"""Test the ORM's `Path` model.""" import json import googlemaps import pytest import sqlalchemy as sqla from geopy import distance from sqlalchemy import exc as sa_exc from urban_meal_delivery import db from urban_meal_delivery.db import utils @pytest.fixture def another_address(make_address): """Another `Address` object in the `city`.""" return make_address() @pytest.fixture def path(address, another_address, make_address): """A `Path` from `address` to `another_address`.""" air_distance = distance.great_circle( # noqa:WPS317 address.location.lat_lng, another_address.location.lat_lng, ).meters # We put 5 latitude-longitude pairs as the "path" from # `.first_address` to `.second_address`. directions = json.dumps( [ (float(add.latitude), float(add.longitude)) for add in (make_address() for _ in range(5)) # noqa:WPS335 ], ) return db.Path( first_address=address, second_address=another_address, air_distance=round(air_distance), bicycle_distance=round(1.25 * air_distance), bicycle_duration=300, _directions=directions, ) class TestSpecialMethods: """Test special methods in `Path`.""" def test_create_an_address_address_association(self, path): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` object.""" assert path is not None @pytest.mark.db @pytest.mark.no_cover class TestConstraints: """Test the database constraints defined in `Path`.""" def test_insert_into_database(self, db_session, path): """Insert an instance into the (empty) database.""" assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 0 db_session.add(path) db_session.commit() assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 1 def test_delete_a_referenced_first_address(self, db_session, path): """Remove a record that is referenced with a FK.""" db_session.add(path) db_session.commit() # Must delete without ORM as otherwise an UPDATE statement is emitted. stmt = sqla.delete(db.Address).where(db.Address.id == path.first_address.id) with pytest.raises( sa_exc.IntegrityError, match='fk_addresses_addresses_to_addresses_via_first_address', # shortened ): db_session.execute(stmt) def test_delete_a_referenced_second_address(self, db_session, path): """Remove a record that is referenced with a FK.""" db_session.add(path) db_session.commit() # Must delete without ORM as otherwise an UPDATE statement is emitted. stmt = sqla.delete(db.Address).where(db.Address.id == path.second_address.id) with pytest.raises( sa_exc.IntegrityError, match='fk_addresses_addresses_to_addresses_via_second_address', # shortened ): db_session.execute(stmt) def test_reference_an_invalid_city(self, db_session, address, another_address): """Insert a record with an invalid foreign key.""" db_session.add(address) db_session.add(another_address) db_session.commit() # Must insert without ORM as otherwise SQLAlchemy figures out # that something is wrong before any query is sent to the database. stmt = sqla.insert(db.Path).values( first_address_id=address.id, second_address_id=another_address.id, city_id=999, air_distance=123, ) with pytest.raises( sa_exc.IntegrityError, match='fk_addresses_addresses_to_addresses_via_first_address', # shortened ): db_session.execute(stmt) def test_redundant_addresses(self, db_session, path): """Insert a record that violates a unique constraint.""" db_session.add(path) db_session.commit() # Must insert without ORM as otherwise SQLAlchemy figures out # that something is wrong before any query is sent to the database. stmt = sqla.insert(db.Path).values( first_address_id=path.first_address.id, second_address_id=path.second_address.id, city_id=path.city_id, air_distance=path.air_distance, ) with pytest.raises(sa_exc.IntegrityError, match='duplicate key value'): db_session.execute(stmt) def test_symmetric_addresses(self, db_session, path): """Insert a record that violates a check constraint.""" db_session.add(path) db_session.commit() another_path = db.Path( first_address=path.second_address, second_address=path.first_address, air_distance=path.air_distance, ) db_session.add(another_path) with pytest.raises( sa_exc.IntegrityError, match='ck_addresses_addresses_on_distances_are_symmetric_for_bicycles', ): db_session.commit() def test_negative_air_distance(self, db_session, path): """Insert an instance with invalid data.""" path.air_distance = -1 db_session.add(path) with pytest.raises(sa_exc.IntegrityError, match='realistic_air_distance'): db_session.commit() def test_air_distance_too_large(self, db_session, path): """Insert an instance with invalid data.""" path.air_distance = 20_000 path.bicycle_distance = 21_000 db_session.add(path) with pytest.raises(sa_exc.IntegrityError, match='realistic_air_distance'): db_session.commit() def test_bicycle_distance_too_large(self, db_session, path): """Insert an instance with invalid data.""" path.bicycle_distance = 25_000 db_session.add(path) with pytest.raises(sa_exc.IntegrityError, match='realistic_bicycle_distance'): db_session.commit() def