2020-08-09 17:14:23 +02:00
""" Create the database from scratch.
Revision : #f11cd76d2f45 at 2020-08-06 23:24:32
import os
import sqlalchemy as sa
from alembic import op
from sqlalchemy . dialects import postgresql
from urban_meal_delivery import configuration
revision = ' f11cd76d2f45 '
down_revision = None
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None
config = configuration . make_config ( ' testing ' if os . getenv ( ' TESTING ' ) else ' production ' )
def upgrade ( ) :
""" Upgrade to revision f11cd76d2f45. """
op . execute ( f ' CREATE SCHEMA { config . CLEAN_SCHEMA } ; ' )
op . create_table ( # noqa:ECE001
' cities ' ,
sa . Column ( ' id ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , autoincrement = False , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' name ' , sa . Unicode ( length = 10 ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' kml ' , sa . UnicodeText ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' center_latitude ' , postgresql . DOUBLE_PRECISION ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' center_longitude ' , postgresql . DOUBLE_PRECISION ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' northeast_latitude ' , postgresql . DOUBLE_PRECISION ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' northeast_longitude ' , postgresql . DOUBLE_PRECISION ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' southwest_latitude ' , postgresql . DOUBLE_PRECISION ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' southwest_longitude ' , postgresql . DOUBLE_PRECISION ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' initial_zoom ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . PrimaryKeyConstraint ( ' id ' , name = op . f ( ' pk_cities ' ) ) ,
* (
[ # noqa:WPS504
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . ORIGINAL_SCHEMA } .cities.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' pk_cities_sanity ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
if not config . TESTING
else [ ]
) ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_table ( # noqa:ECE001
' couriers ' ,
sa . Column ( ' id ' , sa . Integer ( ) , autoincrement = False , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' created_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' vehicle ' , sa . Unicode ( length = 10 ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' speed ' , postgresql . DOUBLE_PRECISION ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' capacity ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' pay_per_hour ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' pay_per_order ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
" vehicle IN ( ' bicycle ' , ' motorcycle ' ) " ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_couriers_on_available_vehicle_types ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' 0 <= capacity AND capacity <= 200 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_couriers_on_capacity_under_200_liters ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' 0 <= pay_per_hour AND pay_per_hour <= 1500 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_couriers_on_realistic_pay_per_hour ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' 0 <= pay_per_order AND pay_per_order <= 650 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_couriers_on_realistic_pay_per_order ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' 0 <= speed AND speed <= 30 ' , name = op . f ( ' ck_couriers_on_realistic_speed ' ) ,
) ,
sa . PrimaryKeyConstraint ( ' id ' , name = op . f ( ' pk_couriers ' ) ) ,
* (
[ # noqa:WPS504
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . ORIGINAL_SCHEMA } .couriers.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' pk_couriers_sanity ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
if not config . TESTING
else [ ]
) ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_table (
' customers ' ,
sa . Column ( ' id ' , sa . Integer ( ) , autoincrement = False , nullable = False ) ,
sa . PrimaryKeyConstraint ( ' id ' , name = op . f ( ' pk_customers ' ) ) ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_table ( # noqa:ECE001
' addresses ' ,
sa . Column ( ' id ' , sa . Integer ( ) , autoincrement = False , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' primary_id ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' created_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
2021-01-24 18:31:02 +01:00
sa . Column ( ' place_id ' , sa . Unicode ( length = 120 ) , nullable = False ) ,
2020-08-09 17:14:23 +02:00
sa . Column ( ' latitude ' , postgresql . DOUBLE_PRECISION ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' longitude ' , postgresql . DOUBLE_PRECISION ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' city_id ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
2021-01-24 18:31:02 +01:00
sa . Column ( ' city ' , sa . Unicode ( length = 25 ) , nullable = False ) ,
2020-08-09 17:14:23 +02:00
sa . Column ( ' zip_code ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
2021-01-24 18:31:02 +01:00
sa . Column ( ' street ' , sa . Unicode ( length = 80 ) , nullable = False ) ,
2020-08-09 17:14:23 +02:00
sa . Column ( ' floor ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' -180 <= longitude AND longitude <= 180 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_addresses_on_longitude_between_180_degrees ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' -90 <= latitude AND latitude <= 90 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_addresses_on_latitude_between_90_degrees ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' 0 <= floor AND floor <= 40 ' , name = op . f ( ' ck_addresses_on_realistic_floor ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' 30000 <= zip_code AND zip_code <= 99999 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_addresses_on_valid_zip_code ' ) ,
) ,
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' city_id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . CLEAN_SCHEMA } .cities.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' fk_addresses_to_cities_via_city_id ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' primary_id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . CLEAN_SCHEMA } .addresses.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' fk_addresses_to_addresses_via_primary_id ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
sa . PrimaryKeyConstraint ( ' id ' , name = op . f ( ' pk_addresses ' ) ) ,
* (
[ # noqa:WPS504
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . ORIGINAL_SCHEMA } .addresses.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' pk_addresses_sanity ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
if not config . TESTING
else [ ]
) ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_addresses_on_city_id ' ) ,
' addresses ' ,
[ ' city_id ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_addresses_on_place_id ' ) ,
' addresses ' ,
[ ' place_id ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_addresses_on_primary_id ' ) ,
' addresses ' ,
[ ' primary_id ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_addresses_on_zip_code ' ) ,
' addresses ' ,
[ ' zip_code ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_table ( # noqa:ECE001
' restaurants ' ,
sa . Column ( ' id ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , autoincrement = False , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' created_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
2021-01-24 18:31:02 +01:00
sa . Column ( ' name ' , sa . Unicode ( length = 45 ) , nullable = False ) ,
2020-08-09 17:14:23 +02:00
sa . Column ( ' address_id ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' estimated_prep_duration ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' 0 <= estimated_prep_duration AND estimated_prep_duration <= 2400 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_restaurants_on_realistic_estimated_prep_duration ' ) ,
) ,
