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2020-10-04 23:00:15 +02:00
\subsubsection{Na\"{i}ve Methods, Moving Averages, and Exponential Smoothing.}
Simple forecasting methods are often employed as a benchmark for more
sophisticated ones.
The so-called na\"{i}ve and seasonal na\"{i}ve methods forecast the next time
step in a time series, $y_{T+1}$, with the last observation, $y_T$,
and, if a seasonal pattern is present, with the observation $k$ steps
before, $y_{T+1-k}$.
As variants, both methods can be generalized to include drift terms in the
presence of a trend or changing seasonal amplitude.
If a time series exhibits no trend, a simple moving average (SMA) is a
generalization of the na\"{i}ve method that is more robust to outliers.
It is defined as follows: $\hat{y}_{T+1} = \frac{1}{h} \sum_{i=T-h}^{T} y_i$
where $h$ is the horizon over which the average is calculated.
If a time series exhibits a seasonal pattern, setting $h$ to a multiple of the
periodicity $k$ suffices that the forecast is unbiased.
Starting in the 1950s, another popular family of forecasting methods,
so-called exponential smoothing methods, was introduced by
\cite{brown1959}, \cite{holt1957}, and \cite{winters1960}.
The idea is that forecasts $\hat{y}_{T+1}$ are a weighted average of past
observations where the weights decay over time; in the case of the simple
exponential smoothing (SES) method we obtain:
\hat{y}_{T+1} = \alpha y_T + \alpha (1 - \alpha) y_{T-1}
+ \alpha (1 - \alpha)^2 y_{T-2}
+ \dots + \alpha (1 - \alpha)^{T-1} y_{1}
where $\alpha$ (with $0 \le \alpha \le 1$) is a smoothing parameter.
Exponential smoothing methods are often expressed in an alternative component
form that consists of a forecast equation and one or more smoothing
equations for unobservable components.
Below, we present a generalization of SES, the so-called Holt-Winters'
seasonal method, in an additive formulation.
$\ell_t$, $b_t$, and $s_t$ represent the unobservable level, trend, and
seasonal components inherent in $y_t$, and $\beta$ and $\gamma$ complement
$\alpha$ as smoothing parameters:
\hat{y}_{t+1} & = \ell_t + b_t + s_{t+1-k} \\
\ell_t & = \alpha(y_t - s_{t-k}) + (1 - \alpha)(\ell_{t-1} + b_{t-1}) \\
b_t & = \beta (\ell_{t} - \ell_{t-1}) + (1 - \beta) b_{t-1} \\
s_t & = \gamma (y_t - \ell_{t-1} - b_{t-1}) + (1-\gamma)s_{t-k}
With $b_t$, $s_t$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$ removed, this formulation reduces to
Distinct variations exist: Besides the three components, \cite{gardner1985}
add dampening for the trend, \cite{pegels1969} provides multiplicative
formulations, and \cite{taylor2003} adds dampening to the latter.
The accuracy measure commonly employed is the sum of squared errors between
the observations and their forecasts.
Originally introduced by \cite{assimakopoulos2000}, \cite{hyndman2003} show
how the Theta method can be regarded as an equivalent to SES with a drift
We mention this method here only because \cite{bell2018} emphasize that it
performs well at Uber.
However, in our empirical study, we find that this is not true in general.
\cite{hyndman2002} introduce statistical processes, so-called innovations
state-space models, to generalize the methods in this sub-section.
They call this family of models ETS as they capture error, trend, and seasonal
Linear and additive ETS models have a structure like so:
y_t & = \vec{w} \cdot \vec{x}_{t-1} + \epsilon_t \\
\vec{x_t} & = \mat{F} \vec{x}_{t-1} + \vec{g} \epsilon_t
$y_t$ denote the observations as before while $\vec{x}_t$ is a state vector of
unobserved components.
$\epsilon_t$ is a white noise series and the matrix $\mat{F}$ and the vectors
$\vec{g}$ and $\vec{w}$ contain a model's coefficients.
Just as the models in the next sub-section, ETS models are commonly fitted
with maximum likelihood and evaluated using information theoretical
criteria against historical data.
We refer to \cite{hyndman2008b} for a thorough summary.