Merge branch "06-text" into "develop"
Summary of the merged in commits:
* f38a3d1: Adjust content overview in
* ffd407b: Add review and exercises for notebook 06
* e309f19: Add initial version of notebook 06
* 4838c07: Streamline previous content
Merge branch "05-numbers" into "develop"
Summary of the merged in commits:
* 61f6981: Add review and exercises for notebook 05
* 76350cf: Add section on the numeric tower
* dbc3a67: Streamline previous content
* 6bebe70: Adjust content overview in
* 4d6241c: Add initial version of notebook 05
* 3b28b8d: Streamline previous content
Merge branch "04-iteration" into "develop"
Summary of the merged in commits:
* 6385153: Add review and exercises for notebook 04
* 2c8ff65: Adjust content overview in
* a91aea1: Add initial version of notebook 04
* 250aa09: Streamline previous content
* 84e08d0: Move FizzBuzz exercise from chapter 01 to 03
Merge branch "03-conditionals" into "develop"
Summary of the merged in commits:
* 0b067ec: Add review and exercises for notebook 03
* e184511: Adjust content overview in
* 4e2b329: Add initial version of notebook 03
* 514b2da: Streamline previous content
Merge branch "02-functions" into "develop"
Summary of the merged in commits:
* 4643927: Adjust content overview in
* 0eb4b70: Add review and exercises for notebook 02
* 72db877: Add initial version of notebook 02
* ec3097e: Add the sample_package folder to the project
* c3fc760: Add to the project
* 22a85bc: Streamline previous content
* f606838: Add numpy to the dependencies
The sample_package folder serves as an example in notebook 02 as to what
a Python package looks like. Its contents actually belong to the chapter
on object-orientation.
Merge branch "01-elements" into "develop"
Summary of the merged in commits:
* b41c5b5: Adjust content overview in
* d90d90e: Add review and exercises for notebook 01
* 3ee72c0: Add review and exercises for notebook 00
* 387708f: Adjust content overview in notebook 00
* b538275: Add initial version of notebook 01
Merge branch "repo-instructions" into "develop"
Summary of the merged in commits:
* 33d6d91: Add course info to
* 318a5a8: Add a requirements.txt file