test_air_distance_shorter_than_bicycle_distance(self, db_session, path): """Insert an instance with invalid data.""" path.bicycle_distance = round(0.75 * path.air_distance) db_session.add(path) with pytest.raises(sa_exc.IntegrityError, match='air_distance_is_shortest'): db_session.commit() @pytest.mark.parametrize('duration', [-1, 3601]) def test_unrealistic_bicycle_travel_time(self, db_session, path, duration): """Insert an instance with invalid data.""" path.bicycle_duration = duration db_session.add(path) with pytest.raises( sa_exc.IntegrityError, match='realistic_bicycle_travel_time', ): db_session.commit() @pytest.mark.db class TestFromAddresses: """Test the alternative constructor `Path.from_addresses()`. Includes tests for the convenience method `Path.from_order()`, which redirects to `Path.from_addresses()`. """ @pytest.fixture def _prepare_db(self, db_session, address): """Put the `address` into the database. `Address`es must be in the database as otherwise the `.city_id` column cannot be resolved in `Path.from_addresses()`. """ db_session.add(address) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_make_path_instance( self, db_session, address, another_address, ): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 0 db.Path.from_addresses(address, another_address) assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 1 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_make_the_same_path_instance_twice( self, db_session, address, another_address, ): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 0 db.Path.from_addresses(address, another_address) assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 1 db.Path.from_addresses(another_address, address) assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 1 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_structure_of_return_value(self, db_session, address, another_address): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" results = db.Path.from_addresses(address, another_address) assert isinstance(results, list) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_instances_must_have_air_distance( self, db_session, address, another_address, ): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" paths = db.Path.from_addresses(address, another_address) result = paths[0] assert result.air_distance is not None @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_do_not_sync_instances_with_google_maps( self, db_session, address, another_address, ): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" paths = db.Path.from_addresses(address, another_address) result = paths[0] assert result.bicycle_distance is None assert result.bicycle_duration is None @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_sync_instances_with_google_maps( self, db_session, address, another_address, monkeypatch, ): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" def sync(self): self.bicycle_distance = 1.25 * self.air_distance self.bicycle_duration = 300 monkeypatch.setattr(db.Path, 'sync_with_google_maps', sync) paths = db.Path.from_addresses(address, another_address, google_maps=True) result = paths[0] assert result.bicycle_distance is not None assert result.bicycle_duration is not None @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_one_path_for_two_addresses(self, db_session, address, another_address): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" result = len(db.Path.from_addresses(address, another_address)) assert result == 1 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_two_paths_for_three_addresses(self, db_session, make_address): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" result = len(db.Path.from_addresses(*[make_address() for _ in range(3)])) assert result == 3 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_six_paths_for_four_addresses(self, db_session, make_address): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" result = len(db.Path.from_addresses(*[make_address() for _ in range(4)])) assert result == 6 # Tests for the `Path.from_order()` convenience method. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_make_path_instance_from_order( self, db_session, order, ): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 0 db.Path.from_order(order) assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 1 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_make_the_same_path_instance_from_order_twice( self, db_session, order, ): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 0 db.Path.from_order(order) assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 1 db.Path.from_order(order) assert db_session.query(db.Path).count() == 1 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_structure_of_return_value_from_order(self, db_session, order): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" result = db.Path.from_order(order) assert