"""Utilities used in all `*Factory` classes.""" import datetime as dt import random from tests import config as test_config def random_timespan( # noqa:WPS211 *, min_hours=0, min_minutes=0, min_seconds=0, max_hours=0, max_minutes=0, max_seconds=0, ): """A randomized `timedelta` object between the specified arguments.""" total_min_seconds = min_hours * 3600 + min_minutes * 60 + min_seconds total_max_seconds = max_hours * 3600 + max_minutes * 60 + max_seconds return dt.timedelta(seconds=random.randint(total_min_seconds, total_max_seconds)) def early_in_the_morning(): """A randomized `datetime` object early in the morning.""" early = dt.datetime(*test_config.DATE, 3, 0) return early + random_timespan(max_hours=2)