Commit graph

108 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Use globals for the database connection
- remove the factory functions for creating engines and sessions
- define global engine, connection, and session objects to be used
  everywhere in the urban_meal_delivery package
2021-01-04 20:23:55 +01:00
Add ORM models for the pixel grids
- add Grid, Pixel, and AddressPixelAssociation ORM models
- each Grid belongs to a City an is characterized by the side_length
  of all the square Pixels contained in it
- Pixels aggregate Addresses => many-to-many relationship (that is
  modeled with SQLAlchemy's Association Pattern to implement a couple
  of constraints)
2021-01-03 19:33:36 +01:00
Add Address.x and Address.y coordinates
- the Address.x and Address.y properties use the UTMCoordinate class
  behind the scenes
- x and y are simple coordinates in an x-y plane
- the (0, 0) origin is the southwest corner of
2021-01-02 16:29:50 +01:00
Add UTMCoordinate class
- the class is a utility to abstract working with latitude-longitude
  coordinates in their UTM representation (~ "cartesian plane")
- the class's .x and .y properties enable working with simple x-y
  coordinates where the (0, 0) origin is the lower-left of a city's
2021-01-02 14:31:59 +01:00
Add utm to the dependencies 2021-01-01 17:59:15 +01:00
Add shapely to the dependencies 2020-12-30 17:37:51 +01:00
Re-factor the ORM tests to use randomized fake data
- create `*Factory` classes with fakerboy and faker that generate
  randomized instances of the ORM models
- add new pytest marker: "db" are the integration tests involving the
  database whereas "e2e" will be all other integration tests
- streamline the docstrings in the ORM models
2020-12-29 15:40:32 +01:00
Add geopy to the dev dependencies 2020-12-28 15:52:08 +01:00
Disable too-few-public-methods error in pylint 2020-12-16 11:04:43 +01:00
Add Faker to the dev dependencies 2020-12-15 19:07:14 +01:00
Add factory_boy to the dev dependencies 2020-12-15 12:23:45 +01:00
Integrate pytest-randomly into the test suite
As a lot of the integration tests populate the database with test data,
it is deemed safer to run the tests in random order to uncover potential
dependencies between distinct test cases.
Because of how the `db_session` fixture is designed, this should already
be taken care of.
2020-12-15 11:35:05 +01:00
Move notebooks into the research folder 2020-12-14 16:56:27 +01:00
Move submodule with demand-forecasting paper into research folder 2020-12-14 16:21:12 +01:00
Fix --require-hashes mode in GitHub Actions
- GitHub Actions complains about missing hashes in poetry's export
  of pinned dependencies
- as an example, see
2020-12-14 15:26:57 +01:00
Isolate configuration related code better
- create the global `config` object inside the
  `urban_meal_delivery.configuration` module
- streamline documentation and comments
2020-12-14 15:15:08 +01:00
Remove python-dotenv from the dependencies
zsh-dotenv automatically loads the environment variables upon entering
the project's root.
2020-12-14 14:26:12 +01:00
Pin the dependencies ...
... after upgrading:
- dev dependencies
  + packaging
  + pre-commit
  + pytest
  + sphinx
- research dependencies
  + pandas
- transient dependencies
  + appnode   + argcomplete        + babel         + bandit
  + certifi   + cffi               + colorlog      + darglint
  + identify  + ipykernel          + jupyter-core  + nest-asyncio
  + pathspec  + prometheus-client  + py            + pygments
  + pywin32   + pyzmq              + regex         + requests
  + restructedtext-lint            + stevedore     + testfixtures
  + urllib3   + virtualenv
2020-12-14 13:54:26 +01:00
Update submodule for demand-forecasting paper
The paper is now published.
2020-12-14 13:46:45 +01:00
Adjust the branch reference fixer task's logic ...
... to assume a feature branch if the branch name does not start with
'release' or 'research' and change all references into 'develop'.
2020-11-07 16:42:35 +01:00
Pin the dependencies ...
... after upgrading:
- sqlalchemy
- dev dependencies
  + darglint
  + flake8(-comprehensions)
  + pre-commit
  + pytest
  + sphinx(-autodoc-typehints)
- reseach dependencies
  + jupyterlab
  + numpy
  + pandas
  + pytz
- transient dependencies
  + attrs
  + colorama
  + gitpython
  + identify
  + iniconfig
  + ipython
  + nbclient
  + nbconvert
  + nbformat
  + nest-asyncio
  + notebook
  + pandocfilters
  + pbr
  + prompt-toolkit
  + pygments
  + regex
  + testfixtures
  + toml
  + tornado
  + traitlets
  + urllib3
  + virtualenv
2020-11-07 16:25:18 +01:00
Upgrade poetry to v1.1.0
The order of keys in the poetry.lock file is changed.
2020-11-07 16:23:27 +01:00
Add submodule for demand forecasting paper 2020-11-07 12:51:09 +01:00
Merge branch 'research-clean-data' into develop 2020-09-30 13:52:01 +02:00
Add info about the data cleaning 2020-09-30 13:43:00 +02:00
Clean the raw data
- clean the raw data given by the undisclosed meal delivery platform:
  + keep data only for the three target citis:
    * Bordeaux
    * Lyon
    * Paris
  + merge duplicates
    * it appears as redundant addresses were created
      for each order by the same customer
      =>  significant reduction in the number of addresses
    * propagate the merges to the other tables
      that reference records merged away
  + cast data types and keep their scopes narrow
  + normalize the data
  + remove obvious outliers
  + adjust/discard unplausible values
- map the cleaned data onto the ORM models
- store the cleaned data in a new database schema
2020-09-30 13:39:48 +02:00
Merge branch 'release-0.2.0' into develop 2020-09-30 12:57:35 +02:00
Merge branch 'release-0.2.0' into main
Some checks failed
CI / tests (push) Has been cancelled
2020-09-30 12:20:58 +02:00
Finalize release 0.2.0 2020-09-30 12:20:21 +02:00
Pin the dependencies ...
