Alexander Hess da233e2e35
Set up pre-commit hooks
- add pre-commit and pre-merge hooks:
  + run `poetry run nox -s pre-commit` on staged *.py files
  + run common pre-commit hooks for validations that could not be
    achieved with tools in the develop environment so easily
  + run `poetry run nox -s pre-merge` before merges and pushes
- implement the "pre-commit" and "pre-merge" sessions in nox
  + include a little hack to deal with the positional arguments
    passed by the pre-commit framework
- provide more documentation on the nox sessions
2020-08-04 17:58:35 +02:00

53 lines
1.3 KiB

build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"
requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
line-length = 88
skip-string-normalization = true # wemake-python-styleguide enforces single quotes
target-version = ["py38"]
name = "urban-meal-delivery"
version = "0.1.0.dev0"
authors = ["Alexander Hess <alexander@webartifex.biz>"]
description = "Optimizing an urban meal delivery platform"
keywords = [
license = "MIT"
readme = "README.md"
homepage = "https://github.com/webartifex/urban-meal-delivery"
repository = "https://github.com/webartifex/urban-meal-delivery"
python = "^3.8"
# Task Runners
nox = "^2020.5.24"
pre-commit = "^2.6.0"
# Code Formatters
autoflake = "^1.3.1"
black = "^19.10b0"
isort = "^4.3.21" # TODO (isort): not ^5.2.2 due to pylint and wemake-python-styleguide
# (Static) Code Analyzers
flake8 = "^3.8.3"
flake8-annotations = "^2.3.0"
flake8-black = "^0.2.1"
flake8-expression-complexity = "^0.0.8"
flake8-pytest-style = "^1.2.2"
mypy = "^0.782"
pylint = "^2.5.3"
wemake-python-styleguide = "^0.14.1" # flake8 plug-in
# Test Suite
packaging = "^20.4" # used to test the packaged version
pytest = "^6.0.1"
pytest-cov = "^2.10.0"