diff --git a/plugins/dirhistory/README.md b/plugins/dirhistory/README.md
index ede9b541..66e3e046 100644
--- a/plugins/dirhistory/README.md
+++ b/plugins/dirhistory/README.md
@@ -60,3 +60,46 @@ to `/usr` again.
After that, Alt + Down will probably go to `/usr/bin` if `bin` is the first directory in alphabetical
order (depends on your `/usr` folder structure). Alt + Up will return to `/usr`, and once more will get
you to the root folder (`/`).
+### cde
+This plugin also provides a `cde` alias that allows you to change to a directory without clearing the next directory stack.
+This changes the default behavior of `dirhistory`, which is to clear the next directory stack when changing directories.
+For example, if the shell was started, and the following commands were entered:
+cd ~
+cd /usr
+cd share
+cd doc
+The directory stack would look like this:
+➜ /usr typeset -pm dirhistory_\*
+typeset -ax dirhistory_past=( /home/user /usr )
+typeset -ax dirhistory_future=( /usr/share/doc /usr/share )
+This means that pressing Alt + Right, you'd go to `/usr/share` and `/usr/share/doc` (the "future" directories).
+If you run `cd /usr/bin`, the "future" directories will be removed, and you won't be able to access them with Alt + Right:
+➜ /u/bin typeset -pm dirhistory_\*
+typeset -ax dirhistory_past=( /home/user /usr )
+typeset -ax dirhistory_future=( /usr/bin )
+If you instead run `cde /usr/bin`, the "future" directories will be preserved:
+➜ /u/bin typeset -pm dirhistory_\*
+typeset -ax dirhistory_past=( /home/user /usr /usr/bin )
+typeset -ax dirhistory_future=( /usr/share/doc /usr/share )
diff --git a/plugins/dirhistory/dirhistory.plugin.zsh b/plugins/dirhistory/dirhistory.plugin.zsh
index 4650666b..706bb6fb 100644
--- a/plugins/dirhistory/dirhistory.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/dirhistory/dirhistory.plugin.zsh
@@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ dirhistory_past=($PWD)
export dirhistory_past
export dirhistory_future
+alias cde='dirhistory_cd'
# Pop the last element of dirhistory_past.
# Pass the name of the variable to return the result in.
# Returns the element if the array was not empty,