- add new ORM models `ReplaySimulation` and `ReplayedOrder` to store the data generated by the routing simulations - add migrations script to create the corresponding database tables + create "replay_simulations" and "replayed_orders" tables + add missing check constraints to "orders" table + add unique constraint to "orders" table to enable compound key + drop unnecessary check constraints from the "orders" table - add tests for the new ORM models + add `simulation`, `replayed_order`, `make_replay_order()`, and `pre_order` fixtures + add `ReplayedOrderFactor` faker class - fix some typos
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120 lines
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"""Factory to create `Order` and `ReplayedOrder` instances."""
import datetime as dt
import factory
from factory import alchemy
from tests.db.fake_data.factories import utils
from urban_meal_delivery import db
class ReplayedOrderFactory(alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory):
"""Create instances of the `db.ReplayedOrder` model.
For simplicity, we assume the underlying `.order` to be an ad-hoc `Order`.
class Meta:
model = db.ReplayedOrder
sqlalchemy_get_or_create = ('simulation_id', 'order_id')
# Generic columns
# simulation -> set by the `make_replay_order` fixture for better control
# actual (`Order`) -> set by the `make_replay_order` fixture for better control
# `Order`-type related columns
ad_hoc = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda obj: obj.actual.ad_hoc)
placed_at = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda obj: obj.actual.placed_at)
scheduled_delivery_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.actual.scheduled_delivery_at,
cancelled_at = None
# Restaurant-related columns
estimated_prep_duration = 1200
restaurant_notified_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.placed_at
+ utils.random_timespan(min_seconds=1, max_seconds=30),
restaurant_confirmed_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.restaurant_notified_at
+ utils.random_timespan(min_seconds=1, max_seconds=60),
restaurant_ready_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.restaurant_confirmed_at
+ dt.timedelta(seconds=obj.estimated_prep_duration)
+ utils.random_timespan(min_seconds=300, max_seconds=300),
# Dispatch-related columns
dispatch_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.actual.placed_at
+ utils.random_timespan(min_seconds=30, max_seconds=60),
first_estimated_delivery_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.restaurant_notified_at
+ dt.timedelta(seconds=obj.estimated_prep_duration)
+ dt.timedelta(minutes=10),
# courier -> set by the `make_replay_order` fixture for better control
courier_notified_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.dispatch_at
+ utils.random_timespan(min_seconds=1, max_seconds=30),
courier_accepted_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.courier_notified_at
+ utils.random_timespan(min_seconds=1, max_seconds=60),
utilization = None
# Pickup-related columns
reached_pickup_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.restaurant_ready_at
+ utils.random_timespan(min_seconds=1, max_seconds=60),
pickup_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.reached_pickup_at
+ utils.random_timespan(min_seconds=30, max_seconds=60),
left_pickup_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.pickup_at
+ utils.random_timespan(min_seconds=30, max_seconds=60),
# Delivery-related columns
reached_delivery_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.left_pickup_at
+ utils.random_timespan(min_minutes=5, max_minutes=10),
delivery_at = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda obj: obj.reached_delivery_at
+ utils.random_timespan(min_seconds=30, max_seconds=60),
def post(obj, _create, _extracted, **_kwargs): # noqa:B902,C901,N805
"""Discard timestamps that occur after cancellation."""
if obj.cancelled_at:
if obj.cancelled_at <= obj.restaurant_notified_at:
obj.restaurant_notified_at = None
if obj.cancelled_at <= obj.restaurant_confirmed_at:
obj.restaurant_confirmed_at = None
if obj.cancelled_at <= obj.restaurant_ready_at:
obj.restaurant_ready_at = None
if obj.cancelled_at <= obj.dispatch_at:
obj.dispatch_at = None
if obj.cancelled_at <= obj.courier_notified_at:
obj.courier_notified_at = None
if obj.cancelled_at <= obj.courier_accepted_at:
obj.courier_accepted_at = None
if obj.cancelled_at <= obj.reached_pickup_at:
obj.reached_pickup_at = None
if obj.cancelled_at <= obj.pickup_at:
obj.pickup_at = None
if obj.cancelled_at <= obj.left_pickup_at:
obj.left_pickup_at = None
if obj.cancelled_at <= obj.reached_delivery_at:
obj.reached_delivery_at = None
if obj.cancelled_at <= obj.delivery_at:
obj.delivery_at = None