.. after upgrading a couple of packages
2020-09-30 12:16:10 +02:00
Upgrade isort to v5.5.4 2020-09-30 12:16:09 +02:00
Adjust the branch reference fixer's logic
- change references to temporary branches (e.g., "release-*" and
  "publish") to point to the 'main' branch
- add --branch=BRANCH_NAME option to the nox session so that
  one can pass in a target branch to make all references point to
- run "fix-branch-references" as the first pre-commit hook
  as it fails the fastest
- bug fix: allow dots in branch references (e.g., "release-0.1.0")
2020-09-30 12:16:00 +02:00
Add installation and contributing info 2020-08-11 11:02:09 +02:00
Add Jupyter Lab environment
- dependencies used to run the Jupyter Lab environment that are not
  required by the `urban-meal-delivery` package itself are put into
  an installation extra called "research"
- this allows to NOT install the requirements, for example, when
  testing the package in an isolated environment
2020-08-11 10:50:29 +02:00
Simplify the pre-commit hooks
- run "format" and "lint" separately
  => remove the nox session "pre-commit"
- execute the entire "test-suite" before merges
  + rename "pre-merge" into "test-suite"
  + do not "format" and "lint" here any more
  + do not execute this before pushes
    * allow branches with <100% test coverage to exist on GitHub
      (they cannot be merged into 'main' until 100% coverage)
    * GitHub Actions executes the test suite
2020-08-11 10:41:43 +02:00
Add a branch reference fixer as a pre-commit hook
- many *.py and *.ipynb files will contain links to resources on
  GitHub or nbviewer that have branch references in them
- add a pre-commit hook implemented as the nox session
  "fix-branch-references" that goes through these files and
  changes all the branch labels to the current one
2020-08-11 10:35:18 +02:00
Fix the "clean-pwd" command in nox
- some glob patterns in .gitignore were not correctly expanded
- adapt the exclude logic to focus on the start of the excluded paths
2020-08-11 10:31:54 +02:00
Add database migrations
- use Alembic to migrate the PostgreSQL database
  + create initial migration script to set up the database,
    as an alternative to db.Base.metadata.create_all()
  + integrate Alembic into the test suite; the db_engine fixture
    now has two modes:
    * create the latest version of tables all at once
    * invoke `alembic upgrade head`
    => the "e2e" tests are all run twice, once in each mode; this
       ensures that the migration scripts re-create the same database
       schema as db.Base.metadata.create_all() would
    * in both modes, a temporary PostgreSQL schema is used to create the
      tables in
    => could now run "e2e" tests against production database and still
       have isolation
- make the configuration module public (to be used by Alembic)
- adjust linting rules for Alembic
2020-08-11 10:29:58 +02:00
Add an ORM layer
- use SQLAlchemy (and PostgreSQL) to model the ORM layer
- add the following models:
  + Address => modelling all kinds of addresses
  + City => model the three target cities
  + Courier => model the UDP's couriers
  + Customer => model the UDP's customers
  + Order => model the orders received by the UDP
  + Restaurant => model the restaurants active on the UDP
- so far, the emphasis lies on expression the Foreign Key
  and Check Constraints that are used to validate the assumptions
  inherent to the cleanded data
- provide database-independent unit tests with 100% coverage
- provide additional integration tests ("e2e") that commit data to
  a PostgreSQL instance to validate that the constraints work
- adapt linting rules a bit
2020-08-11 10:28:17 +02:00
Pin the dependencies ...
... after upgrading:
- flake8-plugin-utils
- sphinx
2020-08-11 10:27:59 +02:00
Add a config object
- add the following file:
  + src/urban_meal_delivery/
- a config module is created holding two sets of configurations:
  + production => against the real database
  + testing => against a database with test data
- the module is "protected" (i.e., underscore) and imported at the
  top level via a proxy-like object `config` that detects in which of
  the two environments the package is being run
2020-08-11 10:27:11 +02:00
Bump version 2020-08-05 16:30:44 +02:00
Merge branch 'release-0.1.0' into develop 2020-08-05 16:28:12 +02:00
Merge branch 'release-0.1.0' into main
Some checks failed
CI / tests (push) Has been cancelled
2020-08-05 16:10:39 +02:00
Finalize release 0.1.0 2020-08-05 15:53:34 +02:00
Enable CI with GitHub Actions 2020-08-05 15:38:28 +02:00
Finalize the automated tasks in nox
- only support Python 3.8 in the project
  as GitHub Actions has no 3.9 in its base image
- re-order some sessions so that the order in
  `poetry run nox --list` is more intuitive
- add extensive documentation to the module
- add more whitespace to to make it easier to read
- add generic maintainance tasks:
  + "init-project" => set up all pre-commit hooks
  + "clean-pwd" => ~ `git clean -X` with minor exceptions
- upgrade isort to 5.3.0
2020-08-05 15:37:26 +02:00
Add technical documentation for the package
- use sphinx to document the developed package
- create a nox session "docs" that builds the docs
- include a skeleton in the docs/ folder
  + how to install the package
  + how to use nox
  + license
2020-08-05 01:44:29 +02:00
Include doctests in the test suite
- use xdoctest to validate all code snippets in docstrings
- add xdoctest to the nox session "test"
2020-08-05 00:02:40 +02:00
Add security checks for the dependencies
- add a nox session "safety"
2020-08-04 23:16:15 +02:00