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2020-10-25 18:25:53 +01:00
\subsubsection{Support Vector Regression}
2020-10-04 23:00:15 +02:00
\cite{vapnik1963} and \cite{vapnik1964} introduce the so-called support vector
2020-11-30 18:42:54 +01:00
machine (SVM) model, and \cite{vapnik2013} summarizes the research
2020-10-04 23:00:15 +02:00
conducted since then.
In its basic version, SVMs are linear classifiers, modeling a binary
decision, that fit a hyperplane into the feature space of $\mat{X}$ to
maximize the margin around the hyperplane seperating the two groups of
SVMs were popularized in the 1990s in the context of optical character
recognition, as shown in \cite{scholkopf1998}.
\cite{drucker1997} and \cite{stitson1999} adapt SVMs to the regression case,
and \cite{smola2004} provide a comprehensive introduction thereof.
\cite{mueller1997} and \cite{mueller1999} focus on SVRs in the context of time
series data and find that they tend to outperform classical methods.
\cite{chen2006a} and \cite{chen2006b} apply SVRs to predict the hourly demand
for water in cities, an application similar to the UDP case.
In the SVR case, a linear function
$\hat{y}_i = f(\vec{x}_i) = \langle\vec{w},\vec{x}_i\rangle + b$
is fitted so that the actual labels $y_i$ have a deviation of at most
$\epsilon$ from their predictions $\hat{y}_i$ (cf., the constraints
SVRs are commonly formulated as quadratic optimization problems as follows:
\text{minimize }
\frac{1}{2} \norm{\vec{w}}^2 + C \sum_{i=1}^m (\xi_i + \xi_i^*)
\quad \text{subject to }
y_i - \langle \vec{w}, \vec{x}_i \rangle - b \leq \epsilon + \xi_i
\text{,} \\
\langle \vec{w}, \vec{x}_i \rangle + b - y_i \leq \epsilon + \xi_i^*
$\vec{w}$ are the fitted weights in the row space of $\mat{X}$, $b$ is a bias
term in the column space of $\mat{X}$, and $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle$
denotes the dot product.
By minimizing the norm of $\vec{w}$, the fitted function is flat and not prone
to overfitting strongly.
To allow individual samples outside the otherwise hard $\epsilon$ bounds,
non-negative slack variables $\xi_i$ and $\xi_i^*$ are included.
A non-negative parameter $C$ regulates how many samples may violate the
$\epsilon$ bounds and by how much.
To model non-linear relationships, one could use a mapping $\Phi(\cdot)$ for
the $\vec{x}_i$ from the row space of $\mat{X}$ to some higher
dimensional space; however, as the optimization problem only depends on
the dot product $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle$ and not the actual entries of
$\vec{x}_i$, it suffices to use a kernel function $k$ such that
$k(\vec{x}_i,\vec{x}_j) = \langle\Phi(\vec{x}_i),\Phi(\vec{x}_j)\rangle$.
Such kernels must fulfill certain mathematical properties, and, besides
polynomial kernels, radial basis functions with
$k(\vec{x}_i,\vec{x}_j) = exp(\gamma \norm{\vec{x}_i - \vec{x}_j}^2)$ are
a popular candidate where $\gamma$ is a parameter controlling for how the
distances between any two samples influence the final model.
SVRs work well with sparse data in high dimensional spaces, such as
intermittent demand data, as they minimize the risk of misclassification
or predicting a significantly far off value by maximizing the error
margin, as also noted by \cite{bao2004}.