isinstance(result, db.Path) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_prepare_db') def test_sync_instance_from_order_with_google_maps( self, db_session, order, monkeypatch, ): """Test instantiation of a new `Path` instance.""" def sync(self): self.bicycle_distance = 1.25 * self.air_distance self.bicycle_duration = 300 monkeypatch.setattr(db.Path, 'sync_with_google_maps', sync) result = db.Path.from_order(order, google_maps=True) assert result.bicycle_distance is not None assert result.bicycle_duration is not None @pytest.mark.db class TestSyncWithGoogleMaps: """Test the `Path.sync_with_google_maps()` method.""" @pytest.fixture def api_response(self): """A typical (shortened) response by the Google Maps Directions API.""" return [ # noqa:ECE001 { 'bounds': { 'northeast': {'lat': 44.8554284, 'lng': -0.5652398}, 'southwest': {'lat': 44.8342256, 'lng': -0.5708206}, }, 'copyrights': 'Map data ©2021', 'legs': [ { # We choose an artificially high distance of `9999` # so that the synced bicycle distance is longer than # the randomized air distance (i.e., fake data) for sure. 'distance': {'text': '3.0 km', 'value': 9999}, 'duration': {'text': '10 mins', 'value': 596}, 'end_address': '13 Place Paul et Jean Paul Avisseau, ...', 'end_location': {'lat': 44.85540839999999, 'lng': -0.5672105}, 'start_address': '59 Rue Saint-François, 33000 Bordeaux, ...', 'start_location': {'lat': 44.8342256, 'lng': -0.570372}, 'steps': [ { 'distance': {'text': '0.1 km', 'value': 138}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 43}, 'end_location': { 'lat': 44.83434380000001, 'lng': -0.5690105999999999, }, 'html_instructions': 'Head east on ...', 'polyline': {'points': '}tspGxknBKcDIkB'}, 'start_location': {'lat': 44.8342256, 'lng': -0.57032}, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.1 km', 'value': 115}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 22}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.8353651, 'lng': -0.569199}, 'html_instructions': 'Turn left onto ...', 'maneuver': 'turn-left', 'polyline': {'points': 'suspGhcnBc@JE@_@DiAHA?w@F'}, 'start_location': { 'lat': 44.83434380000001, 'lng': -0.5690105999999999, }, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.3 km', 'value': 268}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 59}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.8362675, 'lng': -0.5660914}, 'html_instructions': 'Turn right onto ...', 'maneuver': 'turn-right', 'polyline': { 'points': 'a|spGndnBEYEQKi@Mi@Is@CYCOE]CQIq@ ...', }, 'start_location': {'lat': 44.8353651, 'lng': -0.56919}, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.1 km', 'value': 95}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 29}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.8368458, 'lng': -0.5652398}, 'html_instructions': 'Slight left onto ...', 'maneuver': 'turn-slight-left', 'polyline': { 'points': 'uatpG`qmBg@aAGM?ACE[k@CICGACEGCCAAEAG?', }, 'start_location': { 'lat': 44.8362675, 'lng': -0.5660914, }, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '23 m', 'value': 23}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 4}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.83697, 'lng': -0.5654425}, 'html_instructions': 'Slight left to stay ...', 'maneuver': 'turn-slight-left', 'polyline': { 'points': 'ietpGvkmBA@C?CBCBEHA@AB?B?B?B?@', }, 'start_location': { 'lat': 44.8368458, 'lng': -0.5652398, }, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.2 km', 'value': 185}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 23}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.8382126, 'lng': -0.5669969}, 'html_instructions': 'Take the ramp to Le Lac ...', 'polyline': { 'points': 'aftpG~lmBY^[^sAdB]`@CDKLQRa@h@A@IZ', }, 'start_location': {'lat': 44.83697, 'lng': -0.5654425}, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.3 km', 'value': 253}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 43}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.840163, 'lng': -0.5686525}, 'html_instructions': 'Merge onto Quai Richelieu', 'maneuver': 'merge', 'polyline': { 'points': 'ymtpGvvmBeAbAe@b@_@ZUN[To@f@e@^A?g ...', }, 'start_location': { 'lat': 44.8382126, 'lng': -0.5669969, }, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.1 km', 'value': 110}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 21}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.841079, 'lng': -0.5691835}, 'html_instructions': 'Continue onto Quai de la ...', 'polyline': {'points': '_ztpG`anBUNQLULUJOHMFKDWN'}, 'start_location': {'lat': 44.840163, 'lng': -0.56865}, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.3 km', 'value': 262}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 44}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.8433375, 'lng': -0.5701161}, 'html_instructions': 'Continue onto Quai du ...', 'polyline': { 'points': 