"""Factory to create scheduled `Order` instances.""" import datetime as dt import random import factory from tests import config as test_config from tests.db.fake_data.factories import utils from tests.db.fake_data.factories.orders import ad_hoc class ScheduledOrderFactory(ad_hoc.AdHocOrderFactory): """Create instances of the `db.Order` model. This class takes care of the various timestamps for pre-orders. Pre-orders are placed long before the test day's lunch time starts. All timestamps are relative to either `.dispatch_at` or `.restaurant_notified_at` and calculated backwards from `.scheduled_delivery_at`. """ # Attributes regarding the specialization of an `Order`: ad-hoc or scheduled. placed_at = factory.LazyFunction(utils.early_in_the_morning) ad_hoc = False # Discrete `datetime` objects in the "core" lunch time are enough. scheduled_delivery_at = factory.LazyFunction( lambda: random.choice( [ dt.datetime(*test_config.DATE, 12, 0), dt.datetime(*test_config.DATE, 12, 15), dt.datetime(*test_config.DATE, 12, 30), dt.datetime(*test_config.DATE, 12, 45), dt.datetime(*test_config.DATE, 13, 0), dt.datetime(*test_config.DATE, 13, 15), dt.datetime(*test_config.DATE, 13, 30), ], ), ) scheduled_delivery_at_corrected = False # Assume the `Order` is on time. first_estimated_delivery_at = factory.LazyAttribute( lambda obj: obj.scheduled_delivery_at, ) # Restaurant-related attributes restaurant_notified_at = factory.LazyAttribute( lambda obj: obj.scheduled_delivery_at - utils.random_timespan(min_minutes=45, max_minutes=50), ) # Dispatch-related attributes dispatch_at = factory.LazyAttribute( lambda obj: obj.scheduled_delivery_at - utils.random_timespan(min_minutes=40, max_minutes=45), )