"""Fixtures for testing the entire package.

The ORM related fixtures are placed here too as some integration tests
in the CLI layer need access to the database.

import os

import pytest
import sqlalchemy as sa
from alembic import command as migrations_cmd
from alembic import config as migrations_config
from sqlalchemy import orm

from tests.db import fake_data
from urban_meal_delivery import config
from urban_meal_delivery import db

# The TESTING environment variable is set
# in setup.cfg in pytest's config section.
if not os.getenv('TESTING'):
    raise RuntimeError('Tests must be executed with TESTING set in the environment')

if not config.TESTING:
    raise RuntimeError('The testing configuration was not loaded')

@pytest.fixture(scope='session', params=['all_at_once', 'sequentially'])
def db_connection(request):
    """Create all tables given the ORM models.

    The tables are put into a distinct PostgreSQL schema
    that is removed after all tests are over.

    The database connection used to do that is yielded.

    There are two modes for this fixture:

    - "all_at_once": build up the tables all at once with MetaData.create_all()
    - "sequentially": build up the tables sequentially with `alembic upgrade head`

    This ensures that Alembic's migration files are consistent.
    # We need a fresh database connection for each of the two `params`.
    # Otherwise, the first test of the parameter run second will fail.
    engine = sa.create_engine(config.DATABASE_URI)
    connection = engine.connect()

    # Monkey patch the package's global `engine` and `connection` objects,
    # just in case if it is used somewhere in the code base.
    db.engine = engine
    db.connection = connection

    if request.param == 'all_at_once':
        connection.execute(f'CREATE SCHEMA {config.CLEAN_SCHEMA};')
        cfg = migrations_config.Config('alembic.ini')
        migrations_cmd.upgrade(cfg, 'head')

        yield connection

        connection.execute(f'DROP SCHEMA {config.CLEAN_SCHEMA} CASCADE;')

        if request.param == 'sequentially':
            tmp_alembic_version = f'{config.ALEMBIC_TABLE}_{config.CLEAN_SCHEMA}'
                f'DROP TABLE {config.ALEMBIC_TABLE_SCHEMA}.{tmp_alembic_version};',


def db_session(db_connection):
    """A SQLAlchemy session that rolls back everything after a test case."""
    # Begin the outermost transaction
    # that is rolled back at the end of each test case.
    transaction = db_connection.begin()

    # Create a session bound to the same connection as the `transaction`.
    # Using any other session would not result in the roll back.
    session = orm.sessionmaker()(bind=db_connection)

    # Monkey patch the package's global `session` object,
    # which is used heavily in the code base.
    db.session = session

        yield session


# Import the fixtures from the `fake_data` sub-package.

make_address = fake_data.make_address
make_courier = fake_data.make_courier
make_customer = fake_data.make_customer
make_order = fake_data.make_order
make_restaurant = fake_data.make_restaurant

address = fake_data.address
city = fake_data.city
city_data = fake_data.city_data
courier = fake_data.courier
customer = fake_data.customer
order = fake_data.order
restaurant = fake_data.restaurant
grid = fake_data.grid
pixel = fake_data.pixel