'w_upGjdnBeBl@sBn@gA^[JIBc@Nk@Nk@L', }, 'start_location': {'lat': 44.841079, 'lng': -0.56915}, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.6 km', 'value': 550}, 'duration': {'text': '2 mins', 'value': 97}, 'end_location': { 'lat': 44.84822339999999, 'lng': -0.5705307, }, 'html_instructions': 'Continue onto Quai ...', 'polyline': { 'points': '{mupGfjnBYFI@IBaAPUD{AX}@NK@]Fe@H ...', }, 'start_location': { 'lat': 44.8433375, 'lng': -0.5701161, }, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.5 km', 'value': 508}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 87}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.8523224, 'lng': -0.5678223}, 'html_instructions': 'Continue onto ...', 'polyline': { 'points': 'klvpGxlnBWEUGWGSGMEOEOE[KMEQGIA] ...', }, 'start_location': { 'lat': 44.84822339999999, 'lng': -0.5705307, }, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '28 m', 'value': 28}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 45}, 'end_location': { 'lat': 44.85245620000001, 'lng': -0.5681259, }, 'html_instructions': 'Turn left onto ...', 'maneuver': 'turn-left', 'polyline': {'points': '_fwpGz{mBGLADGPCFEN'}, 'start_location': { 'lat': 44.8523224, 'lng': -0.5678223, }, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.2 km', 'value': 176}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 31}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.8536857, 'lng': -0.5667282}, 'html_instructions': 'Turn right onto ...', 'maneuver': 'turn-right', 'polyline': { 'points': '{fwpGx}mB_@c@mAuAOQi@m@m@y@_@c@', }, 'start_location': { 'lat': 44.85245620000001, 'lng': -0.5681259, }, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.2 km', 'value': 172}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 28}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.8547766, 'lng': -0.5682825}, 'html_instructions': 'Turn left onto ... ', 'maneuver': 'turn-left', 'polyline': {'points': 'qnwpG`umBW`@UkDtF'}, 'start_location': { 'lat': 44.8536857, 'lng': -0.5667282, }, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '0.1 km', 'value': 101}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 17}, 'end_location': {'lat': 44.8554284, 'lng': -0.5673822}, 'html_instructions': 'Turn right onto ...', 'maneuver': 'turn-right', 'polyline': {'points': 'kuwpGv~mBa@q@cA_B[a@'}, 'start_location': { 'lat': 44.8547766, 'lng': -0.5682825, }, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, { 'distance': {'text': '15 m', 'value': 15}, 'duration': {'text': '1 min', 'value': 3}, 'end_location': { 'lat': 44.85540839999999, 'lng': -0.5672105, }, 'html_instructions': 'Turn right onto ...', 'maneuver': 'turn-right', 'polyline': {'points': 'mywpGbymBBC@C?E?C?E?EAC'}, 'start_location': { 'lat': 44.8554284, 'lng': -0.5673822, }, 'travel_mode': 'BICYCLING', }, ], 'traffic_speed_entry': [], 'via_waypoint': [], }, ], 'overview_polyline': { 'points': '}tspGxknBUoGi@LcDVe@_CW{Ba@sC[eA_@} ...', }, 'summary': 'Quai des Chartrons', 'warnings': ['Bicycling directions are in beta ...'], 'waypoint_order': [], }, ] @pytest.fixture def _fake_google_api(self, api_response, monkeypatch): """Patch out the call to the Google Maps Directions API.""" def directions(_self, *_args, **_kwargs): return api_response monkeypatch.setattr(googlemaps.Client, 'directions', directions) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_fake_google_api') def test_sync_instances_with_google_maps(self, db_session, path): """Call the method for a `Path` object without Google data.""" path.bicycle_distance = None path.bicycle_duration = None path._directions = None path.sync_with_google_maps() assert path.bicycle_distance == 9_999 assert path.bicycle_duration == 596 assert path._directions is not None @pytest.mark.usefixtures('_fake_google_api') def test_repeated_sync_instances_with_google_maps(self, db_session, path): """Call the method for a `Path` object with Google data. That call should immediately return without changing any data. We use the `path`'s "Google" data from above. """ old_distance = path.bicycle_distance old_duration = path.bicycle_duration old_directions = path._directions path.sync_with_google_maps() assert path.bicycle_distance is old_distance assert path.bicycle_duration is old_duration assert path._directions is old_directions class TestProperties: """Test properties in `Path`.""" def test_waypoints_structure(self, path): """Test `Path.waypoints` property.""" result = path.waypoints assert isinstance(result, list) assert isinstance(result[0], utils.Location) def test_waypoints_content(self, path): """Test `Path.waypoints` property.""" result = path.waypoints # There are 5 inner points, excluding start and end, # i.e., the `.first_address` and `second_address`. assert len(result) == 5 def test_waypoints_is_cached(self, path): """Test `Path.waypoints` property.""" result1 = path.waypoints result2 = path.waypoints assert result1 is result2