\subsection{Effects of the Pixel Size and Time Step Length} \label{pixels_intervals} As elaborated in Sub-section \ref{grid}, more order aggregation leads to a higher overall demand level and an improved pattern recognition in the generated time series. Consequently, individual cases tend to move to the right in tables equivalent to Table \ref{t:results}. With the same $ADD$ clusters, forecasts for pixel sizes of $2~\text{km}^2$ and $4~\text{km}^2$ or time intervals of 90 and 120 minutes or combinations thereof yield results similar to the best models as revealed in Tables \ref{t:results}, \ref{t:hori}, \ref{t:vert}, and \ref{t:ml} for high demand. By contrast, forecasts for $0.5~\text{km}^2$ pixels have most of the cases (i.e., $n$) in the no or low demand clusters. In that case, the pixels are too small, and pattern recognition becomes harder. While it is true, that \textit{trivial} exhibits the overall lowest MASE for no demand cases, these forecasts become effectively worthless for operations. In the extreme, with even smaller pixels we would be forecasting $0$ orders in all pixels for all time steps. In summary, the best model and its accuracy are determined primarily by the $ADD$, and the pixel size and interval length are merely parameters to control that. The forecaster's goal is to create a grid with small enough pixels without losing a recognizable pattern.