complexity_during_development
max-complexity = 10
# Whereas black and isort break the line at 88 characters,
# make flake8 not complain about anything (e.g., comments) until 100
max-line-length = 99
# Preview the code lines that cause errors
show-source = true
# Plug-in: flake8-docstrings
# Source: https://www.pydocstyle.org/en/latest/error_codes.html#default-conventions
docstring-convention = "google"
# Plug-in: flake8-eradicate
# Source: https://github.com/wemake-services/flake8-eradicate#options
eradicate-aggressive = true
# Plug-in: flake8-pytest-style
# Aligned with [tool.ruff.lint.flake8-pytest-style] below
# Prefer `@pytest.fixture` over `@pytest.fixture()`
pytest-fixture-no-parentheses = true
# Prefer `@pytest.mark.foobar` over `@pytest.mark.foobar()`
pytest-mark-no-parentheses = true
# Prefer `@pytest.mark.parametrize(['param1', 'param2'], [(1, 2), (3, 4)])`
# over `@pytest.mark.parametrize(('param1', 'param2'), ([1, 2], [3, 4]))`
pytest-parametrize-names-type = "list"
pytest-parametrize-values-row-type = "tuple"
pytest-parametrize-values-type = "list"
# Plug-in: flake8-quotes
# Source: https://github.com/zheller/flake8-quotes#configuration
avoid-escape = true
docstring-quotes = "double"
inline-quotes = "double"
multiline-quotes = "double"
[tool.isort] # aligned with [tool.ruff.lint.isort] below
# Source: https://pycqa.github.io/isort/docs/configuration/options.html
known_first_party = ["lalib"]
atomic = true
case_sensitive = true
combine_star = true
force_alphabetical_sort_within_sections = true
lines_after_imports = 2
remove_redundant_aliases = true
# Comply with black's style => Instead of: 'profile = "black"'
# Source: https://pycqa.github.io/isort/docs/configuration/profiles.html
ensure_newline_before_comments = true
force_grid_wrap = 0
include_trailing_comma = true
line_length = 88
multi_line_output = 3
split_on_trailing_comma = true
use_parentheses = true
# Comply with Google's Python style guide
# => All imports go on a single line (with some exceptions)
# Source: https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html#313-imports-formatting
force_single_line = true
single_line_exclusions = ["collections.abc", "typing"]
# Source: https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config_file.html
cache_dir = ".cache/mypy"
module = [
ignore_missing_imports = true
# Source: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/
cache_dir = ".cache/pytest"
addopts = "--strict-markers"
console_output_style = "count"
# Source: https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/
cache-dir = ".cache/ruff"
target-version = "py39" # minimum supported Python version
indent-width = 4
line-length = 88
# Align with black
indent-style = "space"
line-ending = "lf"
quote-style = "double"
skip-magic-trailing-comma = false
# Format docstrings as well
docstring-code-format = true
docstring-code-line-length = "dynamic"
[tool.ruff.lint] # aligned with [tool.flake8] above
select = [
# violations also covered by `flake8` above
"ANN", # flake8-annotations => enforce type checking for functions
"B", # flake8-bugbear => bugs and design flaws
"C4", # flake8-comprehensions => better comprehensions
"C90", # mccabe => cyclomatic complexity
"COM", # "C8" for flake8-commas => better comma placements
"D", # flake8-docstrings / pydocstyle => PEP257 compliance
"E", "W", # pycodestyle => PEP8 compliance
"ERA", # "E800" for flake8-eradicate / eradicate => no commented out code
"F", # pyflakes => basic errors
"I", # flake8-isort => isort would make changes
"N", # pep8-naming
"PT", # flake8-pytest-style => enforce a consistent style with pytest
"Q", # flake8-quotes => use double quotes everywhere
"S", # flake8-bandit => common security issues
"TD", # flake8-todos => unify TODOs
"T10", # flake8-debugger => no debugger usage
# violations not covered by `flake8` above
"T20", # flake8-print => forbid `[p]print`
ignore = []
extend-ignore = [ # never check the following codes
"ANN101", "ANN102", # `self` and `cls` in methods need no annotation
"ANN401", # allow dynamically typed expressions with `typing.Any`
# Comply with black's style
# Sources: https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guides/using_black_with_other_tools.html#pycodestyle
"E203", "E701", # "E704" and "W503" do not exist for `ruff`
[tool.ruff.lint.flake8-pytest-style] # aligned with [tool.flake8] above
# Prefer `@pytest.fixture` over `@pytest.fixture()`
fixture-parentheses = false
# Prefer `@pytest.mark.foobar` over `@pytest.mark.foobar()`
mark-parentheses = false
# Prefer `@pytest.mark.parametrize(['param1', 'param2'], [(1, 2), (3, 4)])`
# over `@pytest.mark.parametrize(('param1', 'param2'), ([1, 2], [3, 4]))`
parametrize-names-type = "list"
parametrize-values-row-type = "tuple"
parametrize-values-type = "list"
[tool.ruff.lint.isort] # aligned with [tool.isort] above
case-sensitive = true
force-single-line = true
single-line-exclusions = ["collections.abc", "typing"]
lines-after-imports = 2
split-on-trailing-comma = true
known-first-party = ["lalib"]
# The "docs/" folder is not a package
"docs/conf.py" = ["INP001"]
"tests/*.py" = [ # Linting rules for the test suite:
"ANN", # - type hints are not required
"S101", # - `assert`s are normal
"W505", # - docstrings may be longer than 72 characters
max-doc-length = 72
max-line-length = 99
convention = "google"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"