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' address_id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . CLEAN_SCHEMA } .addresses.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' fk_restaurants_to_addresses_via_address_id ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
sa . PrimaryKeyConstraint ( ' id ' , name = op . f ( ' pk_restaurants ' ) ) ,
* (
[ # noqa:WPS504
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . ORIGINAL_SCHEMA } .businesses.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' pk_restaurants_sanity ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
if not config . TESTING
else [ ]
) ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_restaurants_on_address_id ' ) ,
' restaurants ' ,
[ ' address_id ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_table ( # noqa:ECE001
' orders ' ,
sa . Column ( ' id ' , sa . Integer ( ) , autoincrement = False , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' delivery_id ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' customer_id ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' placed_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' ad_hoc ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' scheduled_delivery_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' scheduled_delivery_at_corrected ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' first_estimated_delivery_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' cancelled ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' cancelled_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' cancelled_at_corrected ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' sub_total ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' delivery_fee ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' total ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' restaurant_id ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' restaurant_notified_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' restaurant_notified_at_corrected ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' restaurant_confirmed_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' restaurant_confirmed_at_corrected ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' estimated_prep_duration ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' estimated_prep_duration_corrected ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' estimated_prep_buffer ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' courier_id ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' dispatch_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' dispatch_at_corrected ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' courier_notified_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' courier_notified_at_corrected ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' courier_accepted_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' courier_accepted_at_corrected ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' utilization ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' pickup_address_id ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' reached_pickup_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' pickup_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' pickup_at_corrected ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' pickup_not_confirmed ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' left_pickup_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' left_pickup_at_corrected ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' delivery_address_id ' , sa . Integer ( ) , nullable = False ) ,
sa . Column ( ' reached_delivery_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' delivery_at ' , sa . DateTime ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' delivery_at_corrected ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' delivery_not_confirmed ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' courier_waited_at_delivery ' , sa . Boolean ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' logged_delivery_distance ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' logged_avg_speed ' , postgresql . DOUBLE_PRECISION ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . Column ( ' logged_avg_speed_distance ' , sa . SmallInteger ( ) , nullable = True ) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' 0 <= estimated_prep_buffer AND estimated_prep_buffer <= 900 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_estimated_prep_buffer_between_0_and_900 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' 0 <= estimated_prep_duration AND estimated_prep_duration <= 2700 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_estimated_prep_duration_between_0_and_2700 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' 0 <= utilization AND utilization <= 100 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_utilization_between_0_and_100 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (cancelled_at IS NULL AND cancelled_at_corrected IS NULL) OR (cancelled_at IS NULL AND cancelled_at_corrected IS TRUE) OR (cancelled_at IS NOT NULL AND cancelled_at_corrected IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_corrections_only_for_set_value_1 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (courier_accepted_at IS NULL AND courier_accepted_at_corrected IS NULL) OR (courier_accepted_at IS NULL AND courier_accepted_at_corrected IS TRUE) OR (courier_accepted_at IS NOT NULL AND courier_accepted_at_corrected IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_corrections_only_for_set_value_7 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (courier_notified_at IS NULL AND courier_notified_at_corrected IS NULL) OR (courier_notified_at IS NULL AND courier_notified_at_corrected IS TRUE) OR (courier_notified_at IS NOT NULL AND courier_notified_at_corrected IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_corrections_only_for_set_value_6 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (delivery_at IS NULL AND delivery_at_corrected IS NULL) OR (delivery_at IS NULL AND delivery_at_corrected IS TRUE) OR (delivery_at IS NOT NULL AND delivery_at_corrected IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_corrections_only_for_set_value_10 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (dispatch_at IS NULL AND dispatch_at_corrected IS NULL) OR (dispatch_at IS NULL AND dispatch_at_corrected IS TRUE) OR (dispatch_at IS NOT NULL AND dispatch_at_corrected IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_corrections_only_for_set_value_5 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (estimated_prep_duration IS NULL AND estimated_prep_duration_corrected IS NULL) OR (estimated_prep_duration IS NULL AND estimated_prep_duration_corrected IS TRUE) OR (estimated_prep_duration IS NOT NULL AND estimated_prep_duration_corrected IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_corrections_only_for_set_value_4 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (left_pickup_at IS NULL AND left_pickup_at_corrected IS NULL) OR (left_pickup_at IS NULL AND left_pickup_at_corrected IS TRUE) OR (left_pickup_at IS NOT NULL AND left_pickup_at_corrected IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_corrections_only_for_set_value_9 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (pickup_at IS NULL AND pickup_at_corrected IS NULL) OR (pickup_at IS NULL AND pickup_at_corrected IS TRUE) OR (pickup_at IS NOT NULL AND pickup_at_corrected IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_corrections_only_for_set_value_8 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (restaurant_confirmed_at IS NULL AND restaurant_confirmed_at_corrected IS NULL) OR (restaurant_confirmed_at IS NULL AND restaurant_confirmed_at_corrected IS TRUE) OR (restaurant_confirmed_at IS NOT NULL AND restaurant_confirmed_at_corrected IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_corrections_only_for_set_value_3 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (restaurant_notified_at