Pin the dependencies ...
... after upgrading: - alembic - geopy - googlemaps - psycopg2 - rpy2 - dev dependencies + coverage + darglint + flake8 + flake8-annotations + flake8-black + flake8-comprehensions + flake8-docstrings + flake8-pytest-style + pre-commit + pytest + pytest-cov + pytest-mock + sphinx + sphinx-autodoc-typehints - research dependencies + jupyterlab + matplotlib + numpy + pandas - transient dependencies + argcomplete + argon2-cffi + attrs + babel + bleach + certifi + cffi + cfgv + chardset-normalizer + colorlog + debugpy + decorator + defusedxml + distlib + geographiclib + gitdb + gitpython + greenlet + identify + idna + importlib-resources + ipykernel + ipython + jinja2 + json5 + jupyter-client + kiwisolver + mako + markupsafe + nbclient + nbconvert + nbformat + nodeenv + notebook + parso + pathspec + pbr + pillow + platformdirs + pluggy + prometheus-client + prompt-toolkit + pycodestyle + pydocstyle + pyflakes + pygments + pyristent + python-dateutil + pywin32 + pywinpty + pyzmq + regex + requests + scipy + send2trash + six + smmap + sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp + sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml + stevedore + terminado + textfixtures + testpath + traitlets + typed-ast + typing-extensions + tzdata + tzlocal + urllib3 + virtualenv + zipp
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