Pin the dependencies ...
... after upgrading: - alembic - matplotlib - pandas - rpy2 - sqlalchemy - statsmodels - dev dependencies + coverage + factory-boy + faker + nox + packaging + pre-commit + flake8-annotations + pytest + pytest-cov + sphinx - research dependencies + numpy + pyty - transient dependencies + astpretty + atomicwrites + bleach + chardet + colorlog + darglint + flake8-comprehensions + gitpython + identify + ipykernel + ipython + jedi + jinja2 + jupyter-client + jupyter-core + mako + nbformat + nest-asyncio + notebook + parso + pluggy + prompt-toolkit + ptyprocess + pygments + pyyaml + pyzmq + requests + smmap + terminado + textfixtures + snowballstemmer + typed-ast + urllib3 + virtualenv - fix SQL statements written in raw text
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