When generating completions for Cargo, if the Rust sysroot (i.e. `rustc +${${(z)$(rustup default)}[1]} --print sysroot`) contains spaces, Cargo completions will not work because the spaces are not escaped, thus passing two arguments to the "source" command instead of one. The spaces need to be escaped for this to work.
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if ! (( $+commands[rustup] && $+commands[cargo] )); then
# Add completions folder in $ZSH_CACHE_DIR
# TODO: 2021-12-28: remove this bit of code as it exists in oh-my-zsh.sh
command mkdir -p "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions"
(( ${fpath[(Ie)"$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions"]} )) || fpath=("$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions" $fpath)
# If the completion file doesn't exist yet, we need to autoload it and
# bind it to `cargo`. Otherwise, compinit will have already done that
if [[ ! -f "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_cargo" ]]; then
autoload -Uz _cargo
typeset -g -A _comps
# If the completion file doesn't exist yet, we need to autoload it and
# bind it to `rustup`. Otherwise, compinit will have already done that
if [[ ! -f "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_rustup" ]]; then
autoload -Uz _rustup
typeset -g -A _comps
# Generate completion files in the background
rustup completions zsh >| "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_rustup" &|
cat >| "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_cargo" <<'EOF'
#compdef cargo
source "$(rustc +${${(z)$(rustup default)}[1]} --print sysroot)"/share/zsh/site-functions/_cargo