\begin{frontmatter} \journal{Transportation Research Part E} \title{Real-time Demand Forecasting for an Urban Delivery Platform} \author[WHU]{Alexander Hess\fnref{emails}} \author[WHU]{Stefan Spinler\fnref{emails}} \author[MIT]{Matthias Winkenbach\fnref{emails}} \address[WHU]{ WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Burgplatz 2, 56179 Vallendar, Germany } \address[MIT]{ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States } \fntext[email]{ Emails: alexander.hess@whu.edu, stefan.spinler@whu.edu, mwinkenb@mit.edu } \begin{abstract} Meal delivery platforms like Uber Eats shape the landscape in cities around the world. This paper addresses forecasting demand into the short-term future. We propose an approach incorporating both classical forecasting and machine learning methods. Model evaluation and selection is adapted to demand typical for such a platform (i.e., intermittent with a double-seasonal pattern). The results of an empirical study with a European meal delivery service show that machine learning models become competitive once the average daily demand passes a threshold. As a main contribution, the paper explains how a forecasting system must be set up to enable predictive routing. \end{abstract} \begin{keyword} demand forecasting \sep intermittent demand \sep machine learning \sep urban delivery platform \end{keyword} \end{frontmatter}