IS NULL AND restaurant_notified_at_corrected IS NULL) OR (restaurant_notified_at IS NULL AND restaurant_notified_at_corrected IS TRUE) OR (restaurant_notified_at IS NOT NULL AND restaurant_notified_at_corrected IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_corrections_only_for_set_value_2 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (scheduled_delivery_at IS NULL AND scheduled_delivery_at_corrected IS NULL) OR (scheduled_delivery_at IS NULL AND scheduled_delivery_at_corrected IS TRUE) OR (scheduled_delivery_at IS NOT NULL AND scheduled_delivery_at_corrected IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_corrections_only_for_set_value_0 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (ad_hoc IS TRUE AND scheduled_delivery_at IS NULL) OR (ad_hoc IS FALSE AND scheduled_delivery_at IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_either_ad_hoc_or_scheduled_order ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' NOT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM scheduled_delivery_at - placed_at) < 1800) ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_scheduled_orders_not_within_30_minutes ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' NOT (ad_hoc IS FALSE AND ((EXTRACT(HOUR FROM scheduled_delivery_at) <= 11 AND NOT (EXTRACT(HOUR FROM scheduled_delivery_at) = 11 AND EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM scheduled_delivery_at) = 45)) OR EXTRACT(HOUR FROM scheduled_delivery_at) > 22)) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_scheduled_orders_within_business_hours ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' NOT (ad_hoc IS TRUE AND (EXTRACT(HOUR FROM placed_at) < 11 OR EXTRACT(HOUR FROM placed_at) > 22)) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ad_hoc_orders_within_business_hours ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' NOT (cancelled IS FALSE AND cancelled_at IS NOT NULL) ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_only_cancelled_orders_may_have_cancelled_at ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' NOT (cancelled IS TRUE AND delivery_at IS NOT NULL) ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_cancelled_orders_must_not_be_delivered ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' cancelled_at > courier_accepted_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_16 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' cancelled_at > courier_notified_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_15 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' cancelled_at > delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_21 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' cancelled_at > dispatch_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_14 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' cancelled_at > left_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_19 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' cancelled_at > pickup_at ' , name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_18 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' cancelled_at > reached_delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_20 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' cancelled_at > reached_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_17 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' cancelled_at > restaurant_confirmed_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_13 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' cancelled_at > restaurant_notified_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_12 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' courier_accepted_at < delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_42 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' courier_accepted_at < left_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_40 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' courier_accepted_at < pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_39 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' courier_accepted_at < reached_delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_41 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' courier_accepted_at < reached_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_38 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' courier_notified_at < courier_accepted_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_32 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' courier_notified_at < delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_37 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' courier_notified_at < left_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_35 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' courier_notified_at < pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_34 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' courier_notified_at < reached_delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_36 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' courier_notified_at < reached_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_33 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' dispatch_at < courier_accepted_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_26 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' dispatch_at < courier_notified_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_25 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' dispatch_at < delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_31 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' dispatch_at < left_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_29 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' dispatch_at < pickup_at ' , name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_28 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' dispatch_at < reached_delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_30 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' dispatch_at < reached_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_27 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' estimated_prep_buffer % 60 = 0 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_estimated_prep_buffer_must_be_whole_minutes ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' estimated_prep_duration % 60 = 0 ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_estimated_prep_duration_must_be_whole_minutes ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' left_pickup_at < delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_51 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' left_pickup_at < reached_delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_50 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' pickup_at < delivery_at ' , name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_49 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' pickup_at < left_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_47 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' pickup_at < reached_delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_48 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < cancelled_at ' , name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_2 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < courier_accepted_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_7 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < courier_notified_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_6 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < delivery_at ' , name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_11 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < dispatch_at ' , name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_5 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < first_estimated_delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_1 