\section{Enhancing Forecasting Models with External Data} \label{enhanced_feats} In this appendix, we show how the feature matrix in Sub-section \ref{ml_models} can be extended with features other than historical order data. Then, we provide an overview of what external data we tried out as predictors in our empirical study. \subsection{Enhanced Feature Matrices} Feature matrices can naturally be extended by appending new feature columns $x_{t,f}$ or $x_f$ on the right where the former represent predictors changing throughout a day and the latter being static either within a pixel or across a city. $f$ refers to an external predictor variable, such as one of the examples listed below. In the SVR case, the columns should be standardized before fitting as external predictors are most likely on a different scale than the historic order data. Thus, for a matrix with seasonally-adjusted order data $a_t$ in it, an enhanced matrix looks as follows: $$ \vec{y} = \begin{pmatrix} a_T \\ a_{T-1} \\ \dots \\ a_{H+1} \end{pmatrix} ~~~~~ \mat{X} = \begin{bmatrix} a_{T-1} & a_{T-2} & \dots & a_{T-H} & ~~~ & x_{T,A} & \dots & x_{B} & \dots \\ a_{T-2} & a_{T-3} & \dots & a_{T-(H+1)} & ~~~ & x_{T-1,A} & \dots & x_{B} & \dots \\ \dots & \dots & \dots & \dots & ~~~ & \dots & \dots & \dots & \dots \\ a_H & a_{H-1} & \dots & a_1 & ~~~ & x_{H+1,A} & \dots & x_{B} & \dots \end{bmatrix} $$ \ Similarly, we can also enhance the tabular matrices from \ref{tabular_ml_models}. The same comments as for their pure equivalents in Sub-section \ref{ml_models} apply, in particular, that ML models trained with an enhanced matrix can process real-time data without being retrained. \subsection{External Data in the Empirical Study} \label{external_data} In the empirical study, we tested four groups of external features that we briefly describe here. \vskip 0.1in \textbf{Calendar Features}: \begin{itemize} \item Time of day (as synthesized integers: e.g., 1,050 for 10:30 am, or 1,600 for 4 pm) \item Day of week (as one-hot encoded booleans) \item Work day or not (as booleans) \end{itemize} \vskip 0.1in \textbf{Features derived from the historical Order Data}: \begin{itemize} \item Number of pre-orders for a time step (as integers) \item 7-day SMA of the percentages of discounted orders (as percentages): The platform is known for running marketing campaigns aimed at first-time customers at irregular intervals. Consequently, the order data show a wave-like pattern of coupons redeemed when looking at the relative share of discounted orders per day. \end{itemize} \vskip 0.1in \textbf{Neighborhood Features}: \begin{itemize} \item Ambient population (as integers) as obtained from the ORNL LandScan database \item Number of active platform restaurants (as integers) \item Number of overall restaurants, food outlets, retailers, and other businesses (as integers) as obtained from the Google Maps and Yelp web services \end{itemize} \vskip 0.1in \textbf{Real-time Weather} (raw data obtained from IBM's Wunderground database): \begin{itemize} \item Absolute temperature, wind speed, and humidity (as decimals and percentages) \item Relative temperature with respect to 3-day and 7-day historical means (as decimals) \item Day vs. night defined by sunset (as booleans) \item Summarized description (as indicators $-1$, $0$, and $+1$) \item Lags of the absolute temperature and the summaries covering the previous three hours \end{itemize} \vskip 0.1in Unfortunately, we must report that none of the mentioned external data improved the accuracy of the forecasts. Some led to models overfitting the data, which could not be regulated. Manual tests revealed that real-time weather data are the most promising external source. Nevertheless, the data provided by IBM's Wunderground database originate from weather stations close to airports, which implies that we only have the same aggregate weather data for the entire city. If weather data is available on a more granular basis in the future, we see some potential for exploitation.