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2 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Add a code linting tool chain
- use flake8 as the main and pylint as the auxiliary linter
- install flake8 with the following plug-ins:
  + flake8-annotations => enforce type annotations for functions/classes
  + flake8-black => ensure black would not make any changes
  + flake8-expression-complexity
  + wemake-python-styleguide, which packages the following:
    * darglint         * flake8-bandit         * flake8-broken-line
    * flake8-bugbear   * flake8-commas         * flake8-comprehensions
    * flake8-debugger  * flake8-docstrings     * flake8-eradicate
    * flake8-isort     * flake8-rst-docstrings * flake8-string-format
    * flake8-quotes    * pep8-naming
- configure flake8 & friends in a rather explicit and strict way
- isort needed to be downgraded to ^4.3.21 due to a conflict with
  pylint and wemake-python-styleguide:
  + provide TODO's to remove the parts that "fix" isort
- use mypy for static type checking
- add a nox session "lint" that runs flake8, mypy, and pylint
- lint all source files
2020-08-03 23:12:12 +02:00
Add a code formatting tool chain
- (auto-)format code with:
  + autoflake => * remove unused imports and variables
                 * remove duplicate dict keys
                 * expand star imports
  + black => enforce an uncompromising code style
  + isort => enforce a consistent import style
             (complying with Google's Python Style Guide)
- implement the nox session "format" that runs all these tools
- add the following file:
  + setup.cfg => holds configurations for the develop tools
2020-08-03 21:39:49 +02:00