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < left_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_9 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < reached_delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_10 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < reached_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_8 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < restaurant_confirmed_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_4 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < restaurant_notified_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_3 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' placed_at < scheduled_delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_0 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' reached_delivery_at < delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_52 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' reached_pickup_at < delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_46 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' reached_pickup_at < left_pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_44 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' reached_pickup_at < pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_43 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' reached_pickup_at < reached_delivery_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_45 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' restaurant_confirmed_at < pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_24 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' restaurant_notified_at < pickup_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_23 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' restaurant_notified_at < restaurant_confirmed_at ' ,
name = op . f ( ' ck_orders_on_ordered_timestamps_22 ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (pickup_at IS NULL AND pickup_not_confirmed IS NULL) OR (pickup_at IS NOT NULL AND pickup_not_confirmed IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' pickup_not_confirmed_only_if_pickup ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (delivery_at IS NULL AND delivery_not_confirmed IS NULL) OR (delivery_at IS NOT NULL AND delivery_not_confirmed IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' delivery_not_confirmed_only_if_delivery ' ) ,
) ,
sa . CheckConstraint (
' (delivery_at IS NULL AND courier_waited_at_delivery IS NULL) OR (delivery_at IS NOT NULL AND courier_waited_at_delivery IS NOT NULL) ' , # noqa:E501
name = op . f ( ' courier_waited_at_delivery_only_if_delivery ' ) ,
) ,
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' courier_id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . CLEAN_SCHEMA } .couriers.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' fk_orders_to_couriers_via_courier_id ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' customer_id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . CLEAN_SCHEMA } .customers.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' fk_orders_to_customers_via_customer_id ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' delivery_address_id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . CLEAN_SCHEMA } .addresses.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' fk_orders_to_addresses_via_delivery_address_id ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' pickup_address_id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . CLEAN_SCHEMA } .addresses.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' fk_orders_to_addresses_via_pickup_address_id ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' restaurant_id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . CLEAN_SCHEMA } .restaurants.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' fk_orders_to_restaurants_via_restaurant_id ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
sa . PrimaryKeyConstraint ( ' id ' , name = op . f ( ' pk_orders ' ) ) ,
* (
[ # noqa:WPS504
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . ORIGINAL_SCHEMA } .orders.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' pk_orders_sanity ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
sa . ForeignKeyConstraint (
[ ' delivery_id ' ] ,
[ f ' { config . ORIGINAL_SCHEMA } .deliveries.id ' ] ,
name = op . f ( ' pk_deliveries_sanity ' ) ,
onupdate = ' RESTRICT ' ,
ondelete = ' RESTRICT ' ,
) ,
if not config . TESTING
else [ ]
) ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_cancelled ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' cancelled ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_cancelled_at_corrected ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' cancelled_at_corrected ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_courier_accepted_at_corrected ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' courier_accepted_at_corrected ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_courier_id ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' courier_id ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_courier_notified_at_corrected ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' courier_notified_at_corrected ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_customer_id ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' customer_id ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_delivery_address_id ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' delivery_address_id ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_delivery_at_corrected ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' delivery_at_corrected ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_delivery_id ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' delivery_id ' ] ,
unique = True ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_dispatch_at_corrected ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' dispatch_at_corrected ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_estimated_prep_buffer ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' estimated_prep_buffer ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_estimated_prep_duration ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' estimated_prep_duration ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_estimated_prep_duration_corrected ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' estimated_prep_duration_corrected ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_left_pickup_at_corrected ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' left_pickup_at_corrected ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_pickup_address_id ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' pickup_address_id ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_pickup_at_corrected ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' pickup_at_corrected ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_placed_at ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' placed_at ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_restaurant_confirmed_at_corrected ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' restaurant_confirmed_at_corrected ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_restaurant_id ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' restaurant_id ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_restaurant_notified_at_corrected ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' restaurant_notified_at_corrected ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_scheduled_delivery_at ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' scheduled_delivery_at ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
op . create_index (
op . f ( ' ix_orders_on_scheduled_delivery_at_corrected ' ) ,
' orders ' ,
[ ' scheduled_delivery_at_corrected ' ] ,
unique = False ,
schema = config . CLEAN_SCHEMA ,
def downgrade ( ) :
""" Downgrade to revision None. """
op . execute ( f ' DROP SCHEMA { config . CLEAN_SCHEMA } CASCADE; ' )