- Sep 13, 2021
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
- `Order.draw()` plots a `Courier`'s path from the `Order.pickup_address` to the `Order.delivery_address` - `Path.draw()` plots a `Courier`'s path between any two `Address` objects
Alexander Hess authored
Special case of `Path.from_addresses()` to create a single `Path` object from an `Order.restaurant` to the `Customer`.
- Sep 12, 2021
Alexander Hess authored
- a `Path` is a better description for an instance of the model - the `Location`s en route are renamed into `.waypoints` - generic `assoc` is renamed into `path` in the test suite
Alexander Hess authored
Adapt code to prevent new warnings and errors (as of SQLAlchemy 1.4): - Overlapping foreign key columns could be set in a conflicting way => This is prevented by the application logic => Ignore the warning by setting a `overlaps` flag - Transaction already rolled back => This only happens when tests cause an `IntegrityError` on purpose => Filter away the corresponding warning in the fixture - Query returns `Row` objects and not scalars => Add genexpr to pull out `primary_id`
Alexander Hess authored
... from the dev dependencies. Longer queries in SQLAlchemy get flagged even though they are not complicated. Other expressions are generally not that complicated.
Alexander Hess authored
- as of September 2021, PyCharm is used to write some of the code - PyCharm's built-in code styler, linter, and type checker issued some warnings that are resolved in this commit + spelling mistakes + all instance attributes must be specified explicitly in a class's __init__() method => use `functools.cached_property` for caching + make `tuple`s explicit with `(...)` + one test failed randomly although everything is ok => adjust the fixture's return value (stub for Google Directions API) + reformulate SQL so that PyCharm can understand the symbols
Alexander Hess authored
... after upgrading: - alembic - geopy - googlemaps - psycopg2 - rpy2 - dev dependencies + coverage + darglint + flake8 + flake8-annotations + flake8-black + flake8-comprehensions + flake8-docstrings + flake8-pytest-style + pre-commit + pytest + pytest-cov + pytest-mock + sphinx + sphinx-autodoc-typehints - research dependencies + jupyterlab + matplotlib + numpy + pandas - transient dependencies + argcomplete + argon2-cffi + attrs + babel + bleach + certifi + cffi + cfgv + chardset-normalizer + colorlog + debugpy + decorator + defusedxml + distlib + geographiclib + gitdb + gitpython + greenlet + identify + idna + importlib-resources + ipykernel + ipython + jinja2 + json5 + jupyter-client + kiwisolver + mako + markupsafe + nbclient + nbconvert + nbformat + nodeenv + notebook + parso + pathspec + pbr + pillow + platformdirs + pluggy + prometheus-client + prompt-toolkit + pycodestyle + pydocstyle + pyflakes + pygments + pyristent + python-dateutil + pywin32 + pywinpty + pyzmq + regex + requests + scipy + send2trash + six + smmap + sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp + sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml + stevedore + terminado + textfixtures + testpath + traitlets + typed-ast + typing-extensions + tzdata + tzlocal + urllib3 + virtualenv + zipp
Alexander Hess authored
The newly introduced "P023" error code must be disabled explicitly.
Alexander Hess authored
- problem: because of the randomization of test cases, every once in a while, the schema holding the test db already exists and cannot be created a second time (background: we run all tests against a db created with `metadate.create_all()` by SQLAlchemy at once and a db created by running all incremental Alchemy migration scripts) - quick fix: possible, we could find a way to run all tests against one of the two test db's in random order and then against the other => in the interest of time, we simply do not randomize the test cases
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
- `DistanceMatrix.from_addresses()` takes a variable number of `Address` objects and creates distance matrix entries for them - as a base measure, the air distance between two `Address` objects is calculated - in addition, an integration with the Google Maps Directions API is implemented that provides a more realistic measure of the distance and duration a rider on a bicycle would need to travel between two `Address` objects - add a `Location.lat_lng` convenience property that provides the `.latitude` and `.longitude` of an `Address` as a 2-`tuple`
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
- the class stores the data of a distance matrix between all addresses + air distances + bicycle distances - in addition, the "path" returned by the Google Directions API are also stored as a JSON serialized sequence of latitude-longitude pairs - we assume a symmetric graph
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
- Mar 01, 2021
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
- Feb 09, 2021
Alexander Hess authored
- the first notebook runs the tactical-forecasts command - the second notebook describes the tactical demand forecasting process + demand aggregation on a per-pixel level + time series generation: horizontal, vertical, and real-time time series + STL decomposition into seasonal, trend, and residual components + choosing the most promising forecasting model + predicting demand with various models - fix where to re-start the forecasting process after it was interrupted - enable the heuristic for choosing the most promising model to also work for 7 training weeks
- Feb 04, 2021
Alexander Hess authored
- the two notebook files are helpful in visualizing all relevant pickup (red) or delivery (blue) locations from the point of view of either e restaurant or a customer
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
- add notebook that runs the plotting code - add three visualizations per city: + all addresses, colored by zip code + all restaurants, incl. the number of received orders + all restaurants on a grid with pixel side length of 1000m
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
Alexander Hess authored
... after upgrading: - alembic - matplotlib - pandas - rpy2 - sqlalchemy - statsmodels - dev dependencies + coverage + factory-boy + faker + nox + packaging + pre-commit + flake8-annotations + pytest + pytest-cov + sphinx - research dependencies + numpy + pyty - transient dependencies + astpretty + atomicwrites + bleach + chardet + colorlog + darglint + flake8-comprehensions + gitpython + identify + ipykernel + ipython + jedi + jinja2 + jupyter-client + jupyter-core + mako + nbformat + nest-asyncio + notebook + parso + pluggy + prompt-toolkit + ptyprocess + pygments + pyyaml + pyzmq + requests + smmap + terminado + textfixtures + snowballstemmer + typed-ast + urllib3 + virtualenv - fix SQL statements written in raw text
Alexander Hess authored
- Feb 02, 2021
Alexander Hess authored
- use the `HorizontalSMAModel` for low demand - use the `TrivialModel` for no demand
Alexander Hess authored
- we use that shorter name in `urban_meal_delivery.forecasts.*` and want to be consistent in the ORM layer as well
Alexander Hess authored
- the trivial model simply predicts `0` demand for all time steps
Alexander Hess authored
- the model applies a simple moving average on horizontal time series - refactor `db.Forecast.from_dataframe()` to correctly convert `float('NaN')` values into `None`; otherwise, SQLAlchemy complains
Alexander Hess authored
- the method implements a heuristic from the first research paper that chooses the most promising forecasting `*Model` based on the average daily demand in a `Pixel` for a given `train_horizon` - adjust the test scenario => `LONG_TRAIN_HORIZON` becomes `8` as that is part of the rule implemented in the heuristic
- Feb 01, 2021
Alexander Hess authored
- when running tests marked with "r" we still must not run tests marked with "db" on the CI server
Alexander Hess authored
- the method calculates the number of daily `Order`s in a `Pixel` withing the `train_horizon` preceding the `predict_day`